User Posts

Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Looky-tan wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...

Please calm down looky, it's not good for my heart lol (^^') *hugs*

How are you?

Nyuuuu no time to calm down!! Must enjoy Nee-san time!!
Forum Image:

I am okay Nee-san, just been overworked ^^;

*pats and hugs again*

Nah, just woke up a tiny bit ago so the sudden burst of energy made me dizzy @w@

I've noticed that on here, sorry they're working you so hard. Hopefully you get a nice break in the future (emphasis on the hopefully lol). How's tessa been doing?
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...

[color=#993300]Really REALLY enjoyed Fault! Cause I played tennis enough to know it all XD

lol, I'll have to learn to play tennis at some point. My bf is really into it and he loves to play with his co-workers/friends. I just worry my rageful competitive side will pop out and spoil the fun (>w<)

Rage=really scary misaki-demon xP

I was that person that was never fun to play with when things got competitive, so I try to just sit in the background cheering others on lol
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
SneeakyAsian wrote...

[color=#993300]Really REALLY enjoyed Fault! Cause I played tennis enough to know it all XD

lol, I'll have to learn to play tennis at some point. My bf is really into it and he loves to play with his co-workers/friends. I just worry my rageful competitive side will pop out and spoil the fun (>w<)

Looky-tan wrote...

Please calm down looky, it's not good for my heart lol (^^') *hugs*

How are you?
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Dr Shaneman wrote...
*hugs Misaki before bed*

*hugs back*

Sleep well Shane (^^)/

SneeakyAsian wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...

Meep (^w^) *translates to welcome back*

[color=#993300]Isn't that a Tony Taka avi?

mhmm, I was looking for some different wallpaper for my computer and ran across some of his art. I forgot just how lovely it is! (^^)

[color=#993300]Lovely=kinky right?

Definitely kinky, but his art is very nice. I like the innocent yet seductive eyes his characters have, the clean lines and the nice proportions/contours of his characters bodies. I really loved the one that is in my avi a lot. Something about wearing an oversized button down shirt is just sexy as hell to me (the bear added such a moe factor as well lol).
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...

Meep (^w^) *translates to welcome back*

[color=#993300]Isn't that a Tony Taka avi?

mhmm, I was looking for some different wallpaper for my computer and ran across some of his art. I forgot just how lovely it is! (^^)
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
SneeakyAsian wrote...

Meep (^w^) *translates to welcome back*
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
NutritiousGoop wrote...
I'd honestly like to meet one. I wouldn't give her a blowjob or anything. I already have a woman for that XD
But I would have some questions if it's alright with her, like


Have you ever gone in the boys room to use the urinal? I would just to see their reactions
So, the penis is basically a huge clit with the urethra attached? That's what I've heard.
You ever had both parts fucked at the same time? That must feel wonderful
Do you hide your penis or are you a proud hermaphrodite?
And other stupid things.

No offense, but you kind of sound like that creepy fan who gets too personal too fast....

Anyways, as other's are saying they are extremely rare and there hasn't been any proof of a true hermaphrodite in the sense that both sexual organs function/reproduce. I think the reason that chicks with dicks became a thing was the perverseness of the idea as well as the submissiveness of the female part vs the dominance of the male part. So basically odd yet erotic. They're entertaining to read sometimes, but if I were to know an actual hermaphrodite irl I doubt I would have a thing for them. I don't get aroused by vagina's, I like meh pensises lol.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
The staff knew that it was going to happen, but they were still going to make sure that those who bought the book in whatever form still got their merch. Doesn't really bother me that it happened. I've read Renai Sample in the past and when I saw it could be purchased on here, figured it was a good investment. I really like physical copies of books personally I moreso went for the physical (digital was just a bonus). I just sort of go with the joke that the people who are complaining about having to pay for porn are young kids that can't get the cash from their folks to buy the stuff/too embarrassed to own it lol.

I know I've streamed anime, read manga online for free, etc. I still try to buy the stuff when I can though. I think the only reason I even started to stream/read shit online was because some of the series I loved lost their license and/or funding and couldn't be further released in the US.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Finally was able to go to the grocery + I got steak for dinner (^w^)
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Coconutt wrote...
....but people still reflect on history and draw a sense of 'respect' and identity from what their parents and grand parents had to go through.

Sort of felt like personally continuing on with the whole 'respect' thing; not debating you lol.

Respect and pride for your culture, ethnicity, and race is different from feeling that one race is superior to another. I feel like people take this too far sometimes which can lead to prejudice.

I remember there was a kid a long time ago who would pick on me calling me a white bitch or a white cracker. I was getting really pissed off by it and asked him one day why he was so cruel and his response was that he thought that all white people should suffer just like his forefathers...

I also remember that my grandparents were pretty prejudiced. They use to throw the "N" word around and would say some pretty nasty things. I would ask my parents why they did this and they use to say that this is the stubbornness of the old generation; that I should never repeat their mistakes. Use to make me sad to hear my grandparents say such awful things about people they didn't even know.

This in turn made me question why it was okay for some people to say nigger and other's couldn't. To me just don't use the word if it means something bad. I don't see cunt as a good word to ever use and would never want to see it become a good word. Everyone's different on it, but even when I see it being used in a nonchalant way, all I can think to myself it just how terrible the word can be if used poorly (which in most cases is usually the matter).

I look back at history and think that any form of cruelty forced upon another is wrong, but I won't take what happened before my time and put it on others. I like people for who they are, not what they are; I look for people with that same mindset.

Basically racism is a form of hatred and hatred can in turn lead to nothing good. You just have to learn to be the bigger person through all of this and learn to forgive (you don't have to forget, but that doesn't mean you have to carry the grudge) and learn to respect where you can.

Note: I don't know if I'll respond much to this subject, I'm not very comfortable with the whole racism subject because this isn't how my mind functions. I really don't see people as a what, I just like people for being people. One part of me can understand because it's natural to feel spite towards others who make you feel inadequate for something that is apart of you. The other part of me doesn't understand because I'm not one to hold onto hatred. I am who I am and I just take life a day at at time; I do my best not to hold onto grudges and will do better for myself and others.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Hope everything works out for you senpai *hugs*

Hello Blinks how have you been doing?
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Tsamari wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Lurks in tech cloud (*w*)

[color=#ff69b4]You really like doing that, don't you?

*nod nod* (^w^)

How are you?

[color=#ff69b4]I've been fine I guess.

How are you doing with that test of yours?

Doing well, scores are steadily improving which is making me feel a bit better. Need to tackle medicine stuff tonight, but I was hungry and needed a break lol.

I saw on here you mentioned maybe going back to school?
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Tsamari wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Lurks in tech cloud (*w*)

[color=#ff69b4]You really like doing that, don't you?

*nod nod* (^w^)

How are you?
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Lurks in tech cloud (*w*)
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
I've been hacked before, but as a sick joke via a nasty roommate during college dorm life. So even if you don't put any personal info out there shit can happen.

Basically put what you feel comfortable with, if you are someone who get's threatened or hurt easily then you'd probably just stick to keeping more private, because anything you say can be used against you. Basically your first name, age, general location (such as the state you are from, not the city nor address), likes/dislikes is fine. Personal life stories is fine, but again keep to yourself if you're sensitive.

Addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc shouldn't be public. Freaky s advice is good advice to follow as well. Post pic's at your discretion (nudes will come back to haunt you so think before you post).
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
^ graduating from college with my parents and boyfriend there to watch and cheer me on. Never knew I could be that happy lol
< slept very well this morning
v is there something you cannot stand to eat or drink?
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Dr Shaneman wrote...
What I imagine Misaki to be like.
Forum Image:

Saw this earlier and me like \(^w^)/
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
To answer the second part of your question PM or email Jacob for the name change.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
For music I just use this:

Also have a program called Free Video Downloader that works well.

Other then that just google "download youtube free online" or "youtube to mp3"
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
GamingNerd wrote...
Must've missed the memo or something, but does anyone know why I would get "fakku is under maintenance screen" when trying to view this or that? But often I can access teh rest of teh site with ease.

Just a common forum bug that pops up. All you can do is work around it by either refreshing or clicking your way back to the area you want to go. The bug is more apparent in this section of the forums.