
[ Locked ] SD - Rules and Guidelines Keep It Serious This isn't the place for YouTube videos, one-answer questions with little to no debate in them or threads with no real topic. If you have n…


Miracle or Just Lucky? It seems to me that there are quite a few a few atheist on this forum (me being one as well). Many religions classify "miracles" as work of God or Gods. I'm interested to see what people think about t…
All Charities Abolished in Favor of One Charity There are a million different charity organizations out there. Pretty much, if a condition exists, there's a charity for. AIDS, cerebral palsy, birth defects, cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, brain…
Hatred for the Law I've thought about all the different laws in this country and came to the conclusion that a good number of them are just dumb shit without any purpose or seem to exist just to fuck your life up. So I …
Are you concerned? What i'm talking about While i don't go on /b/ often, i still find the news disc…
Do you think Fakku is coming to this? No, this doesn't belong in random as the above video is the point of my topic. Watch it and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Do y…
Hypothetical question on fatherhood and family I got to thinking after seeing this thread. Spoiler:…
"Meet your Meat" I'd like to advise any viewers on this. …
hentai ban, it might acutally happen People of hentai, eroge, and even fakku. I am not trying to be a douche/asshole/dickmunch/or scare you i'm only suggesting precautions and reponses It seems our fear has possib…
Censored Sprite Ad... Nice Idea...i think... But Imagine the answers you need to give to the …
Minimum Age for Hentai Viewers? Hey guys, I don’t know if this has been discussed before, and I don’t plan on searching for it, because it’s probably buried but, I’ve been wondering for a little while, what do you think is the minim
Life in prison/Hell I don't want to argue whether hell exists, or the morality of life in prison over a death sentence, I just want to know others thoughts on eternal punishment. I was always taught that when…
Laws Against Aiding Homeless THIS IS NOT A VIDEO THREAD Report:…
[ Locked ] The reason I'm not an athiest., Im not a religious person by any definition. I get mad at most all of the catholic subbranches, Its getting harder and harder to view Islam impartially, and I just dont agree with all of the …
What if hentai gets banned, PERMANENTLY? Thumbnail
What if hentai gets banned, PERMANENTLY? With China's recent action on banning hentai in their country and in search results in Google, and Philippine's similar action, banning hentai seems to be something that's getting closer and closer to…
Polygamy is Christianly legal You know what? In Bible, the mention on monogamy is only advise based and not command, it's applied to church leaders. Then pretty much monogamy is probably Catholic rule, I've seen this link "http://…
Eve and Adam Before I start this, I did not mean any harm to Christians, Christianity, Jesus or any other thing that hints religion. Someone told me that…
Raising Children Now, not everybody wants kids, so I'm not looking for any 'I'm not going to have kids, because kids suck' If you're sexually active at least one point in…
College and Money I watched this documentary show recently (called Current Vanguard, "Maxed Out," if anyone cares) about college students, debt, and people who went to college and are not struggling. It talked about se…
Morality Seeing as we've had a few religious debates in the last week I figured I'd touch on a subject I've wanted to discuss for a while. Question: Can a society without religious guidance or a re…
A logical question for y'all Hey guys i found this question in my files in my student laptop... This will really test you're mind... Here goes: "Three elite families were at war, namely the Red, Yellow and Orange fami…