Is it okay for a girl to be perverted?

It seems to me like a girl who has even by a bit of a perverted mind is labeled as a slut or as easy, but if we really think about it, aren't both men and women human? we both have libido (even though i am aware that a man's is supposed to be greater) so why is it more easily accepted for a man to be more in touch with his sexuality than a woman?
Of course its ok.

To be perverted is to be human.
If it's indeed ok, why is it seen badly by society?
Well it is ok to be perverted but only to a certain degree. Crossing that line just means that you have no sense of moral and self control.
That's just another one of societies' norms. We humans are dictated by society but I always believe that we make our own rules. We can adopt the larger part of social norm and edit it on our own. But the thing is not all people will be pleased. There will be people that cannot accept any other norms besides the one that society or their parents dictated unto them.

In short/other words: We can not please everybody. The important thing is just be yourself.
It's a double standard that applies not just to perversion but sexuality itself. Often, it is easy for people to label a girl as a slut or whore simply for being sexual, no matter the context. As to why this is, I am not sure, but it's basically a fact of life now. We shouldn't accept, and we should try to tear down this idiotic idea, but we cannot deny that it is ingrained within our culture.
No way! Its perfectly normal! In fact in many cases, it can be said that girls are more perverted than boys. (We have more, and also a wider variation, of hormones.) Totally normal :3
It's ok to be long as you don't cause harm to others and yourself.
People keep saying "yeah it's a great thing", but then irl, when it comes to meeting guys, I'm afraid to let my freak flag fly because:
- I'm not someone who sleeps around (in fact, still a damn virgin) as such interests would imply
- don't want to scare them off with confidence in my sexuality.

it sucks.
This is identical to asking "is it okay for a guy not to be perverted". Answer to both is yes.

Is it okay for a girl...

...To like porn
...To like video games
...To like hentai
...To like anime and manga
...To be a pervert
...To ask him on a date
...To be dominant
...To swear
...To be muscular
...To like sex
...To have friends of the opposite gender
...To (anything I havent mentioned)

Is it okay for a guy...

...To like romantic things
...To not play sports
...To not eat a lot
...To be submissive
...To feel anything
...To not think about sex every 7 seconds
...To not weight lift
...To have friends of the opposite gender
...To (anything I havent mentioned)


If it makes you happy then do it

Of course you know society/media (if it had a mouth) would say otherwise. So give them a figurative (or literal if you want) middle finger and be yourself.

That sounded preachy.

A more serious answer. Yeah its okay just expect at least one person you come across to think negatively of you doing so.
At least here (Finland) the ones who call sexually open girls whores are other girls. And guys a. think its awesome b. dont really care. And girls are usually like that because they are jealous bitches. Its not that rare to hear some girl calling someone a whore just because that 'whore' has a bit more revealing clothes, talks about sex more than most girls, has had some one night stands or something like that. And if on top of those reasons that 'whore' has more male friends than female friends, it just makes her even bigger whore. Thats how too many Finnish girls seem to think and really, its just jealousy. But thats how Finnish people are quite often, really really jealous.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
This is identical to asking "is it okay for a guy not to be perverted". Answer to both is yes.

Is it okay for a girl...

...To like porn
...To like video games
...To like hentai
...To like anime and manga
...To be a pervert
...To ask him on a date
...To be dominant
...To swear
...To be muscular
...To like sex
...To have friends of the opposite gender
...To (anything I havent mentioned)

Is it okay for a guy...

...To like romantic things
...To not play sports
...To not eat a lot
...To be submissive
...To feel anything
...To not think about sex every 7 seconds
...To not weight lift
...To have friends of the opposite gender
...To (anything I havent mentioned)


If it makes you happy then do it

Of course you know society/media (if it had mouth) would say otherwise. So give them a figurative (or literal if you want) middle finger and be yourself.

That sounded preachy.

A more serious answer. Yeah its okay just expect at least one person you come across to think negatively of you doing so.

I had my answer ready to type, but then you posted this. Very well said.
chibi2katana2 wrote...
If it's indeed ok, why is it seen badly by society?

Well people have the preconception that only guys are perverted pigs while women are these pure creatures that must be nurtured like a rose which I think is complete bull because I honestly would find a girl who is perverted in a sense of knowing things rather than a complete dunce in generally sex much more attractive.
I don't see why a girl being perverted would make her a slut, just like how a guy being a pervert doesn't make him a manwhore.

Although for girls out there who are perverts, many a men would love to be with someone like that :P
Those self-claimed "normal" people says it's bad, but I don't see why not? Horny women are tasty in bed (just like mah girl).
Gravity cat the adequately amused
If a girl isn't perverted, she's not human.

If a guy isn't perverted, he doesn't exist.
Women like sex just as much as men if not more. However, menopause makes us women dry like prunes and while men can keep on truckin'.

That slut designation dissolves after high school and college. Once you get rid of your prude friends, no one will ever say anything negative about your promiscuity ^.^
Lishy1 wrote...
I don't see why a girl being perverted would make her a slut, just like how a guy being a pervert doesn't make him a manwhore.

Although for girls out there who are perverts, many a men would love to be with someone like that :P

It's sort of the idea that if a woman is pervy, that means she's been exposed (willingly or unwillingly) to perverted ideas and actually enjoys them.

Thus, that sort of taste is looked down upon (at least by people with a mainstream view of sexuality) for straying from traditional ideas of how women should behave.

An active interest in sexual things takes away from this idea that women should be pure and sexually restrained (by themselves or others), even if they have little to no experience with actual sex.
eimii wrote...
That slut designation dissolves after high school and college. Once you get rid of your prude friends, no one will ever say anything negative about your promiscuity ^.^

Along this same line, a friend of mine was once asked how many sexual partners one had to have before he/she was a "slut," and he said that at his age (mid-to-late twenties), the number of partners didn't matter because most people had a generous number. It's more about general behavior; if you try to sleep with your friend's boyfriend, you're a slut, whereas a girl that always sleeps with a guy after the first date may not be.
Some of the female friends I have are more perverted than any male I've ever met, but I don't consider them whores, because of their young ages. Contrary to popular belief, humans are animals, and we evidently go into heat too, it's just a more controlled version, albeit longer lasting. Of course I'm speaking of mid to late puberty. At least a girl who is a pervert knows almost exactly what she wants, and things will maybe me less awkward once she gets into the swing of things.

As someone said, women are painted with the image of gentle roses in a sea of chaos, and represent all sorts of purity, love, and all sorts of other bs. The delicate flower image should have died out a while ago, but since it hasn't, if you so much as admit to getting wet at any point of time, then you're a whore who sleeps around with everyone.

I too have also noticed that even in America, the only people really calling women whores for being perverts, are other women. Generally, males seem to not care at all if a girl is perverted. If anything, they'd actually feel more relaxed because they don't have to censor themselves quite as much as if she was a little church girl or something. But it appears that women are the natural enemies of other women, though many men seem to get along just fine. Why this is, I won't bother to explain because it's irrelevant at the moment. I generally dislike women for various reasons, but feel it's much more comfortable to talk to ones that have admitted to some form of perversion, regardless of if they've ever tested this perversion out or not.

Some people tend to think that if a girl admits she's perverted, then a guy will jump on her immediately and hound her. Ironically, there are back and forth sexual puns, but nobody I know in these conversations have actually attempted to pursue the female in question. The reason a "perverted" woman may have more male friends than female friends, is a.) the females will become jealous bitches for some odd reason, and b.) some guys will be drawn to her because she's not too girly.

What many women(the jealous ones) don't seem to understand is that all some males want is -any- female that they can actually be cool with. Not the one that everyone gets extremely silent as soon as she walks within listening range, because they don't want to offend or gross her out. A female "bro" is one of those rare treasures you may not want to pass up regardless of what kind of person you are. (Though no bro wants to piss another bro off so she's unlikely to get into a relationship with any -one- of them, but maybe a gangbang will suffice.)
Monster Girl
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