[Ishikei] Titikei

One of our launch announcements was Titikei by Ishikei, discuss it here!

Release Dates

Digital - July 30th, 2015
Paperback - September 2015

Get the book here!

I am over the moon about this one. I plan to order digital editions of all three books announced so far (primarily because I want to see this venture succeed) but Titikei is a book I would have been beating down your door for.
I already own a Japanese copy of this and the colour pages are absolutely fantastic. Highly recommend it and I'll look forward to buying it uncensored and most importantly, in English.
Can't wait for this one!
This is the one I am truly looking forward to.

I own all his previous compilations. Just not those published like Titikei
According to Jacob, the online version will be released on September, and the physical copy, shipped on October...
Maybe TiTikei will be release on October/November?
If my new job as a sales rep (commision fees apply) pays off,I'll order this and Punikano as physical copies instead of digital; too bad I already pre-ordered Renai Sample as digital only.

Anywho, this is more of a suggestion rather than a comment. Is it possible that somewhere in the future Fakku! Books may release any works from the mighty Kizuki Aruchu, alias UDON-YA? I've been a huge fan of his work (particularly the Monhan no Erohon series) since I first came across it a few years ago, and owning a physical copy of his titles would be a life achievement for me.

Keep the goodies coming Jacob-sama❤. I'm sweet taking a few of my hentai loving buddies to hop on the train and support this amazing venture.
Dick Nation wrote...
I am over the moon about this one. I plan to order digital editions of all three books announced so far (primarily because I want to see this venture succeed) but Titikei is a book I would have been beating down your door for.

You and me both man, we gotta make sure fakku books becomes the next big name.
YQII FAKKU Translator
I started writing this as a response to a discussion in the Welcome to Tokoharusou topic, but realized it's more fitting to post it here.

I want to elaborate on why this won't be the third book we'll release. Out of all our books—announced and unannounced—TiTiKEi is by far the biggest project from an editor's standpoint. There are a ton of handwritten text that has to be redrawn, stylized sound effect, and an insane amount of color pages. In short, it's a lot of work.

We wanna make a book like TiTiKEi justice, and working on some other books first allows us to do that. For instance, with the digital release of Renai Sample, we're just now getting feedback from the readers. We're taking your opinions into account, and we're already applying some of the feedback into the books we're currently working on. However, TiTiKEi is such a huge project in its own, so we think it's better to give it some time, find out what works—for us and for you—and then start on this book. That way we can focus all of our attention on making this book look as good as possible.

I'm sure many of you are looking forward to this book, but after reading this, I hope you understand our reasoning behind delaying it a bit: we want it to be perfect.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
Thanks for the explanation, makes me hyped some more.
InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
[color=#EB9100]Can not wait for this title.. Looking at the current schedule and line up, I suppose we can expect this to be a 2015 release? If so, this is already my number one most hyped title for 2015~[/color]
I'm somewhat sad that this isn't going to be the next book but I know it'll be worth the wait so do your best putting it together!
Ecchi-sama Vanilla Essence
Damn, this is the one I'll actually pay to get the physical copy of.
much excites! needs to get here sooner!
Sorry to be raising the dead, but what happened to this one? I can't find it on the store.
FleetingFate Flat is JOOOOOSTISU!
PlaySamurai wrote...
Sorry to be raising the dead, but what happened to this one? I can't find it on the store.

keeeeep waiting , this ones gonna be awhile
FleetingFate wrote...
PlaySamurai wrote...
Sorry to be raising the dead, but what happened to this one? I can't find it on the store.

keeeeep waiting , this ones gonna be awhile

Right, thanks. They must be busy.
totally buying this when it comes out since I have longed for the day Japan's ero stuff to become uncensored as well as available to the U.S.
tswarthog The Iconoclast
sweet Jesus...I would pre-order this one a full year in advance!
I actually wasn't familiar with Ishikei! Now that I've "enlightened myself" I can say I'm definitely looking forward to this release.