Cowboy Bebop Live Action Film!

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no I don't think its real...still if its ever made it will probaly be FAIL!
tsujoi wrote...
God, all you retards thought the poster was real? You guys fail.

2 thing:

1 i know this is really happening it is everywhere
2 i know that poster is a fake i am not a FUCKING RETARD
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
elfen lied wrote...
tsujoi wrote...
God, all you retards thought the poster was real? You guys fail.

2 thing:

1 i know this is really happening it is everywhere
2 i know that poster is a fake i am not a FUCKING RETARD
Never said you were and never said it wasn't happening.

Now that I got my rude comment out of the way...

What do you think the plot will be? I can see them basing it off the last episode of the anime or the animated movie that was released.
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
DUDE f*ck these americanized anime films that are coming out! Ghost in the Shell, Akira, DBZ, Astro boy, Gatchamon, Cowboy bepop, and...well I forgot what else was there but there is still a few more if I remember.

I love Ghost in the Shell, and I'd pay to go see the live-action movie.
animeholic1 wrote...
they got all the casting wrong in my opinion except the dog they nailed him.

lmfao, ya they did. The chick looks like some porn-star, ed looks like a dood, the guy cast as spike looks like some druggie, and they guy castin' jet looks...well a big dood.
Read the article Jacob linked. If the guy is to be believed, he seems to be quite a fan of the series, and pretty dedicated to keeping the movie true to the feel of the show.

Also I think CB has a lot more potential to make a good movie then DBZ or something similar.
It is true that quite a number of live-action adaptations of anime titles did not meet the expectations of most viewers, but I would say that Cowboy Bebop has every chance of succeeding. As of now, only a few details are known, which I doubt is sufficient for fans to assume the worst.
ultenth wrote...
I think the Death Note anime's are pretty good. So was the Mushi-shi one, as well as the Casshern one. So I'd have to disagree, they can be done well, if they really try at it.

I agree the live action Death Note was impressive. Though my overall attitude towards Live action Anime is that we will butcher the product. Everything can't translate into another medium. Video Gamesto movies didn't work so well, Books to movies is hit and miss, Anime will follow the same trend. I have less than stellar hopes for these movies coming out. Hollywood is getting desperate for movies and its beginning to show.
ultenth wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
they got all the casting wrong in my opinion except the dog they nailed him.

Again, the post is fan-made, and does not in any way accurately depict any actual casting for the show. It hasn't even been cast yet.

that was a joke thats why i said except the dog they nailed him. sorry about confusion i will be more direct next time.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
ultenth wrote...
I think the Death Note anime's are pretty good. So was the Mushi-shi one, as well as the Casshern one. So I'd have to disagree, they can be done well, if they really try at it.

I agree the live action Death Note was impressive. Though my overall attitude towards Live action Anime is that we will butcher the product. Everything can't translate into another medium. Video Gamesto movies didn't work so well, Books to movies is hit and miss, Anime will follow the same trend. I have less than stellar hopes for these movies coming out. Hollywood is getting desperate for movies and its beginning to show.

hollywood has been desperate for a while now in my opinion.
Live action jsut ruins the series.
Unless it's done by Japanese people/studios, they suck. GTO, Gokusen, and Prince of Tennis was well received and lauded.
Is till hate it. Can't match up to their cartoony counterpart. IT jsut ahs so much of a high expectation but then it becomes a total let down.
No no no....nononononononononononoooooooooo...

This is a joke...right? @__@

Sorry mate no joke here, he's really going to make it. :lol:


I think he's going to just start from the very beginning of the story and try to get all the good parts, then make a second movie.
I am going to hunt and kill the directors/writers/producers/whatever whos with me?
elfen lied wrote...
I am going to hunt and kill the directors/writers/producers/whatever whos with me?

i will bring the pitch forks it will be kind of like a witch hunt except with a actual reason for the killing a women whos good at math SHES A WITCH!!!!!!!! LOL old country.
no i jus killin the actors and everyone that has summinj to do with this film ... IF the fuck it up, which they probably will
Hmmm Let's see we got Johnny Depp which stars in some weird kiddie shows oh and also from the Pirates of the Carribean.Forgot the name of the guy playing as Jet.he was the one on Matrix.

So area they really making this into a movie?1st i heard about DBZ being live action.Next Street Fighter:Chun Li story being made also into Live Action and now this.Well i do hope they make this into a good movie.


I am a fan of Cowboy Bebop and would love to see the Live Action Movie.Only thing I do hope is that it won't let me down.
Is this legit? Because there have been a lot of pranks of making live action movies around. Like: Zelda, Evangelion and DBZ. I believe they could make a good movie out of an anime, IF the director is good. I actually enjoyed Speed Racer so... If we got Chris Nolan (Director of The Dark Knight) to make one of the animes into movies then we'd have a party. XD
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