User Posts

Other : I like the up-beat type, something about them are attractive to me :)
4 years ago while randomly browsing through the web looking for H
stumbled this great site and have been visiting it almost every time.
Happy Birthday Fakku!
20 years old male from M`sia, come from the town of Ipoh and studying in medical line at Seremban.

Likes animes, light novel, H stuff, Weapons, photo editing, Gaming, world peace and Fakku
Akazukin Cha cha like way back when i was 6
still consider it one of the best classic i`ve watched
1. What ? i`m playing with myself

2. This is my 3.57 magnum

3. U Mad ?
3 language
grown up speaking country language
English when at college and work
Chinese since i have 50% chinese blood and decedent of chinese family
<<<<<<<<<<< Inaba of the earth and Moon
i just like eirin reaction towards reisen in this comic
i do pity reisen tho but still like them both XD
Manly tears always flow out when i play this game
Just a few month ago, I thought of finally meeting my GF again after a long month of practical working, but when i got back she ignored me for 2 whole month (imagine how patient i was) and i went back to my practical work for another 6 weeks. On the last week of my practicals this is the answer i get after continues questioning
"I`m getting engaged to someone else and i`m trying to forget about you, Sorry and bye"
I was super depressed that night and luckily my buddies were there and cheered me up all night playing MUGEN.
Yeah Shit happens in real life, just dont choose the wrong way to end your depression (suicide etc)
All hail maighty Jacob !!
SIG !!
I seperate animes and reality into 2 different things
i dont want my love for anime to ruin my life as an individual in a society. My girlfriend is also into animes but like me can differentiate it between reality.

Its not wrong to love animes/manga etc, just dont let it get on your mind too much or it will take over your mind fully ( and start living under the basement of your own home in your own self-made reality )
Monster Girl
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