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of all the levels of RBO that i play, i have to to say that sphinx level was the hardest ( traps,traps and lots of traps ) but the game does have a very cool soundtrack such as the one played in Prontera sewer and the sphinx itself.
3 players is always better than 1 :D
but the controls do get stuck sometimes when more than 1 player playing using the keyboard.
funny never thought that there are still ppl playing this game
i`m still playing this game until this day ( it really helps to release my boredem )

already played all the EX stage and arena modes, not to mention playing all the jobs and unlocking the novice class.

i even have a trainer for this game but only works with RBO EX3.
in my opninion, overall i like the whole coop and multiplayer of codwaw ( maintained the cod4 lvl up system although higher than cod4 )and the more violent effect when killing someone makes the game more realistic than any previous cod series.

Unfortunately single player and weapon variety is lacking, most of us can even predict what kind of weapon that might be available in codwaw. Single player storyline is also not as good as cod4.
loved this game, i enjoyed the game very much especially when special event occurs
I married Elie, the nurse.

lolz same here XD
Of all the MMO`s i played i cant decide which is the best
But for now i think Granado Espada is the best for me ( working person/student no time to grind 24/7 let the bot do thier stuff for me :twisted: )
been in those situation many times....

they`re saying that i`m using aimbot coz i can hit ppl so
accurately using just MP-5...

Lolz i mean come on just put on the red-dot sight and aim down ur sight and u`ll have a perfect shot both short and long range ( i shot in small burst for long range )

and throwing random grenades at a bunch of enemy`s and getting 2-3 kills is also considered a hack lolz, this ppl sure make me laugh

With CodWaW already come out ( lvl 57 ) i find it more fun when these kind of ppl start to flame me XD
I think alien really does exist,
The universe is such a big place, its really possible that
there are actually life on other galaxies.
My opinion though...there are still lot of skeptics out there >.>
Monster Girl
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