Fakku Art Study Group

Updates: Gesture has been updated, included 8 very helpful pages from Michael Hampton's Figure Drawing. You can buy the full book on Amazon, or obtain it by other means.

Also Scrapping the draft i did for the imagination pic, i'm not liking how it's turning out. Serves me right for not playing with the gesture more before starting to detail.

Uploading second draft when Sadpandur decides to stop being such a punk.
Here are some gesture sketches.

Forum Image: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/007/1/e/quick_sketch_1_by_derekshurmantine-d4lo0ey.jpg
Nice gestures Fayte, looks like you already have some knowledge on how to construct mannequin figures. I'm certain it'll help in the future, at some point we'll be uploading some information on the proportions of the mannequin figure. Maybe from Loomis.

I like the character you have in your hands, i need to utilize the arms more in gesture drawings. I get paranoid about my shitty hand structure and knowledge of arm movements.

As a note to other participants, it's encouraged to revisit certain Assignments. So just because you complete it doesn't mean you can't go back and do it again. So please feel free to dump as many studies here as you please. I plan on doing the same of course.

Anyone can PM me with suggestions on what the next Assignment shoould be. Please make them general techniques, we're all using fairly different mediums so something like "How to properly use a Wacom Tablet" will exclude certain people.
Progress thus far on Assignment 2 (Imagination drawing)


Forum Image: http://thumbnails32.imagebam.com/16877/bc1cbe168762953.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails42.imagebam.com/16877/010170168762955.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails47.imagebam.com/16877/6684f5168762958.jpg

FUUUUUUUUUUU--- i'm spending more time then i thought trying to draw Teg's glasses right.
Alright, finally got around to assignment 0 and completed it. These are just SOME (not all) of the things that influence me. Pretty much all anime influences my art in general, but these are some artists whose names I know and that I really like. I'd need more maps to put all of my influences on.
Forum Image: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/008/7/5/influence_map_by_maelstrom33-d4lrx26.png
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Seems awesome.

Good luck.

If I ever become an artist, I'd be sure to join lol.
Ammy wrote...
Alright, finally got around to assignment 0 and completed it. These are just SOME (not all) of the things that influence me. Pretty much all anime influences my art in general, but these are some artists whose names I know and that I really like. I'd need more maps to put all of my influences on.
Forum Image: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/008/7/5/influence_map_by_maelstrom33-d4lrx26.png

Woo what a neat Map, Shigenori is one of my favorites also. Glad to have you with us :D
Finished with my imagination pic, total time about 18 hours from the sketch, clean up, detailing.


Forum Image: http://thumbnails59.imagebam.com/16906/bc1cbe169057756.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails42.imagebam.com/16906/010170169057765.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails56.imagebam.com/16906/6684f5169057769.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails47.imagebam.com/16906/11b96d169057771.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails39.imagebam.com/16906/434e87169057775.jpg

This is the pic i'm using for the second half of Assignment 2, which is doing a photo drawn picture.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/802824-APO23PL.png
Non Assignment
this is a concept art for my Touhou Doujin :D
and ill be doing the Assignment tomorrow

Forum Image: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/396731_337359979615301_100000239053454_1279819_395450123_n.jpg
mangaka350 wrote...
Non Assignment
this is a concept art for my Touhou Doujin :D
and ill be doing the Assignment tomorrow

Forum Image: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/396731_337359979615301_100000239053454_1279819_395450123_n.jpg

Are you using a pen? your features are slightly off the Line. Even if you're planning on having a very exaggerated style, it's a good idea to draw realistically or from photographs as practice, especially when you're trying to map out facial features. There's some good gesture here too, so good job there!
[size=21]Assignment 3 - Basic Figures and Design[/h]
Seeing as the last thing we tackled was Gesture, we'll follow on that same path and move into refining the form some more. This assignment is a Two part again. The first practice will be thumbnailing, this is a technique many professionals use to lay their ideas out before committing to any design. The second part will be Figure studies.

Part 1 - Thumbnails
-Feel free to make costumed characters.
-Make them humanoid, or close to it.
-Draw at least 10, in different poses. Male or female, whichever you want. Feel free to do more.


Forum Image: http://thumbnails53.imagebam.com/16925/dfe6f7169243743.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails62.imagebam.com/16925/b3787c169243747.jpg

Part 2 - Figure Drawing
-These will be full body drawings! that means draw them from head to toe.
-Avoid clothing, A lot of Artists will use thick layers of clothes or armor to hide mistakes. We also want to focus this segment on the figure, not folds or clothing textures.
-This isn't anatomy, not yet. We're working on refining figures more, we'll tackle anatomy later on.
-Draw at least 20, in different poses. Male or female, whichever you want. Feel free to do more.



Forum Image: http://thumbnails57.imagebam.com/16925/3c79c8169244669.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails62.imagebam.com/16925/270bfa169244675.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails44.imagebam.com/16925/56a049169244681.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails58.imagebam.com/16925/96c10a169244692.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails62.imagebam.com/16925/29f50b169244698.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails44.imagebam.com/16925/d382e3169244706.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails38.imagebam.com/16925/66d939169244711.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails56.imagebam.com/16925/bd1eb9169244717.jpg Forum Image: http://thumbnails53.imagebam.com/16925/98ca6a169244723.jpg
You should make the next assignment a cloth study.
Fayte87 wrote...
You should make the next assignment a cloth study.

We'll probably tackle that eventually, but what we want to do first is the meat. Figures, Emotions, Perspective and Shading. Something like how gravity effects folds can fall under the category of Shading.
Can I join?
IvIajoi2n wrote...
Are you using a pen?

It's a Mech pencil, you thought im using ink don't ya? :D
mangaka350 wrote...
IvIajoi2n wrote...
Are you using a pen?

It's a Mech pencil, you thought im using ink don't ya? :D

It looks a lot like pen, yeah, lol.
Xanox wrote...
Can I join?

I would like to enquirer about this as well, ESPECIALLY since I'll be taking life-drawing and could give pointers.

Although i usually do illustration (okay at it I guess) and Oil/Acrylic paintings.
That or mixed media.
Gism88 wrote...
Xanox wrote...
Can I join?

I would like to enquirer about this as well, ESPECIALLY since I'll be taking life-drawing and could give pointers.

Although i usually do illustration (okay at it I guess) and Oil/Acrylic paintings.
That or mixed media.

Awesome, i'm taking an Art Class also. It looks like we're going to be focusing mostly on still-life though.
Assignment 0
Forum Image: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a217/GISM88/influencemap.jpg
Gism88 wrote...
Assignment 0
Forum Image: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a217/GISM88/influencemap.jpg

I spy a Powergirl, :o

Also this is for everyone, a really cool video and youtube channel.