One insignificant thing that made your day better

SneeakyAsian CTFG Vanguard
[color=#993300]So we analyzed this war strategy that happened to be what has come to light in recent events, in other words, my life has turned into a VN
Gravity cat the adequately amused
New work experience "employee" started today at my workplace. This lifted my spirits because:

  • Upgrading from Work Experience to Employee feels more official.
    [*]I'm no longer the freshest meat. Although that does exclude paid work.
    [*]I can relate - and have related - to how hard the long, unpaid hours are. Work Experience people work longer than the Manager and Assistant Manager. I guess it's necessary because that way they get more time to learn the ropes, but still.
    [*]Related to the feeling of uselessness because you have no idea what you're doing in your early days. On my first day I sat on the floor, in everyone's way, while sorting out a pile of crap I had no idea what to do with.

Basically tried to be as nice as I could and sympathised about how tough it is. She was complaining to me quite a bit about the hours, the jobcentre, asked what it was like when I was on Work Experience, if everyone she hadn't met today was nice and if I had any problems with anyone else who work there (which I don't, besides the one bad apple who never turns up and eventually got demoted). She seems nice enough, though I'm not entirely sure she wants to be there; she told me she was forced by the Jobcentre to phone up about the position, whereas I went there willingly. I just hope she can stick it out because the first couple of weeks are the worst.

I got my P45 last week in the post from the Jobcentre which I handed in today and posted off. One less thing to worry about. Next on the list: phone up the Work Programme I was referred to while claiming Jobseeker's Allowance and tell them that I already have a job and signed off about 2 weeks ago.
And thus, sweet love was made that night, in full view of everyone at the house...
Despite her embarrassment we pressed onwards until the task at hand was complete. I guided her the whole time, slowly, gently, and with care. She was not used to having an audience when doing such things


I helped Cherry make dessert for everyone, and the kitchen was in everyone's full view. Who needs World's Dumbest when you have a total novice at cooking try to make leaf shaped cookies for everyone to celebrate the first day of fall. She sort of fumbled around a bit and it was cute and funny. The cookies were overly sweet because of the sugar added, but made with love, so sweet love was indeed made.

And we later had some quiet sex quickly because we got really fucking horny after making out a bit in the laundry room, but too many people do do it for more than 3 minutes, so...XD nice to know that nobody goes downstairs that often during a party, because we did it on my bed, which is indeed downstairs.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Ended up having some good fun with some friends when we were waiting to get into to game talking about random things.
My brother's birthday was today, more like yesterday now (02:00am). And my aunt gave me $60 so that I'm not broke, that made me so happy, you have no idea how much it meant to me coming from her. I could buy a 3DS with that! And that's better than anything else I have right now. (Other than that, its hard to find a 60 dollar 3DS on Ebay, but its still possible)... Have A 3DS to sell for sixty bucks? jk, that's definitely against the rules on Fakku lol
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Fakku Desuka wrote...
My brother's birthday was today, more like yesterday now (02:00am). And my aunt gave me $60 so that I'm not broke, that made me so happy, you have no idea how much it meant to me coming from her. I could buy a 3DS with that! And that's better than anything else I have right now. (Other than that, its hard to find a 60 dollar 3DS on Ebay, but its still possible)... Have A 3DS to sell for sixty bucks? jk, that's definitely against the rules on Fakku lol

>wants to buy a 3DS

Am I missing something?

I once got a Gameboy Advance SP and 5 GBA games for 95p at the charity shop I work at. Dare you to beat that. >;D
SneeakyAsian CTFG Vanguard
[color=#993300]I got to call you again, I miss you so
Found out about Rasberry Pi today.
Learned you can use that tiny thing to run MAME and other emulators up to PSX and make a fully functional arcade machine with it. I so need to do that! Despite what you might think if you met her, Lime is very good with computers and stuff, and has Linux experience so this would be right up her alley.


And it would be 4 player
P1 purple
P2 red
P3 green
P4 yellow
And have artwork themed around fruit
And connect an external hard drive of decent size to house all the roms
And make it tabletop
And have square buttons as the "coin in" buttons
And each player would have at least 6 buttons.
And squeeeeeeee excitement for this idea!
We'd probably need 4 USB joystick though, as none of us have wiring tools.
Tsamari wrote...
Put my favorite sig back up.

Someone tried to race me, he lost...
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
ShinZero wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Put my favorite sig back up.


Put a good amount of money into my bank that makes my random spending craze not feel so disheartening lol
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Received my first paycheque. Got paid more than I expected. But...
I got kisses. So many of them. And out of nowhere! And I was pinned down too so I couldn't even hug back or anything. I honestly thought she was going to rape me, but I would have been okay with that.
Once the initial panic of "what is this who is that why can't I what the fuck I don't even" wore off i was able to enjoy it and try to kiss back... Key word being try... She was in total control.

Also googled "Gifs in Reverse" and was not disappointed.
Even found Fakku Desuka's gif (s)he's using in his/er sig

I am unaware of the persons gender.
Jewish Holiday just gave me three days off. I'm probably gonna go stir crazy from barely leaving my home for 5 days, and being forced to alter my sleep schedule to daylight hours out of sheer paranoia, but by mid October, it'll probably be worth it.

Also, Cinnamon Toast Crunch goes pretty well with Almond Milk. At least, I liked it.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Movie day! Just gonna lay in bed and watch as many movies with my GF as possible~
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Been working at the Charity shop today. The elder volunteer there (who is a top bloke) says that my till buddy and I should consider being Keyholders. In part due to understaffing but also because we've been working there for about a year now, and are "stars". He also gave us £1.50 each (well, insisted we take it) as a small token of his appreciation for us being there.

Put me in a right good mood, that.
SneeakyAsian CTFG Vanguard
[color=#993300]RP in the morning and RP later tonight, damn you're good
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Finally got my Exemplar on GTA Online. Bit slow off the mark, but it's quick. Could even rival my Sultan. Just need to mod it up a bit.

I think I'm done getting good 4-door cars now. Just need to focus on finishing upgrading the ones I currently have. My first car, the Cavalcade, has been neglected a lot.
Holoofyoistu The Messenger
im visiting my dad for the second weekend in a row, and hes really fun to spend time with now that i don't irritate the living hell out of him. (we weren't on the best of terms when we lived under the same roof) Tonight we just sat in the back yard, smoked actual nice cigars, played cribbage, and ate chips and salsa while talking about stupid stuff he did when he was my age.

He also wants to watch the second eva movie, since last week we watched the first one and he liked it!