[Locked] Happy Holidays with a 2012 End-of-Year Mega Giveaway!

Hiyas and I'm thankful for having loving support from all angles, because without that I wouldn't have discovered this website or what direction I was heading <(=^.^=)>/
Hey what's up I'm thankful I have a place I can come to to vent like FAKKU this hasn't been a bright year for me but hopefully with the new year things will turn up as long as FAKKU is still workin hard and puttin out these fantastic scans I feel like there's still hope and I can keep moving forward with my life so thank u guys for ur hard work and for giving me something to look forward to Even if I don't win I really appreciate the fact that someone has taken the time to even read my post thanks for the dedication sincerely Kyrext and to all the guys at FAKKU happy new year!!! Oh yea and I'm also thankful the world did not end on 12/21/2012 and thankful for Jesus Christ . Happy holidays!!!!
I am thankful for my amazing friends who always make me laugh and the amazing things we do!
I'm thankful for so many things. This year has had it's many ups and downs but, was full of many wonderful experiences. I'm thankful for having such a great mom who despite the struggles, tries her best for me and my brothers. I'm thankful for the friends who have stuck by me and helped me when life decided to kick my ass. I'm thankful for being able to go college and pursue my dreams, hopefully making a living out of it. I'm just happy to be alive, do what I love, enjoying life with the people I love.

Happy Holidays everyone, and a happy new year!

Stay classy Fakku.
I am thankful of my beloved mother, for putting up with me during my horrible moments and of course, my shenanigans.
I am thankful for having expensive things that I really don't need. Like a nice phone, a computer, and a nice TV.

I am forever grateful to Jacob and the rest of the Fakku! team for bringing quality Hentai free of charge. Presented in a well build website with a great community.
I'm thankful for the Fakku staff for managing to keep this site running for so many years. Thanks for providing us all with such great content for the past few years, and I hope you will continue to do so for many years to come :)
~Thanks for the contest too, you guys are bros.
I am thankful for being able to still enjoy everything that is great in the world :D

And a happy new year to all of you!
I'm thankful I'm still on this earth and thankful I can think for myself. I'm also thankful for scanners. haha
I am thankful for knowing that im not alone in the world. Being able to be in a community that loves this kind of website. Not being ridiculed or humiliated that i read doujinshis. I feel at home with these people.
I'm thankful that I have a great family that supports me. I'm thankful that I'm relatively healthy and happy. And I'm thankful that I'm alive to see another wonderful year. (Unless I die today. I hope not.)
I am thankful to have a wife who loves to "use" this website as much as I do.
i am thankful for my famile and friends
I'm thankful for simply being alive, having had a few medical issues this year and a family member passing. I'm learning to take each day one step at a time and just enjoy it.
what im thankful for, obviously for fakku, and translators
what i'm thankful for is meeting Jacob not once but Twice
Ironically wearing my Mario Cosplay at both Ota kon and
Anime Boston

The 1st time was @ Ota con wich was also my 1st convention
that made my 1st con more memorable for me.

The 2nd time was @ Anime Boston where I finally got him
the Coffee I promised last time we met, it was convenient
the Convention had a Dunkin Donuts there

Jacob also gave me and my friend a Fakku pin for free.

I'm also thankful for the Doujins I purchased on Black Friday
and made a steal of $70.00 (Excluding shipping ).
I'm thankful for being a part of this digital age where I can communicate with someone across the globe, or learn what I ever I wanted to know at the pressing of a few buttons and a few clicks here and there.
of course im thankful for fakku i honestly dont know whatd id do eithout fakku keep doing ehat you guys are doing :D
i am thankful for my family
I'm thankful for my girlfriend who puts up(and sometimes enjoys) my perverted side. I don't know what I'd do without her.