[Anime] Rate The Last Anime You Watched

Arpeggio of Blue Steel - Ars Nova ~ 8.5/10

I greatly enjoyed this show, and the unusual animation didn't disappoint. Since I also read the manga, I was a bit disappointed that lots of contents had to be shaved out, but it was still very good stuff.

And I don't care what people say, Kongou was my favourite. And Maya was creepy as f*ck.
Arpeggio of Blue Steel - Ars Nova - 9/10

Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita - 9/10

Outbreak Company - 8.5/10

Kakumeiki Valvrave 2nd Season - 8/10

Freezing Vibration - 8/10

Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai - 7/10

Walkure Romanze - 7/10

Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai - 5/10
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita - 8/10...pretty good series, reminded me of Hataraku Maou-Sama
Monogatari Second Season - 9/10

Kaiki mai waifu.

Kyoukai no Kanata - 6/10

Meh. It was enjoyable I guess.
Here are mine!

White Album - 6/10. This anime really could have been better.

White Album 2 - 9/10. Great music and visuals, the only reason why its not a ten is because I feel like it was too short. I thought it was going to end up like school days, but I was wrong. I turned into something different, and more enjoyable. Such a heartbreaking ending though...
The world God only knows part 3 and all the OVAs: 7.6/10

Honestly, I found myself enjoy this part of the season WAY TOO MUCH. Girls falling in love. That should be a thing for the future. All in all, followed the manga: no complains, absolutely brilliant ending of all sorts. Good, bad and the ugly.

Infinite Stratos 2: 5/10

Normally, I'm up to date with the season but with this. Sigh. This season was just an utter mess. Forced in so much plot that they couldn't end it correctly or even properly for that matter. Not even that, it feels like they gave all the cast an equal amount of screentime. Maybe trying to balance out the harem? No matter. Enjoyed the 1st more so than the last.

Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru 7.5/10

Would you rather game? In an anime? Holy fuck. I'm all in. This is oddly enjoyable for an ecchi comedy harem romantic series. Love their sense of humor. Again girls falling in love; it should really be a thing. None of that stereotypical only one correct feminine yet erotic way of romanticizing. I want a season 2 just cause it was that funny to me.

Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita 8/10 for attention grabber and concentration on plot but 7 for well.....tons of plot.

This can be a rip=off of Hataraku Maou-sama but honestly I....don't really care. This actually shows a lot more character contentment than HM while being funny...ish (HM humor was pretty solid gold.) I can see why people like this anime. It ties the reality knot into the fictional world with real life problems of chasing dreams but then becoming an ordinary social worker. And I respect that. A lot even. Would've been better but hey SEX/LOOKS REALLY SELLS A LOT.

Walkure Romanze: 6/10

Way way way better than Princess Lover. In fact, I want to just replace Sylvia with SWEEelia-senpai pai pai pai.... (Celia damn it. C-LIA!!!) just cuz. A lot of ambition and character development. It feels like I was watching a sport anime....with megaton boobs. -thumbs up- Also,
bestiality route always wins.

Haiyore Nyaruko-san: 4/10

I get it but I'm not laughing. That's the problem here. The humor was supposed to be the selling point here but instead lots of references of the otaku lingo and community. Why or how it got popular? I'm still remembering that guy from CTFG denying Hastur's gender.(He was really denying that he really was a gay guy NOT a girl) Hoping season 2 gets better (on 2nd episode).
Trigun: Badlands Rumble (movie)

I watched the english dub on Toonami last week. It was good. The voice cast wasn't as great as the original, but they tried their best to emulate them and it mostly succeeded. Plot was great, as it used the best parts of Trigun and made a great story from it. At times serious and at times funny. Very enjoyable
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3][b]Sword art online Extra edition 8.9/10
I really like how they did the 80 minute recap showing some of the best parts from the anime. This was just a 80 minute recap just for a ova and for them to say season 2 is on it's way i'd liked it a lot.
AoT- Meh out of heh.

Witch craft works 7-11-24-7
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3][b]Bluzblue alter memory 8.8/10

Time to move on to Guilty crown and OniAi.
9/10 Witchcraft Works

1st episode did not disappoint. Wait fer moar!
Loved the Mushishi special. It was great seeing everything the same.

Code Gayass season 1 - 10/10

I was really surprised how great this was, truly. After seeing just screenshots I originally though Lelouch was the villain, which I suppose is correct from a standpoint and by the fact that he turns more into a tyrant. Sorry, I'll try to keep this short. Show is great. I like the transition between school life and zero. It was nicely done here unlike Smugface Ultimate. Shirley is the bane of my existence. She's so bad. Completely useless. Get rid of her already.

I also liked that the deus ex machina's gets leveled out. Mainly the Geass and The White Knight.

The thing I hope they dig further into is C.C's and maybe Lelouch's past. If they can explain who C.C is and why/how she possesses the Gayass it would be perfect.

Bestgirls are C.C and Kallen btw.
Trigun Badlands Rumble 8.5/10

Really good, maybe even great at times. Nothing all that special plot wise (no Knives, no Legato) but it's a good primer for people who aren't too familiar with the original series.

The animation and action are really where this shines. It was animated by studio Mad House and that's basically a stamp of quality from the get go. It's really awesome to see the animation updated to current standards, maybe even beyond that.

I've actually heard it rumored that this movie was to see if they wanted to remake the original series and give it the Hellsing Ultimate treatment. To which I say "Yes please."
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[b]Guilty Crown 9/10. I would give it a 10 but well that ending made me vary sad.
[color=#9400d3][b]Why would they kill Inori?[b] :'(
Noragami 8/10 Worth the lag.

Tonari no Seki-kun.... 10/10

Seitokai Yakuindomo S2 9/10

ImoCho - Another Shitty Sister LN Adaptation 6/10. After i added nipples 7/10.

Arpeggio of Blue Steel - Ars Nova bd 1-2 9/10
Code gayass R2 - 10/10

Even though this season was overall inferior to the first season, it was still very enjoyable to watch.

-Tactic matter less and the mecha's only rely on specs.
-The transition to school life felt unnecerry and dumb.
-Characters reappearing even though they are dead, which follows by a dumb explaination or no explaination.
-Characters suddenly gets an geass.
-The whole god deal.

-More Kallen.
-Shirley dies.
-And the ending. Which makes up for all its cons.

In all honesty it felt like the middle of R2 was poorly planned and rushed but it followed by one of the greatest endings I have seen. Even if MGS maybe was an inspiration to it.

I think this has become one of my favorite anime'.
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#9400d3][b]Sword art online Extra edition 8.9/10
I really like how they did the 80 minute recap showing some of the best parts from the anime. This was just a 80 minute recap just for a ova and for them to say season 2 is on it's way i'd liked it a lot.

Recaps are dumb and unneeded. Why waste our time showing us something we already should now and have seen. Its just a cheap way to save money.
Anohana 9/10

Great anime very sad and emotional also lots of drama and love triangles everywhere,
Super Seisyun Brothers: 6/10

It wasn't bad for what it was: a series composed of 5 minute long episodes about two pairs of siblings that are friends with each other. It was less stupid than I expected and actually was pretty funny at certain parts, but I couldn't possibly give it more than a 6 or 7.
Little Busters! : ~Refrain~ , 7.5/10

Very well done. The first season is a disappointment compared to this.

But it didn't impact nearly as hard as the VN did. I found myself in tears during the VN, I had to stop progressing the text just to let it seep in, choking back the tears, especially during their goodbyes. I really disliked how the final episode was scripted. It wasn't because I knew everything that would transpire, it's how they did it in such a cliche manner that made me feel nothing. A good example would be FMA Brotherhood, you knew everything that was going to happen, but could you rally choke back the tears knowing what you did when it actually happened? It was a really disappointing ending for me, the last 5 minutes were great though.