
[ Locked ] SD - Rules and Guidelines Keep It Serious This isn't the place for YouTube videos, one-answer questions with little to no debate in them or threads with no real topic. If you have n…


[ Poll ] United People of Earth I had an idea that i THINK could bring the everyone closer to world Unity. Screw world peace, that's almost impossible to achieve, for now. If the whole world were governed as a whole where each count…
Reps. No, this is not a cleverly reorchestrated attempt at rep gains. No, I do not expect anyone to fall for the hidden reverse psychology of such a thread. It's simple curiosity. Wh…
Japanese Names I had a few questions regarding Japanese names that I feel the enlightened frequenters of this forum could probably answer for me: 1. Most Japanese names are made from combinations of char…
take that! spam that's right spam. america's biggest spam company app…
Despair Recently I finished watching an anime called Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, and it got me to thinking about all the depressing and perverted things in this world. Now given the audience, you all must be t…
Parkour Parkour aka Urban free running is arguably one of the most badass and toughest sports out there. Even though it's name is French it doesn't lack backbone. It a sport that makes you look and feel like …
Impossible addiction? I was having shots of Expresso in my kitchen when I had a thought. I began thinking about the argument of Caffeine addiction. So many doctors write articles that you absolutely cannot become physicall…
The possibility of balance It is common knowledge that the majority of people greatly favor one side of their brain over the other. This has me thinking, is it at all possible to train the lesser half of your brain? Why not use…
plastic surgery,good or bad? the title is self-explanatory.
[ Poll ] Censorship Is censorship really needed? Who are we to decide what "Is" or "Is not" morally right? I am not a gung ho religious person so I don't believe everything in the Bible, especially because some books i…
Racists I'm pretty mad right now so I didn't bother to search for something similar for this Topic. Anyways, Racists. They are such fuckin annoying. They're everywhere, even on YouTube. When…
[ Poll ] abortion (i forgot what the prop name was) well like the gay marriage one, this name says it all. prop (i forgot) says that if a girl in general wants an abortion she has to wait 48 hours, and her prents must be notified. i want to know what t…
education and sex...(the rest of the title is too long) well its basically about telling children about the "birds and the bees". let me ask you all a question: what do you think is the best age to educate teens at? the teenage pregnancy rates, from 10 to …
Japan slips into a Recession. It has come to my attention just skimming through the yahoo news that Japan has slipped into a recession. I heard that it is expensive to live there and all that jazz, but I have never thought that th…
Fakku taken of google search? googling fakku used to bring up but now... what happened?
I have a question I wish to ask please indulge me Ok, I'm not sure if this is the right spot but oh well, move if needed. Say you are eating out your girlfriend or blowing your boyfriend and said partner releases not just cum but actually…
The importance of writing Lately I've been thinking about the sheer and utter power of words. When I say that, I don't mean words carry power that can hurt you or anything lame like that. When I speak of the sheer energy that …
[ Locked ] vegetarians are the real murderers? vegetarians have always criticized people like me who love a good steak and recently one of them stopped me (in a fuckin steak house) and told me i shouldn't murder animals. However after giving it so…
[ Poll ] I wonder which is more popular alright which hair color is more popular among the hentai crowd. I want the answer for what you look for in real women, as anime characters would have fifteen different options
national and other pride and/or identification i dont seem to exactly understand the notion why people seem to identify themselves with the achievements of their nation with which they have basically nothing more in common than having the luck (or…