How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

Total Votes : 5,244
...Wow... I'm quite surprised... I expected majority of the users in Fakku to have been at least 7-20...

In my case, I think i've been to about 14 or more events in my life... actually lost count...

Trust me. Go to 1 event, and odds are, you'll want to go to another...
15, most of them here in Japan, some of them from other countries like Philippines and Singapore. Not planning on going to any other con for the next 2 years. Spent a GREAT DEAL in all of those. Better save some more.

I'm surprised a lot hasn't gone to one yet, and not planning to go even! You're missing out on a lot of fun, like special maid cafes and stuff. I even got to meet Nanase Ohkawa! (Writer of Clamp) and didn't even noticed till the end of the Con.
I never really had the chance to go to one. None locally anyway. Once the chance arises I will attend one. I will make sure of it!
Hopefully I'm able to one this year.
Every year at least once since 2004; all up, at least 20 to date.
I've never been to a convention but I'd like to go.
Nikon wrote...
I see that some people don't want to go to an anime convention. Why's that? Too expensive/too many geeks/sounds boring/all of the above?

I'm not sure how anime conventions usually are, but I went to one that was held in the Los Angeles convention center once with a few friends. It just wasn't my thing. Just like while I enjoy reading manga and watching anime, I never ended joining a club that was based around anime. I don't really enjoy manga/anime as a conversational topic I guess...
Only been to 2 in the last 2 years but plan to go more.
Never been but would like to some day.
All the time to lol at failed cosplays.
Never, and don't plan to.
It's pretty sad. I've been an otaku since the mid 90's, but finally last year went to a con - Anime Blues in Memphis. Most of it has been my inability to actually set the time aside to go with work and such. I have plans to attend Anime Blues again though this year in the summer.
I've been to about 8 con a year for the last 4 years. So I've been to 30 plus or minus a few.
So far I've been to Ichibancon and Nekocon, and I'm planning to go to Animazement this year.
T_T...I have never been to one, but wants to go to one very badly...
3 times and plan on going to Anime Boston.
I'm actually surprised by the results it makes me feel good knowing there are many others who wish to attend at least one or two conventions.
I've always wanted to to to one but i never have the time to :(
I've been to one. Hoping to go again next year.
I'd love to go to one but I don't think there's any anime cons around my area. And if I wanted to go, I'd have to drive a million miles to just to attend one. x_x