User Posts

GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
The cover artwork is art in it's truest and most beautiful form!
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
I simply love artbooks!
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Question: could we get the artbooks as some kind of deluxe editions with a hardcover alternative?
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
[syou] When Budding Lilies Blossom: Praise the yuri gods \o/
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
My response to this announcement: LOVELY!!!
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
It's official: the Fakku staff got annoyed by my constant demands for sequels and now wants to kill me by making sure my blood stays away from my brain... Not that I complain...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Dascomi: "The magazine aims to have a focus on multi-part series" - basically a magazine just for me...
Weekly Kairakuten: "but so is its focus on multi-part series" - damn... I can only get so hard...

On a side note: "oneshots have always been preferred over longer stories spanning several volumes" - the Goddess of Sequels and I say no...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Well... I'm used to the list layout so I cannot really say which one I would prefer without testing both...
On a side note: is it possible to bring back a grid with all thumbs of the story? In the process of upgrading the reader it somehow vanished and I miss it a bit...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
†žMale sure to make it a good comment“

Forum Image:

Can†˜t handle the pressure!!!
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
The struggle with every Yamatogawa book: buy the fakku version although I have the †ždeluxe“ second print of project h or not...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
My favorite tag is monster girl.

Monster girls are love. They are always there for us. They come in all forms and colors and still love us. So monster girls are the best. Praise the monster girls and make sweet love to them \o/
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Pun2001 wrote...
I'm having trouble reading manga right now. I click on one and it just refreshes the page.

I have the same problem...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Brittany wrote...
Nothing is more tempting than some sweet, sweet titty!

Can we get merch with that line? Please? Pretty please?
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Brittany wrote...
RozenLetter wrote...
YQII wrote...
I can reassure you that we're not ignoring the results of this poll. The poll was created only a week before Anime Expo, and I don't think we planned on making any announcements related to it during the event. However, we managed to get a confirmation on the PANDRA license sooner than expected, and were able to reveal that during our industry panel. This was a last minute decision, which is why we didn't even have a forum post prepared for it.

My earlier statement still stands: we plan on publishing the winner of the poll and potentially some of the other titles. Once everyone is back and recovered from Anime Expo, you can expect a proper announcement for PANDRA, and hopefully more as long as the license is secured by then.

So then what is the point of the poll? If you can just publish more than 1 book from that list anyway is there really any need for it? Other than looking at what people are interested in, which you already have a poll for in terms of genre, there's also the likely hood that a last place vote could win making everyone who votes pointless in the first place.

I think you could try and communicate better as a team and maybe hold off on announcements until you can sort out a proper update and explanation to avoid these types of situations because this makes me feel like there is no need for people to voice their opinions.

The loud voice in this thread was the need for more non-vanilla so we announced a non-vanilla title from this poll at the convention. Once everyone is back and recovered from the event we can go more into it.

But the demon lord book gets picked up too as it won the pool, right?
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
I can’t even throw a chair... too many great book announcements...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
I simply love the artist and his style of drawing and storytelling! Great choice!!!
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
In my blissful illusion I credit myself to an extent for this book anouncment as I got on everyone†˜s nevers by constantly asking for a Mizone book on the forums and in the comment section...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Jokke09 wrote...
Interesting in buying this in paper (I love Hisasi), have been going digital all this time. Anyone in Europe (Belgium even :p) experience with ordering?

German buyer here! I mostly bought the books on sales and I must say on the side of fakku they do a great job! On the side of the customs office you need... luck... The package going through the customs office regulary taxes about one week and in my case I must always drive to the customs office and pick up and pay the taxes there while other Germans seem to have had luck and the taxes were collected from the post man. And while I am picking up the books it depends heavily on the mood of the dude who calculates the taxes. Sometimes I get to pay 7% for mangas and sometimes 19% for porn...
If you have more questions you can pm me and we can talk in german.
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
smug fennec wrote...
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
It†˜s one of those books I craved so much because it included all-time favorite stories back from the times of scanlation reading. I actually have afeeling this will be the best sold book this year on fakku... which makes me wonder if fakku will release statistics of book release sells in the future. I would find it pretty interesting...
Isn't MEME50 quite famous is the west? Drawn by Brush released on January on Fakku so it has a whole year of sales.

I don†˜t know how the buying behavior for the books is. While sou got a point with the Brush book having a whole year of sales, it could also be that the sales are highest at the first day of pre-order and then are not that high or even irrelevant later on as most people already bought their copy. That†˜s why I would love to get some data on the book sales...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
It†˜s one of those books I craved so much because it included all-time favorite stories back from the times of scanlation reading. I actually have afeeling this will be the best sold book this year on fakku... which makes me wonder if fakku will release statistics of book release sells in the future. I would find it pretty interesting...