User Posts

OtomeDori is NTR
Ammy wrote...
monpekokero wrote...
Is this game a continuation of a series?? I've been thinking of getting this one along with a few others...

Nope, it's not a continuation. It's made by NIS though so it's similar to Disgaea and Z.H.P.

Ok thanks that's good news I really wanted this one of the three I saw.
Is this game a continuation of a series?? I've been thinking of getting this one along with a few others...
Well I've never been too social in the real world, I'm basically socially inept. When I'm not on the internet I'm either playing video games or working out.
I generally don't like NTR but I'll fap to it if the boobs align just right.
I however can't stomach guro, as far as scat goes, I don;t like it but if it's minimal I can keep trucking.

Loli is good in my book though.
This song

So I've been looking around the net and that is not the right name of that song. However I need to find the name some way. If anybody has a method or something they could do or tell me I would very much appreciate it.
Star Wars Battlefront
Monster Hunter's been a while I'll try to remember more later.
For me it's gayer than hell. It's basically butt-sex in my book. However I love futa. The whole male consciousness dynamic is too much for me though, I don't approve of watching homosexual relations.
Never underestimate Microsoft and remember, most of the stuff at that event was either not final or just hype. I am a Sony-boy but Microsoft probably has something in the works to try and blow Sony out of the water. They know how to get idiots to buy their stuff so they should be ok.
Well go on and get active fella...they'll be watching though so be careful...Welcome!
Well everything should turn out alright as long as you have a feasible plan Red. Except the 49ers, you SOL there buddy.
Alright then melon. Have a nice time in the forums...or else you son of a bitch... Welcome!
Shave her bald and smash her glasses. Anything to get that smile off her face.
I gotta say after that trailer Watch Dogs has rocketed up to about number 2 on my PS4 must buy list, Number 1 being Infamous Second Son.
Well I am a very happy camper after all that hype!
2 more at the time of this post
blackdeathgrips wrote...
monpekokero wrote...
Well outside of all this "I'm so pro I don't get excited about anything"

Like I said, I'm a sarcastic asshole.

Doesn't mean that I'm not excited, I'm just giving a really negative and egotistic view on the whole thing because I tend to be pretty narcissistic in nature anyway, so I just let that nature show.
And I'm not making fun of Infamous (I loved the first game actually) in that particular part, I'm making fun of the guy from Sucker Punch and how he seemed so teary eyed and depressed when he was talking about the game.

Yeah I saw the sarcastic part. I tried my hand at it but I suppose I failed.
Well outside of all this "I'm so pro I don't get excited about anything"
Infamous Second Son???
Diablo 3 coming to PS3 and PS4?
The new UI?
Being able to spectate gaming on another console and take control?
The share button?
Did you fucking see Watch Dogs?!?!!?!?
Forum Image:
Hope you have a nice time Bramble. Welcome!
Django Unchained
Wonderfully wonderful movie, a few things were unnecessary, like the horse dance at the end. However I really did enjoy it as I love watching Leonardo DiCappacino be an unstable villain. He really stole the show
