
[ Locked ] SD - Rules and Guidelines Keep It Serious This isn't the place for YouTube videos, one-answer questions with little to no debate in them or threads with no real topic. If you have n…


If you are a video game char who will you be and why??? i dunno if this question is been posted a long time ago but i just want to know because for me i would be Squall Lionheart from ff8 coz cmon admit it he's cool and check his gun blade i got to have on…
Campaign Behavior What do you consider good campaign behavior? Is it Talking about the points of your own campaign. Pointing out the flaws in your opponents campaign. Pointing out your ass…
[ Poll ] Would you sell your vote? If a wealthy politician gave you the opportunity to sell your vote for the current presidential election, would you? Personally, I wouldn't turn it down.
Moving to a foreign country How practical is it really? What would be the steps to take if one wanted to? I know a lot of us have either thought about it or talked about it. For an American it doesn't seem that hard to move to C…
I agree with this totally I totally agree with this comic and the issues raised here …
[ Poll ] Would you keep it? So hypothetically you see a little old lady drop a 20 dollar bill. She does not know she dropped it. She's walking off, and you pick it up. Do you Return the money or keep it? This actuall…
[ Poll ] Working out/excercise discussion I've noticed some people work out here, me being one of them. Since I got questions to ask, I figure it would be worth setting up a poll/thread for this. I kinda want to know how many people in a hent…
Moral Dilemma Okay, so we did this really neat lab today in Sociology at my college and I thought I'd share this with Fakku and see how everybody else feels. "In Europe, a woman was near death from a sp…
"Pornification" of the Youth Today, while browsing a newspaper, I came upon the "Woman to Women" column of this newspaper (No, I'm not female but the topic caught my interest). It was about the "pornification" of soci…
About anime/manga clothing Not sure if this is here, if isn't I won't protest if is moved. For a long while I wondered about few things that I see in anime, anyone who lives in Japan, visit regularly or just know about co…
What's your typical view on ALIENS? Don't post stupid remarks here. Are they real, unreal, evil, good, ect?
[ Poll ] PSP 2k or 3k ? help me in deciding... been wanting to join the hand held console world a long time ago, but then again when i was out shopping with my friend, while looking at the PSP display i told him about it tht i was going to buy 1 b…
Whats your view of the Spanish? Like with the americans and german, i have some curiosity to see your opinions about the spanish people. Sometimes, in USA people think that Spain is a third world nation or a south americ…
[ Poll ] Filesharing and People that make money of it Filesharing is a gift if you ask me. :) But! :!: i don't like the idea that some people are making money of selling pirate copies of movies and mp3 etc etc. Because it may ruin the mak…
War for Oil or WMDs? We all know there were none and even if there were the Americans would just respond to a nuclear attack easily and wipe their enemy out.
Financial Crisis As you all know, Iceland is facing a meltdown while AIG (The World's Biggest Insurance Company) recently went bankrupt and the US government just rescued it in form of 85 bil loan. Opinions? Thoughts?…
Anime Mp3's !!! Is capitalism the future or has the time come for something new?
japanese youtube for some reason everytime I access youtube I get sent to the Japanese youtube. what's up with that?
Social and Life Confessions Hi, Thanks for taking some moments out your life reading this post of mine about my life currently. I'm not really the studious type, well I'm on my 3rd year in campus repeatin…
I have lost faith.... in America Fail.