If you had a million dollars...

time to get one of those otaku houses.....
Silverhumanity, is your avatar the creatures from Welcome to the NHK anime? I LOOOOOOOOVE that anime! You sir are awesome!

1 million dollars in today's economy (for fellow USA-dwellers) isn't exactly that substantial. People assume that having a million dollars will enable them to be "set for life". This isn't true.

If I myself had 1 million dollars the very first order of business would be to purchase a new car. I wouldn't purchase anything ridiculous, or expensive, or even brand new. I'd purchase a car that works so I can drive to and from work without concern. I'd also purchase a very SMALL house that I can afford to pay the utilities and other expenses on, most-likely a cost-efficient 1 to 2 bedroom.

The rest I'd put into a savings for "emergency money" and continue on about my life as normal.
Actually, I remember a manga cafe up for sale near my aunt's house back in Japan....
It's mine!
Vegas baby!!! xD

or invest, either way I would try to make more

I'd get a treadmill desk, a nice-long-lasting laptop, a mediocre car which would last through college, and student debts.

Maybe some videos games, who knows?
A million is hardly anything these days. i could burn through that in a few weeks easy. i'd buy some shit for myself, but blow most of it on my friends. toys and shit for their kids. drugs, food, alcohol, and more toys for the adults.
I'd buy a library of Books for all the ones I've ever read or wanted to read in HIGH QUALITY and classics, signed versions, etc. :)
Invest it all into research that would go to the development of new replacement bodies for humans. (and a loli one for me)

Ofcourse, I don't think just a million dollars would make much of a dent there... but every little bit helps.
I really don't know since money is something I don't really care about much. No I'm not rich and I know it's important but I don't really care much about it. Nice to be an Aquarius huh? But on a serious note I'll probably buy some of the cars that I've been interested in and have some left over for emergencies or whatever. I don't see much point in $70 jeans or $100 shoes so I'll probably have lots left to do various things with. Maybe buy a house (nothing crazy just simple and to the point) go on a vacation or whatever I'm in the mood for.
First, I would buy a small appartment in the center of the town I currently live in. Prefferably top floor.

Then I woul buy another, bigger house on the coutryside and fill it with the weirdest junk.
Actually, if you think about it, a million dollars isn't that much these days.

But yeah, I'd probably buy myself a motorcycle, a speedster, invest in my studies and buy myself some of the things I wanted for quite some time, unnecesary but still wanted
*Dead Serious* That's a no brainer. First, I would go to the bank with my 1 million dollars and ask the teller that annoys me the most and to cash it all in pennies. Then, I would somehow get the pennies home (Dump truck or something). I would then spend some of those pennies to build an in-ground pool. (I'm sure you can see where this is going). I would take the rest of the pennies and fill the pool with them. Then I would party 'till I'm purple.

...As you can probably tell, I'm not very good at saving money. Or doing the so called "Financially stable option" or whatever...
I would buy an R35 skyline and a nice house, then invest the rest in a retirement fund.
I'd put up my own business so I can make the money grow.

Travel the world.

Donate to charity.
I will first make a legit business. After I find it blooming well, I will then be able to buy the things I wanted before. I will be traveling around the world, while at the same time, writing my own novel. I will spend the rest of my life being a philanthropist along with my wife.
Knowing me, I'll just dump those in bank for interest, and use whatever I need to get a PhD yak yak, all those stuff.

I like my life of learning.
Another route to take. Buy a tank and become the badass of the work place.
Yes, T-72s are for sale
Forum Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/T-72M2.jpg
drunk myself to death, because it's not happening.
Monkey D Badass wrote...
*Dead Serious* That's a no brainer. First, I would go to the bank with my 1 million dollars and ask the teller that annoys me the most and to cash it all in pennies. Then, I would somehow get the pennies home (Dump truck or something). I would then spend some of those pennies to build an in-ground pool. (I'm sure you can see where this is going). I would take the rest of the pennies and fill the pool with them. Then I would party 'till I'm purple.

...As you can probably tell, I'm not very good at saving money. Or doing the so called "Financially stable option" or whatever...

I'm pretty sure that's not physically possible....
Not sure if you have seen Office Space but if you have you know what I mean