User Posts

Can we just keep the color as white? No reason to go to a strange color besides I dont need bugs.
The problem is , we dont understand what it really means to wear a dress. Act nice , act calmly , act good 24/7
This movement is not a NEW thing and will never be NEW. Its been going on for a very long time.

Good Job teaching kids how to be better. Please tell them how to worship anime and fapping skills which they all must learn.
Changing my AVI to fit my retarded screen name < that i love > , heavy drug use.
Running into super evil things. Waking up from a nightmare. Derp encounters.
Derp derp derp derp derp.
Do you like my NEW AVI ???
Its full of DERP.
Please dont laugh at me.
I have 3 knives. No guns owned but the last one I had got turned into a paper-weight.
Please dont move this to IB.
I need the posts.
please dont rape a little girl that looks like barbie.
sigh............... just buy a bunch of fans for about 2,000 yen .... i think < opps epic fail again >
yes that is funny to be bitchin at her age.
just kick her around until she learns.
I have 2 dogs and they are so dumb being chained up all day long for parts of food.
Cats do what they want when they want.
< hic hic kinda drunk >
Darkhilt wrote...
Sell her into the sex industry. Tell the police and your mother it was a kidnapping. Buy an air conditioner and bribe the police if the investigation starts heading in your direction and use the rest of the money to pay for the electricity bill and more animu accessories.

You can't sell a woman into sexual industry. She must believe its OK to be a slave , first.
I dont think < opps epic fail but i will continue > its not important what you feel about age. Its what you did when you was at that point.
REtrain you children to be gay/lesbian.
Buy 3 fans and call it a day.
I am going to Random and such to raise my posts up.
You will miss me for the next few weeks.
Later , boys.
- We put so much stress on our ' women ' as it is -
To look sluty. To act sluty. To be sluty. Just to get ahead in life.
Its total BS to downgrade our women and then get mad when they dont want you.
So you turn into a NEWFAG becuase you cant keep up with them or act in their super fast ways.
I rest my case.
It's sad ,
When the world is searching for losers and they find them.
Go to church and pound your bibles and call yourself a winner.
My love was first , ANIME < as a child >
My interests became , Hentai < when I found out I could express myself better >

American cartoons have no TOPICS , no PLOTLINES , just silly humor from the 1960's.
Go jump on a telephone-phone , you anti-H , losers.
4/20 is over.
So you can't stop wishing the whole wide world will be covered in greeny-leaves.
Derp DR;TL