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welcome to fakku, so, you're a translator huh?
Ryssen wrote...
Sekketsubyo wrote...
Ryssen wrote...
Maybe i should change this, from a Matisse & Sadko thread into a Techno/Electro thread. So we can post loads of good shit.

yeah, I think so too, I'm sure people here want to post & hear some good shit, I'm on you as one of electro fans! XD

So did you like them?
Also should i do like a masterlist full of good techno songs?


Yeah, I've listened to "We're not alone" ft. Ollie James, seriously they're doing good at it and sounds fresh too, I like them, well pretty much anything electro.

I think yea too, but we should leave some to another ppl that might want to post something on this thread, so a lot feedback would do it.
you know the cure yourself, call some of your friends, maybe your collegemates? or childhood friends? anyone's good, go with someone in your free days, chat with someone, maybe that'll help you bit by bit, gaining courage into your life is only a simple matter but rather something hard to do, communicate, and you'll feel alot better.

there's point when you realize the importance of existence/actualities, like it or not, we can't hide ourselves and throw ourselves from the RL, obviously it's everyone ultimate purpose.

Abraham Maslow Theory of human needs:
1. Fisiology needs
2. Safety
3. To be loved and loving someone
4. To be appreciated
5. Self-actualization

Forget about the theory and blah2, it's up to you to decide, the number 5 there is, few people could achieve it, go with the nummber 3 first, sorry if my post is bothersome, btw I'm here because I have the same problem as you did, we do it here, that's sharing..
Ryssen wrote...
Maybe i should change this, from a Matisse & Sadko thread into a Techno/Electro thread. So we can post loads of good shit.

yeah, I think so too, I'm sure people here want to post & hear some good shit, I'm on you as one of electro fans! XD
PrincessTristan wrote...
Sekketsubyo wrote...
you should have to open yourself up first, before you approach her, make sure you're act as natural as possible, as who you are..

that way maybe she could understand you and convey each others feeling.

learn/act to be a bit foolish is OK, as long as you feel comfortable of yourself, and makes you happy inside!

Thanks for the encouragement. It really is hard for me to open up to other people since I have been so isolated as a child.

I mean as far as I know she only appreciates me at the moment for my competence at what I do. I really want her to see a side of me I don't normally show people. I really want her to know who I am inside.

yeah, that is what you should show to her, but in your case, maybe she's already understands what kind of person you are, think of what if she really had a feeling for you?

if she won't admit it first, why don't you? you can try many ways, anything's fine, do it your own style, how if you do something stupid in front of her? or spouting jokes? my advice is, find a bit more about her, to know what will move her heart, don't ever make any unmoving act. Most importantly, if you know her problems that other don't, you could do that and thus she will open up to you, when the time comes you just have to add a counteract.

Convey your problems, that is, when she had open up to you..

that's the least i could give, I was known to working on issues like this, so I would like to be corrected. Btw, I know you could do it!
Maybe the way you led your life before conflicted with her persona, I think she is a honest person and able to open to you once you could touch her heart, I think she has many talents and interest, you should have to open yourself up first, before you approach her, make sure you're act as natural as possible, as who you are..

that way maybe she could understand you and convey each others feeling.

learn/act to be a bit foolish is OK, as long as you feel comfortable of yourself, and makes you happy inside! good luck!
Oh okay, one night I was sleeping (forgot when it was) and then entering some kind of weird dream, I was floating in the dark street (middle of nowhere?) and then I saw many ghost beside me, some of them giggling and sneering at me, I was so damn scared and was about to wake up, but then something pierces right through my chest and guess? blood runs out from my chest, I feel the pain, but cannot scream or resist it, a moment later I woke in the side of the lake and find someone pushed me into the lake, that moment, I woke up..

after that nightmare, I had a fever for about 3 days, seems like it was a "night terror".
Printed materials does look more natural and that has been identified since long ago, back then, people write things with the media of rocks or dry leaves (in my country), it's way of interpret someone's ideal, then it was a dynamical evolution towards our intelligence.

hence E-books does have the convenience side on it, it's up to you to choose between them, for all I know E-books does have the positive side, that they're not using any wooden material known as papers, thus they're more nature friendly in some way.
I'll say brother and sister, especially not blood related, also long separated siblings would do okay for me.
My GF often do it for me, yeah, having someone do it for you, save some energy.
Welcome to FAKKU!

I myself always watch anime & manga daily, whenever I have to go college, I listen to vocaloids and stuff, everything in my life is otaku related, luckily lot of my friends share the same hobbies, the more the merrier!
Ryssen wrote...
Sekketsubyo wrote...
Gonna listen it! I like every single bit of electronic musics..

I can't listen to them now. I'll do it tomorrow! ^^

Also give me your feedback about Matisse & Sadko!

Will do! in fact I'm downloading them now.

It's 3:25 AM in my country, I'll take some sleep now..

See ya tomorrow and I'll be sure helping this thread!
Welcome to the forums! and enjoy your stay!
Gonna listen it! I like every single bit of electronic musics..

If you didn't know before, there's a genre called Nu dance/Indie dance, some of the artist were managed under Kitsune records, and there's some other who made it on Beatport list..

Here's some from Lo-fi-fnk:

and Crystal Castles:

okay that's some example, hoped you liked it!


these two stuck on my head right now..

and this one from Megurine Luka is pretty good, suits my mood!

Unfortunately it has only 155 viewers.. Megu deserves more I guess..
Gravity cat wrote...

Forum Image:

Do people seriously not check the Ecchi tag?

yeah.. perhaps, shit happens dude, shit always do happens..