6 years ago
One thing I’ve learned about Homunculus is that the art style makes it difficult to take his non-vanilla work seriously. It’s just too damn cute.
I do not use them, but needs a condom tag.
It’s about bloody time someone set off that depth charge. Touché Monsieur touché.

Last Modified Mon Oct 9, 2017, 2:05 pm

6 years ago
My only comment to that is life throws curveballs every so often. Some good and some bad. In this very rare case, blackmail saved her quite a bit of grief
Traditions are good when they are productive. This tradition has the potential to be productive in more than one way.

Last Modified Mon Oct 28, 2019, 4:29 pm

6 years ago
Sometimes the reward is worth the risk. In my hometown I’ve had two friends who married their childhood sweethearts. Having seen one of the weddings, I’d say the 10 years of dating was worth the marriage and two children they have now.

Last Modified Fri Oct 6, 2017, 12:12 pm

6 years ago
A nice start, but I need a sequel, Kirihara. It left me with so many unanswered questions.
There are times when you don’t ask questions. The last page is one of them.
6 years ago
Yeah, when an ex screws up, it usually hits them like a train. Unfortunately I have witnessed friends have bad experiences over an ex. I'm gonna leave it at that .

Last Modified Sat Sep 16, 2017, 11:01 am

6 years ago
When stuff like this happens, the true measure of a person is how they react afterward. Would like a sequel to see if this relationship blossoms.
Japan is within range of thermonuclear weapons and Makoto wants to poke fun at Trump and Kim Jong-un.... I will never understand people sometimes.
Did you just create a Polynesian tribe that has "UTU BOOK" as their chant?
Am I the only one who finds the collar hot?

Last Modified Mon Aug 28, 2017, 11:37 am

Same thing happened back in my hometown.
6 years ago
And so a new chapter of life begins.
Anyone reminded of Pollinic Girls??
You'd be surprised.
Fun Sex fact: Tying your partner to a bed and blind folding them is a great way increase the trust and bond you share with each other. Tease their erogenous zones as they squirm in your love knots.