
[ Locked ] SD - Rules and Guidelines Keep It Serious This isn't the place for YouTube videos, one-answer questions with little to no debate in them or threads with no real topic. If you have n…


what is your typical view on AMERICANS? After reading an1m3_43v3r's topic (which I found extremely thought provoking) I decided to start this one. Please can we have no war references, we don't want to go down that route again...…
Obama won. He did. So, how does FAKKU feel about this?
[ Poll ] Should kids be able to graduate after 10th grade? 10th grade atricle. WTF. NH people are saying HS kids should be ready fo…
Please help me... I'm not sure where to post this, but I just downloaded this torrent file of a manga I've been searching for. Unfortunately, I'm having some issues getting it to freakin' download since it's stuck in t…
fixing a problem ok i did have a post here originally about something different, but im switching it up. ok well a serious discussion here is for some noobs, myself included apparently: where would be exceptable place…
Anything is Possible Now? Once it was decided that Barack Obama was the next president of the United States, all sorts of cheers went up. Not just because Obama is a welcome change from George W. Bush, but because it shows tha…
Obama Vs. Mccain What's your take on the political stands and who are you voting for? …
California, Arizona and Florida banned same-sex marriages. California voters approve Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriages I been followi…
[ Locked ] Answered *Gone* It's nothing important anymore as I have my questions answered.
US presidential elections... My thoughts on the US presidential election...: Made this: Found …
[ Poll ] what/why did you vote? or didn't vote? YaY! I voted but why'd I do it? Well since I live in the great state of California my vote for president won't matter. So why did I vote? Well here in California there's prop 8 which eliminates the ri…
banning criticism of islam in the U.N and UK? ok guys what do you think of this situation? and Also how do you feel abo…
Who really came first? In the bible, it states that men came first (no pun intended), but how true is that scientifically. Originally, I'm pretty sure mankind started of as some androgynous blob, but over time how did we fi…
HD LCD TV I am confused whether do I need to buy a good Full HD LCD TV to play my PS3 game. If I use a TV without any HD, my game graphic will be very bad and my gaming experience will be suck right? So I don't…
[ Poll ] Hentai ONLY I don't like RL porn, only hentai. I've gotten a lot of weird feedback about the subject over the years whenever it's come up. I just don't like the girls in RL porn, I don't like seeing the emotions …
Sex Talk Does women really want to suck a man's dick? We see this in porn, hentai, and we know girls who does it and guy who gets it. heck some of us does it. What does a women see on …
[ Poll ] Do you think this is sick the kids only 5 and 7
Next Generation. my professor told us something. "We[older citizens] need you, Americas' pride to help us out in the future. The reason I am teaching you all…