Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge

undeadf0x wrote...
Agent Orange wrote...
Sister is a total masochist.
Still, I'd love to see Maria being over powered by someone.
btw, you guys are a bunch of masochists for liking Maria.

Why haven't i noticed it til now. There initials together is SM which explains why Sister and Maria make a nice pair.

Wow, that's messed up. Thanks for pointing it out.
And with Sister being a crazy war freak, I bet his real name is something like Siegfried
Agent Orange wrote...
undeadf0x wrote...
Agent Orange wrote...
Sister is a total masochist.
Still, I'd love to see Maria being over powered by someone.
btw, you guys are a bunch of masochists for liking Maria.

Why haven't i noticed it til now. There initials together is SM which explains why Sister and Maria make a nice pair.

Wow, that's messed up. Thanks for pointing it out.
And with Sister being a crazy war freak, I bet his real name is something like Siegfried

Lol, does it have to start with an S? and wasn't Franz his real name? What's really interesting though, can Sister be a masochist and still be Gar?
A GAR character who is masochist is not unheard of ...
[size=10][ex: Viral from Gurren Lagann][/h]

Bottomline: GAR or NOT, I go ga-ga over Sister all the time.
JarPhones wrote...
A GAR character who is masochist is not unheard of ...
[size=10][ex: Viral from Gurren Lagann][/h]

Bottomline: GAR or NOT, I go ga-ga over Sister all the time.

That's a good one I didn't see it coming. Viral eh? And I really think we can all agree in one thing....don't we all just love sister xD
So I was stuck in the monotony of fan service based anime's and I was really getting tired of it. I wanted something different, but still normal. Something that felt like it had meaning but could really make me say hey that's different. Then I happened upon this little gem. I'm a little late on this, but this is a pretty good anime.
Kiss-Shot Soba-Scans Staff
Latest episode was good, it was nice to see Nino didn't want to be separated from Ric and did miss him, cutest and oddest couple I've seen.

So hopefully Ric will be confronting his dad next episode, exciting times but sad to see this series will be over soon, a season 2 is needed.
Agent Orange wrote...

Wow, that's messed up. Thanks for pointing it out.
And with Sister being a crazy war freak, I bet his real name is something like Siegfried

Lol. Seigfried XD. That's sooooo racist :3. His name is DEFINATELY HANS.

Anyhow. Enough wise-crack. I still can't see any other new ideas for Bridge RP... Again, if anyone cares, do you believe a mayor should be elected and if the RP does go on, mayor holds the power of all our eccentricities? Perhaps we should host some events/games like Waifu game standard? Perhaps every sunday we have "MASS" lol :3.

Anyhow, someone give me some other ideas. I wanna have some good fun soon XD.
Oh and this weeks ep is awesome XD
chaofan wrote...

I still can't see any other new ideas for Bridge RP... Again, if anyone cares, do you believe a mayor should be elected and if the RP does go on, mayor holds the power of all our eccentricities? Perhaps we should host some events/games like Waifu game standard? Perhaps every sunday we have "MASS" lol :3.

Anyhow, someone give me some other ideas. I wanna have some good fun soon XD.
Oh and this weeks ep is awesome XD

Wait! Every episodes been awesome so far, right? For a moment there I thought you said otherwise. XD
About that Bridge RP, I think it’s pretty solid already. I believe the mayor should be the craziest of all people. I’ll nominate you because it’s your idea anyway and also hermitIV though I’m not sure if he will be interested in participating. But I don’t think it should be for the mayor to decide what we are or what we do. Like you said, we just do like in the anime like perhaps host a gag contest every weekend or a confessional every sunday. That’s all I can really think of. I suggest you give us more of the specifics to get the others to open up like maybe starting with what your eccentricity is to lay out an example for all of us.
Big words coming from Ric this episode, yet he cant do as much as make a simple phone call to his dad ... I am disappoint :\

Theres no telling what will happen next but I seriously doubt if theres ever going to be a confrontation between father and son.
Kaimax Best Master-San
JarPhones wrote...
Big words coming from Ric this episode, yet he cant do as much as make a simple phone call to his dad ... I am disappoint :\

he's not your dad, and you're not Ric, who has actually knows first hand, how his father would act.
JarPhones wrote...

Theres no telling what will happen next but I seriously doubt if theres ever going to be a confrontation between father and son.

This is only an speculation from what I read in the Story section of the Website something like a synopsis of the next episode which indicates
the action of a mythical creature canceled the river development projects
Then it suddenly hit me....the sane person just pretending to be crazy that hermitVI made us guess who...
maybe the mayor
Anyone notice him gone around the 2nd half of the episode?
Kiss-Shot Soba-Scans Staff
JarPhones wrote...
Big words coming from Ric this episode, yet he cant do as much as make a simple phone call to his dad ... I am disappoint :\

Theres no telling what will happen next but I seriously doubt if theres ever going to be a confrontation between father and son.

It's been established very clearly that he's terrified of his father, it would be some broken story telling for him to just casually call up his father.
neko-chan wrote...
I've recently come to the realization that although I was dumbfounded by all the odd characters the previews showed, (like a kappa and a man with a star shaped head!? Cross dressing nun!?) I am no longer bothered by any of their quirks. Everyone seems normal to me, and I dunno how I feel about that...

"Don't we all have quirks? Aren't those eccentricities what make us human?"

I'm happy for you even though it took you so long just to admit that, in this series, "2+2=5".
So, what else did I miss?
Nice follow. The problem is hes not making a casual call, is he? Its also been established that the situation is dire, and its most important that he calls his dad to do something, at least. [i.e. Ric is EPIC FAIL] I just don’t see him meeting up with his dad face to face, NO WAY, impossible.

Nice segue to a broken storytelling, BTW. Also thanks to undeadbra for the intel supporting my conclusion, though the contents of the website were no use to me at all.

I no speakee Japanese. xD
Kiss-Shot Soba-Scans Staff matter what the situation he's still had emotional scars that leaves him petrified of contacting his father, it's also been made clear that his father isn't a man you can reason with.

I think you expect a bit too much from Ric, he's only human after all (unlike our beautiful Nino :3)

Anyway does anyone know whether there's enough manga material to build a season 2? I really hope so since I want to see more from the story and characters, and SHAFT don't appear to shy away from doing extra seasons now and then.
undeadf0x wrote...
Wait! Every episodes been awesome so far, right? For a moment there I thought you said otherwise. XD
About that Bridge RP, I think it’s pretty solid already. I believe the mayor should be the craziest of all people. I’ll nominate you because it’s your idea anyway and also hermitIV though I’m not sure if he will be interested in participating. But I don’t think it should be for the mayor to decide what we are or what we do. Like you said, we just do like in the anime like perhaps host a gag contest every weekend or a confessional every sunday. That’s all I can really think of. I suggest you give us more of the specifics to get the others to open up like maybe starting with what your eccentricity is to lay out an example for all of us.

Sweet. This sounds like its gonna work. Is there any thread where I can go and learn the ropes of hosting a thread game? With that I'll be able to start the Bridge RP :D.

Ya... Ric is so funny in 11. Now heres a thought... Was it really sister that planted those traps? For all we know it coulda been Kappa... He wasn't there for a while :|.

Another thing i'm interested in the opinion of the group here in this discussion... Do you believe this series brings upon a sense of ethics? Ethics to the sense of not only personal ethics like with Ric's and his father's creed but business ethics as well?

I wanna hear from all of you! HermitIV always provides nice insights but I wanna hear from all the other members!
Whatever, man. You just dont get it. And if youre going to say that Ric is human, then Im sure its needless for me to say that his dad is human as well. What do you know about his dad, anyway? How can you be so sure that everything with his dad, with just the few times that we saw him, is clear and not just a facade? "he's not your dad"
and you're not Ric, who has actually knows first hand, how his father would act.
Come to think of it ... if Ric really knew how his dad would react, he should have known from the start that everything he tries will all end in utter defeat. And that if he will have to confront his fear sooner or later, in which case he clearly wasnt able to do, he shouldnt have made any promises at all and just went with his first option of leaving the bridge.
Or better yet, if he really knew his dad as the person capable of something like this, he should have just turned down Nino's wish, leaving us with no unique story to watch, and nothing to argue about. xD

Still, I am disappoint :\
Cool, it seems you also watch House, Hermit. That quote ROCKS! And yeah bra, you missed out alot, not to mention this jar's awesomesauce.

Chaofan bra, Im not sure I understand where youre getting at with this ethics stuff. Can you explain or share your own thoughts first so that I could give mine later on.
Kiss-Shot Soba-Scans Staff
...No ..just..oh I give up ;___; suppose it's best not to turn this thread into argument.

I reckon Ric and his Dad will have a confrontation though, or at least Nino will help him through it, so far her and the bridge has been his cured to his troubled past and traits.
Ric scared of his father? Of course he’s going to be scared. He’s the Darth Vader to his Luke.

JarPhones wrote...
Come to think of it ... if Ric really knew how his dad would react, he should have known from the start that everything he tries will all end in utter defeat.

The word “hope” can be thrown here. No matter how dire a situation is, people have the privilege to hope that a better outcome will occur. It’s practically human nature. Ric lost hope at the start of the episode, and went with option B.) Sayonara. However, Nino’s words took him back; motivated, he does an assault on his father’s plan. It’s fallacious to even say that he hasn’t a chance at all against his father.

Under the premise that the characters in Arakawa are real people…

They are never flat. They are not static – they’re personalities aren’t 2D. They are round, and are able to have conflicting and complex development. They change. People change. This moment can be seen during the conversation between P-ko and Ric, in which the latter experiences a paradigm shift. Look at Star/Hoshi, who didn’t like his past. Now, he’s creating his own songs and not tied to the strict conditions/contract of any company.

Parent/Teen conflict is unavoidable. It’s part of growing up. Oh, before you say Ric’s an adult and not a teenager, I would like to reiterate: When do you consider yourself an adult? When you’ve already settled down with kids? I think being able to think for your own, regardless of which side (against or not) is already a sign of maturation. Ric rebelling against his own father is a big identity vs role confusion dilemma, in which an adolescent chooses his beliefs (religion/society/politics/philosophy etc) in spite of of what the society dictates. Ric had conformed to his father’s beliefs and practices ever since he’s a kid. His role had been determined even then. At the present, he’s trying to figure up his own identity.

Does Ric want that role? Now that he has Nino? Now that he’s in a community that doesn’t care about people’s pasts? An easy-going, mildly warped community under a bridge? Another point: Young adults (there, Ric would be applicable to this) who never trust others find themselves isolated. Isn’t that the case of Ric pre-Nino? Didn’t he do everything so that he won’t be under the debt of someone else, his father’s ultimate rule of life? He had been conditioned to rationalize everything in that manner.

Think about it, ever since he became engaged with Nino, was he not able to share intimacy with the woman he loves but also with the rest of the Bridge-people, while still remaining himself? Outwardly, he hasn’t changed, no silly masks and all. Inwardly, a chink on his father’s shadow’s already building.

Going back to the original topic, the chance that Ric’s father’s decision will change is so not far off the mark. He might come to the oh-so-clichéd realization that his son’s grown up, and the only fault I can only find is how they deliver that moment. Heck, it might even go to an entirely new direction.

Kiss-Shot wrote...
...No ..just..oh I give up ;___; suppose it's best not to turn this thread into argument.

Some people have something to say. Others have to say something. I removed the adjectives but I guess you get my drift. Kudos to the people who know when and where to stop.
It's always better to learn to shoot straight to the hole or I might be urged to just go ahead and answer them all questions for you.

4manyak wrote...
Some people have something to say. Others have to say something. I removed the adjectives but I guess you get my drift. Kudos to the people who know when and where to stop.

I wonder under which category do I fall into.
Is it wrong that Papa (Seki Ichinomiya) is trying to stand in the way of his son’s moral obligations, not only considering that it’s an obligation which honors the family rule, but also by doing it at the expense of the happiness of others (UB dwellers)?

That's more or less where I presume chaofan is coming from.

Note: "What doesn’t affect you, cannot hurt you." HERMeThics, in a nutshell.
Kiss-Shot wrote...
suppose it's best not to turn this thread into argument.

Now why would you say that?

You know I’m jealous that you two were able to go at it with your opposing views. (no one here stands up to me or should I say no one here can stand me?) It was a good bonding moment and I certainly didn’t see any sort of arguing whatsoever. Simply all you did was share your opinions and disagree in a way of sharing even more; though you may both fail in persuading one another, it gives at least someone else some things to think about. Hell, what’s the need for a discussion if everyone would just tirelessly agree with one another.
Kiss-Shot wrote...
does anyone know whether there's enough manga material to build a season 2?

Prompting me to commence Operation SP.OIL.(SPILL)ING!!! Blame Kiss-Shot for being an ass who either ignored all my posts or just didn’t believe any of my words.

But seriously, if you wanna hate Kiss-Shot, YOU DON'T REALLY HAVE TO OPEN THE SPOILER BOX, you know...
Riku will be the hero who saves the day.

Forum Image:
.. NOT! (unless SHAFT/Shinbo says otherwise)
Looks familiar, huh.