[Manga] The World God Only Knows

Kaimax Best Master-San
Chapter 267

Now just waiting for the ending. I'm expecting a Slap or other something painful across the face/body in the last chapter.
Chapter 267:
If this is real and not a fake-out, then I'm pretty satisfied that the second-best girl was chosen (with Tenri being the best). At least Keima's dad will only be wrongfully blamed for having only one daughter from an affair now.
The ending is out...

And no smart explanations. The thing about needing to choose one to end them all, but why her?

And that last part showing what was written in the last part of Tenri's letter! That is fanning infernos for all Tenri fans!

A lot of people say the manga ended at hte Goddess arc...
I'm disappointed at a Chihiro end. I REALLY wanted for him and Tenri to end up together. But, as Diana said to Tenri, your fate is yours to decide. In my optimism, this means to me that Tenri will keep going after Keima. And then, who knows how thing will end up...? Anyway, that's just my optimistic interpretation. I think in this case, it was good to leave it somewhat open-ended.
Kaimax Best Master-San
pacific coast wrote...
The ending is out...

And no smart explanations. The thing about needing to choose one to end them all, but why her?

And that last part showing what was written in the last part of Tenri's letter! That is fanning infernos for all Tenri fans!

A lot of people say the manga ended at hte Goddess arc...

Simply because she's the unexpected, the one girl that Keima never intended to conquer, and the one girl that had her heart broken by force (So there's a possibility it's also caused by guilt)

Tenri fans can just go weep and deal with it. I'm a fan of TWGOK and Keima, not a fan of "Keima must end up with a "Specific" girl." Honestly, you will never enjoy the story if you start shipping characters.

My only dissatisfaction is the lack of explanation for Elsie's backstory, her non existent Sister and the lack of epilogue for New Hell.

Everything else is just fine, because I read TWGOK for the story not for the shipping. TWGOK was "never" a story about romance, it was "never" a story about a boy falling in love with a girl. IT was a story about a boy who loves galges and uses his knowledge of Galges to save the world.

It stick with the story till the end, and props for Wakaki-sensei for having the guts to kick all the shippers to the curb.
Kaimax wrote...
pacific coast wrote...
The ending is out...

And no smart explanations. The thing about needing to choose one to end them all, but why her?

And that last part showing what was written in the last part of Tenri's letter! That is fanning infernos for all Tenri fans!

A lot of people say the manga ended at hte Goddess arc...

Simply because she's the unexpected, the one girl that Keima never intended to conquer, and the one girl that had her heart broken by force (So there's a possibility it's also caused by guilt)

Tenri fans can just go weep and deal with it. I'm a fan of TWGOK and Keima, not a fan of "Keima must end up with a "Specific" girl." Honestly, you will never enjoy the story if you start shipping characters.

My only dissatisfaction is the lack of explanation for Elsie's backstory, her non existent Sister and the lack of epilogue for New Hell.

Everything else is just fine, because I read TWGOK for the story not for the shipping. TWGOK was "never" a story about romance, it was "never" a story about a boy falling in love with a girl. IT was a story about a boy who loves galges and uses his knowledge of Galges to save the world.

It stick with the story till the end, and props for Wakaki-sensei for having the guts to kick all the shippers to the curb.

Maybe you can't enjoy a series with shipping, but apparently everyone else can, so I guess you're the outlier here. I respect your opinion and all, but no need to be so aggressive about it. Seriously, bold lettering? Chill the fuck out or get the fuck out. There's something to be said for taking the story seriously and really feeling it; I did too, I respect that. But the moment you start attacking people for no reason, and claiming people can't enjoy the story if they don't enjoy it in the exact same way you did, then you lose any credibility. And that's exactly what you did. If you feel that I'm misunderstanding your intent, then I apologize, but maybe you should be more careful regarding how you come across to other people.
Kaimax Best Master-San
SpontaneousCombustion wrote...
But the moment you start attacking people for no reason

And who's attacking who? I'm not the one that got defensive all of a sudden.

Want proof that shippers can't enjoy a story when they start shipping, just look at your own post. Your first sentence is a disappointment for a character that you aren't rooting for. Then followed by your wish that wasn't granted by the Author. Then finally denial and bargaining when it's a clear cut ending.
Kaimax wrote...
SpontaneousCombustion wrote...
But the moment you start attacking people for no reason

And who's attacking who? I'm not the one that got defensive all of a sudden.

Want proof that shippers can't enjoy a story when they start shipping, just look at your own post. Your first sentence is a disappointment for a character that you aren't rooting for. Then followed by your wish that wasn't granted by the Author. Then finally denial and bargaining when it's a clear cut ending.

"Tenri fans can just go weep and deal with it."
That, sir, is what is called an "attack". You ridiculed people who don't think the way you do. And just because I expressed mild disappointment in my OP, doesn't mean I didn't fully and wholeheartedly enjoy the story. Again, you're assuming that just because I didn't enjoy the ending AS MUCH, and am expressing mild disappointment at the girl he ended up with, you can act all high and mighty.
Also, I don't think it's a clear cut ending. You are not objectively right when it comes to this, but neither am I; because it is not an objective matter. Don't act like it is.
You're acting like expressing any disappointment at all at the ending of something is such a terrible thing, but guess what: everyone does that. Even you have undoubtedly done that at some point in your life. All I did I my original post was share my opinion on the matter, because, what do you know, this is a forum. You're kind of supposed to do that. By the way, I'm not even a shipper. All I was saying was I would've preferred Tenri and Keima, but almost any of the girls would've been better than Chihiro in my opinion. I realize the all-caps might've given you the wrong idea, and I apologize for that. That was a mistake.
Finally, the main reason I responded to your original post in the first place is because your arrogance regarding the situation ticked me off. Seriously, re-read your post and think hard about how that might come off to someone else. If you still don't get how that was arrogant and disdainful to "shippers", or just people in general who disagree with you, then there's no point in continuing this conversation.
I'm not actually a Tenri shipper (may even be more Ayumi/Haqua if anything), but it just makes you feel for the likes of her and Dokuro. They did it to save the world, yeah, but 10 years waiting for the guy.
And Keima is supposed to be God. He said in the manga he wants everyone to have a happy ending, and the scene with Tenri at the stage in the Jupiter arc when he said he doesn't like anyone. In the end, it did end up that he did just used the girls with the Goddesses, even if the mangaka said it was choice for the girls to fall for Keima.
Heck, some people even want a harem ending. And from the start of the manga, before the whole plot started, didn't Keima think of Chihiro as the plainest girl and dislike them the most? Of course, she turned out more complex, and the very subtle hint is a damn light brush, but it could've been better executed.

I'm still am not sure if this manga was cut or if the mangaka ended on purpose? There still seemed to be subplots that can be use that had been paved along the way. Anyway, no matter the end, it was a good manga
pacific coast wrote...
I'm still am not sure if this manga was cut or if the mangaka ended on purpose?

From what I've heard, the author's health has been rather questionable, but he wanted to finish the series. So no doubt he had forced himself to hurry some of the story along.
Monster Girl
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