One insignificant thing that made your day better

My crack whore neighbor is moving; 2 down, 1 to go!
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
My girlfriends strawberry shampoo, smells so sweet~
Gravity cat the adequately amused
According to the work rota, my manager's off on holiday starting next week for 2 weeks.

This pleases me because I have the distinct feeling she doesn't like me. I have nothing against her, but it's awkward being around someone who seems to just about tolerate you being there. And being a newbie there, that feeling isn't helped by the mistakes I still keep making. Mind you I don't get told things until after I've made said mistakes, so, you know.

Dark Anon wrote...
My crack whore neighbor is moving; 2 down, 1 to go!

Torch the house. Make it look like an accident.
I'm halfway finished with setting up my first RP.
Official graduation today!!! xD
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Today in general was a good day.

Got 2 LOTR posters and 2 Sports Direct mugs for free, bunch of other things and I just generally felt in a good mood. Always good.
I got to sleep in. Always the best way to start the day.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
A while back I found out why Robot Wars went into the shitter.

The BBC tried too hard to turn it into a reality show, released magazines detailing fight results which hadn't been aired yet because the BBC in their infinite wisdom prioritised Golf over it, shit advertising, the producers imposing ridiculous rules on it like "only active weapons allowed", so static weapon users weren't allowed to compete, which meant big names like Stinger and Storm II were affected, and Tornado couldn't use its ram. The ratings continuously dropped until the BBC palmed it off onto Channel 5, with promises that they'd do something with it. They didn't, because some guy didn't like it so kept moving its scheduling around so less people could watch it. That and because not everyone had Channel 5 at the time, the viewers dropped even more and eventually the series was just axed altogeher.

I knew none of this until about a month ago.
found and got myself an MG Turn X.

Forum Image:
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Slept for 15 hours straight. Feeling back to 100% after being up for over 36 hours.
Sleep. Lots and lots of sleep (=w=)
[color=#993300]That makes 7 drawings in a year, new record
Work went by really fast, and rush hour traffic could've been worse.
Finally beating VR mission 18 on Metal Gear Rising after three straight days of endless retries and raging.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Yay!~ I my GF bought me my birthday present. I mean, I have no idea what it is or where she put it but I know she had it delivered...
Muahahahaa, YES!! My super nerdy brofriend fixed my phone after i dropped it in the lake while being drunk! HAHAAAA No need to waste €€€ on a new phone!
Bought some stuff at the store and the clerk messed up and got a movie and my new underwear for free lol.
Gravity cat wrote...
According to the work rota, my manager's off on holiday starting next week for 2 weeks.

This pleases me because I have the distinct feeling she doesn't like me. I have nothing against her, but it's awkward being around someone who seems to just about tolerate you being there. And being a newbie there, that feeling isn't helped by the mistakes I still keep making. Mind you I don't get told things until after I've made said mistakes, so, you know.

Dark Anon wrote...
My crack whore neighbor is moving; 2 down, 1 to go!

Torch the house. Make it look like an accident.

My big brother is having the same problem with his supervisor (he works in retail) he's been investigated twice and he's pretty sure the manager and supervisor don't like him, believe me I've been the place and it looks unprofessional the way they handle shit.

Anyway, I finished a piano piece called nannerl's minuet on the piano, I'm also on grade 2 for practical and grade 3 for theory
Called a moron a moron. made my day. Several times actually. I've been far more aggressive and mean lately. ah, so nice.
Got to play minecraft with my good friend, and his family members. Having a complete air of cooperation was refreshing. He dug up the resources, eliminated threats, explored caverns, and excavated tunnels underground. I organized the inventory, planted the crops, built our houses and outposts, and refined said tunnels to make them safer and less likely to kill us with monsters and lave. I also built a garbage disposal out of lava.

It really distracted from the bullshit I have to deal with on a daily basis in my own home, and it was very nice.