4 years ago
They aren’t twins though.
The guy has an incredible amount of patience.
4 years ago
When will Tayu Tayu be released?
4 years ago
That reminded me way too much of the Family Guy episode Prick Up Your Ears... Oh God...

Last Modified Mon Apr 6, 2020, 1:41 pm

On page 6 I was thinking “is this girl about to go yandere?” Turned out alright though.
4 years ago
Stories like this remind me of my original social cast. Social rules for absolutely everything. Makes me want to cringe.
First for my brand new collection: Fiancé. Although I have a suspicion that’s not going to last very long. With that kids stamina, the titles of husband and wife won’t be too far along.
Didn’t have the sexy outcome; but I have had to deal with robbers before. A knee to the nuts followed by a kick in the face did the trick.
That teacher is really stupid. If he keeps pushing in that manner; they’ll be sure to have a bun in the oven in no time.
4 years ago
If only he had taken the initiative from the start. He would have had himself a harem by now.
4 years ago
Guy has more patience than most of us. I am certain that I would have absolutely zero.
4 years ago
Souls who were once drawn together tend to draw together again. -Anonymous

I get that vibe here.
4 years ago
Oh God, her face on page 24...
Get a clue you lucky brat.
Reminds me of 物語ã¯ãƒˆã‚·ãƒ­ã‚¦ãŒã€ã‚­ãƒ£ãƒ³ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒã‚¦ã‚¹ã‚’ã€æ›¸ããŸï¼ï¼

I love being able to speak Japanese, but enough of my gloating. This story reminds me of a little bit of Candy House!! @Jacob, any chance of getting that one?
Don’t.. Don’t.. Don’t.. Don’t ever think of money when dating someone... ever... Not being idealistic...
Serialize please!! Want to see what 肋骨先生 can come up with.
4 years ago
Please tell me I am not the only one who thought †˜Pokémon’ when reading that title?
4 years ago
Boy needs to get a clue before things turn yandere.