Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

Total Votes : 2,920

Becouse fail anime adaptations is fail.
Voted Anime.
Because it moves manga are just static images and are not fully colored at times. Anime also has voices manga does not.
I said manga because of the larger selection from doujin to non-H material and alot more action. Some series are manga only and most anime get made into manga anyway.
Anime. I love reading manga, but to see it animated is great.
well before, in most cases (most especially the ongoing ones) i watch anime version first then get left hanging and have to wait another week for the next episode. then i got tired of waiting so i read the manga version which is more advance in the storyline.

tho recently, i tend to prefer manga over anime because the time spent in downloading and/or reading manga is much less than watching anime. plus, i get to read more manga titles in a period shorter than the 30mins time spent in watching 1 episode of 1 title. it works for me coz it give me time to enjoy the series without disturbing the time i need to do work (yes, we really do need work to get paid! XD).

there are also series which i really like and have enjoyed the manga, anime and even the live action versions. i believe Deathnote is a very good example for this. the storylines are different (live action has it's own) but the concept and characters are the same (with some negligible differences).
i like them both but ill have to pick manga becuz i draw it
Manga for me, since it's what the author really is making for his story. [unless the editor says other wise]
The anime can be changed a lot.
manga coz i dont like fillers on anime
I prefer watching anime rather than read a manga. However and this is the important part :). If a series has both and the manga/novel came before the anime I will hunt that manga or anime down to properly know the story before.

The same applies for anime based on visual novels. However as many people know, this is quite time consuming, so most of the time, except some selected series, I end up watching only the anime.

Nice poll :)
I first gotten into anime before i started reading manga. So i prefer anime more than manga. However, i also prefer some manga compare to the anime for the lack of filler. Then again why not just make both of it as a preferance, thus you get from both of the world. Same with VN and Light novel based anime.

Sometime greed is good depending on the situation and circumstances.
Manga, I simply adore the feeling of turning the pages. It makes me think of a simpler time, and I always loved reading.
RumbleWolf wrote...
It's a tough choice, but my vote goes to anime. The sound and moving colored images really get my attention because it's so freakin' awesome and then there's the occasional random wtf situation where manga just can't compete.

Here's an example (hope it works it's my first time posting anything):
[spoil]Forum Image: http://www.hongfire.com/cg/data/14/medium/Rosario_Vampire_-_Breast_Beam.gif


+rep :D
I prefer Manga, if you have a choice between anime and manga, the manga, the majority of the time has much more plot to it. While many animes last only 12 or 24 episdoes, the manga of those respective animes can easily be over 100 chapters long.
i more like anime other then Manga coz if your read manga mean you need to serve your self but if you watch Anime you being serve fully by Wacthing
Forum Image: http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/EvangelineAugust/Emoticon/hirasawa_yui_10.gif
Manga, anime's too slow paced and the fillers kill me. Then again, I've mostly only watched anime based on manga series.
is there really need for a debate anime always.
1.there is emotion and feeling.
2.when in motion things come more to life making it feel more like you can relate to it
3.with voices it helps to give the character personality and give you perspective on the plot of the story or scene.
Jacob wrote...
Do you prefer watching an anime or reading a manga? And if a series has both, which do you think is usually better?

For me I like to read the manga before the anime, but most of the time I end up watching the anime first.

considering i don't read as often as i should, i'll have to go with anime. plus, i never really got into manga with the exception of h-manga. if series has both, i'll choose the anime. i'm a very visual person. plus, i like hearing the voices of the actors. it's nice to put a voice with a face.
I prefer manga over anime in most cases because I usually find mangas to be more in depth with characters and events. Also, there are some things that an anime can't do. With manga, I have freedom with my imagination. For example, Beck is second as favorite manga, but the anime is nothing great because in the manga the protagonist has a very magnificent singing voice. He and his band plays music very passionately too. These characteristics were up to the readers taste in great vocal and rock music, but in the anime people weren't given the freedom. Instead they were given a voice for the protagonist and a specific stlye of music the band played. The voice that was able to throw listeners in awe and the style of music that his band played were not what I imagined in the anime. It just wasn't my taste in music so I just didn't watch it. Some things just aren't meant to be shown as anime.
anime ofcourse! :P
Sometime Manga is better because it is needs shorter time to finish, but Anime majority have better quality.
So , Anime