Where exactly can you download books you've bought?

I swear I've been searching for a while now and can't find anyway to download them. My physical books won't ever be read but I'd prefer to read the books without needing to use the online viewer but alas... old age is catching up with me and a download link is evading me?
Go to the main page for any book you have bought like for instance Kira Kira by Hamao then right below the cover image it says, "Read Online", in green, below that it says, "Download Links", in blue hit that button, and it will take you to The download link page for that particular book
luckydog001 wrote...
Go to the main page for any book you have bought like for instance Kira Kira by Hamao then right below the cover image it says, "Read Online", in green, below that it says, "Download Links", in blue hit that button, and it will take you to The download link page for that particular book

That's why I didnt see it! I was clicking them straight from my library and it went straight to the actual book. Wow. Thank you a ton! Question completely answered.