User Posts

Pretty good. Eyes at the top need to be re-done.
Looks like a shirt I'd wear to bed and leaving the house for a short time.
Mine is just going to be my Video Game specific Dream Team of ass kickers

Batman, Kratos, Alex Mercer, Solid Snake, and John Marston.

Snake is initial infiltration and recon
Batman Flanks and secures the objective with support from Snake
Kratos and Alex Mercer charge
John Marston for long range support
I'd buy a 3DS before I bought that thing. Unless they come up with like a belt with a pouch made specifically for it.
Very cool avatar pic.
Well it wasn't that story, that's for sure. The story was good, gave me wood. I saw a crushed head on Facebook, more grossed out then scared though. I can't really think of the last time I was afraid of anything. I'm not saying I'm fearless of course, far from it, it's just been a while.
Destiny ViDoc

New gameplay for the moon

12 minutes of gameplay was released. I don't like the floaty combat but the nighttime gameplay looks like it could be super fun.

I think it's stupid. Faces need to be punched.
Money is the gateway to happiness, because're just some homeless dude. Nobody likes homeless dudes, not even homeless dudes.

Anybody who says otherwise is still under the false pretense that human life and feelings are actually worth something.
Has a cute and kind of funny sig gif.
ExHentai links always send me to a pic of a sad panda next to a flower. I can't fap to that.
I saw the anime...because of that tits gif...
Welcome to Fakku fella.
Dancing gif makes me want to punch somebody.
I'd kill myself just to escape the situation, who knows what happens when the other person stays. Suicide is actually the easy option once you stop being so self centered.
I deflected a religious debate with my grandma as a gentleman should.
I just completed Dragon Age Origins Awakening, the expansion for Dragon Age Origins.
Wonderful just like the original, despite its need for polish it is still my favorite RPG of its kind.

I also finished Bulletstorm last night and was disappointed. Glitches, terrible humor(besides Sarrano who was wonderfully hilarious),and the repetition made me unhappy having to play this game and wishing it was just end in the final hour or so. I did enjoy the combat for a while although it was a bit shallow for my tastes as I pulled off a few combos that I was sure would have been accounted for but just ended up giving me the standard 10. All in all I'm very glad I waited for this to hit the bargain bin, although I'm still not sure it was worth it.

Now on to Demon's Souls...
My third waifu claim is stolen away by, Olivier Mira Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

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I still love that avi.