[Locked] Discussion: Unlicensed Content Removal

So i am wondering, are all the different tags that count as controversial (aka forced, moster girls etc etc) coming back? and can we then also see it all without logging in?

because that's something that really irritates me, having to make a account specially to see certain kinds of content, only to find out that I still can't see it because the pages are missing.

It seems to me that the creators of fakku are trying to turn the site in a milk cow, with all their payed content bullshit. I get that servers to store all the content need to get paid, but right now they are screwing their user over. It just doesn't seem worth it to destroy so much content, just to become 'legal'.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
darkest wrote...
So i am wondering, are all the different tags that count as controversial (aka forced, moster girls etc etc) coming back? and can we then also see it all without logging in?

because that's something that really irritates me, having to make a account specially to see certain kinds of content, only to find out that I still can't see it because the pages are missing.

It seems to me that the creators of fakku are trying to turn the site in a milk cow, with all their payed content bullshit. I get that servers to store all the content need to get paid, but right now they are screwing their user over.

Yes, the tags are coming back. I assume you'll still have to log into your account to turn on/off the filter as usual.
Not like those will tags will matter for much longer if they promise to keep to that content removal schedule. We've got until December until practically all doujins are taken off.
YQII FAKKU Translator
darkest wrote...
It seems to me that the creators of fakku are trying to turn the site in a milk cow, with all their payed content bullshit. I get that servers to store all the content need to get paid, but right now they are screwing their user over. It just doesn't seem worth it to destroy so much content, just to become 'legal'.

I don't think you understand what has happened in the last year. We're printing physical books and ship them all over the world. We work with the actual content creators and compensate them for their work. We have a dozen full-time employees. The money goes to so much more than keeping the website online.

Edit: Also Tsujoi is right about the tags.
yeeeaaah, if you could give a warning out before you remove an entire serious. That would be great.
I get the need to remove content on the site that doesn't exactly comply with your standards; but instead of removing them entirely from the site, why didn't you just do the DMCA take-down method like what you did with some of the uploads I could still find in my Favorites?

(Edit: Like removing the pages on the reader, but leaving the "shell" of the upload's directory intact.)

I just find it disappointing that I can't remember the names of some of the content that was removed, even though I can remember their content. Just one of those times where you don't appreciate something until it's gone, I guess...
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
doGtaKaD wrote...
I get the need to remove content on the site that doesn't exactly comply with your standards; but instead of removing them entirely from the site, why didn't you just do the DMCA take-down method like what you did with some of the uploads I could still find in my Favorites?

(Edit: Like removing the pages on the reader, but leaving the "shell" of the upload's directory intact.)

I just find it disappointing that I can't remember the names of some of the content that was removed, even though I can remember their content. Just one of those times where you don't appreciate something until it's gone, I guess...

There's a tool to export that list, no eta on when it will be finished though.
Tsujoi wrote...
doGtaKaD wrote...
I get the need to remove content on the site that doesn't exactly comply with your standards; but instead of removing them entirely from the site, why didn't you just do the DMCA take-down method like what you did with some of the uploads I could still find in my Favorites?

(Edit: Like removing the pages on the reader, but leaving the "shell" of the upload's directory intact.)

I just find it disappointing that I can't remember the names of some of the content that was removed, even though I can remember their content. Just one of those times where you don't appreciate something until it's gone, I guess...

There's a tool to export that list, no eta on when it will be finished though.

In other words, there's still kind of a ray of hope? :o
doGtaKaD wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...
doGtaKaD wrote...
I get the need to remove content on the site that doesn't exactly comply with your standards; but instead of removing them entirely from the site, why didn't you just do the DMCA take-down method like what you did with some of the uploads I could still find in my Favorites?

(Edit: Like removing the pages on the reader, but leaving the "shell" of the upload's directory intact.)

I just find it disappointing that I can't remember the names of some of the content that was removed, even though I can remember their content. Just one of those times where you don't appreciate something until it's gone, I guess...

There's a tool to export that list, no eta on when it will be finished though.

In other words, there's still kind of a ray of hope? :o

Let's pray bruh... I just want my fav list to leave this site... *sigh*
I guess what y'all are doing to the site is a great thing for artists and yourselves. As a user, I don't approve of these changes. I'm a bit shocked (and surprised) that Fakku is now a "business", because I really liked this site. It was my go-to for hentai, etc, but now that so much content has been removed, it's no longer worth visiting. There are 404s all over the site. There are also alternative sites that have much larger libraries of hentai and are completely free (whether the content is legally accessible is irrelevant to me). They also have the tags that are (currently) missing on here.

I understand your reason for making these changes, and I thank you, because I do believe that this will encourage artists to make more hentai, but yeah.... I'm going to stop visiting.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Looey wrote...
I understand your reason for making these changes, and I thank you, because I do believe that this will encourage artists to make more hentai, but yeah.... I'm going to stop visiting.

Ah, but why stop visiting? You can get the free hentai elsewhere and still come here as well, either to hang around on the forums or occasionally spend a little to encourage the artists yourself as well. And Jacob has said there would likely be some content available for free in the future as well, even if it would have to wait until there's more content available to choose from. I can see that, unlike most others who have expressed their intention to leave, you actually understand the reasons for this change and, while not supporting these, actually see why they are good for the hentai business in general. So why not stay around and see where this goes, and maybe find something you'd like to buy too?
I like that there is a method to buy legally translated hentai now, but with most of the content disappearing, I see myself only coming back here to purchase on the odd whim here and there. Nothing much to keep me here aside from the occasional forum browsing. Let me be clear though, I still like the direction this is going, I can find hentai anywhere, but I can't buy good quality stuff anywhere for a reasonable price.
So just about 3 days left till all manga content is removed right?
Good stuff. Keeping the unlicensed stuff while also going 'legit' was the single biggest problem I had with Fakku books. Apparently you're also looking to solve my second problem which is availability outside of the US. Once you get that sorted out and get a more diverse catalog, which seems to be progressing nicely, I'll have run out of all excuses to not buy Fakku books.
I don't know if this was asked already, but why remove the tentacle tag?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
ChibiFangirl wrote...
I don't know if this was asked already, but why remove the tentacle tag?

There's no content in it, so it's hidden for now. Once we have content with that tag, it'll come back.
I don't know i think Fakku decisions by removing content and adding paid content adding more ads.
Decided me to visit alternative websites.
And people how hold the rights should realize by now gaining more fans this the best option and making advertise deals with websites like Fakku.

The real fan will purchase real book.
Just like with videos games i download and buy when really like them to support the studios.
Also Anime's like Naruto i don't believe it got a huge fan base because it was "LEGAL" due pirates and translators it got popular
youngchewy wrote...
I don't know i think Fakku decisions by removing content and adding paid content adding more ads.
Decided me to visit alternative websites.
And people how hold the rights should realize by now gaining more fans this the best option and making advertise deals with websites like Fakku.

The real fan will purchase real book.
Just like with videos games i download and buy when really like them to support the studios.
Also Anime's like Naruto i don't believe it got a huge fan base because it was "LEGAL" due pirates and translators it got popular

Not all "real" fans have money, though. Some of them even talk to artists' directly but can't afford to ship books.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
A.I. wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...
ChibiFangirl wrote...
I don't know if this was asked already, but why remove the tentacle tag?

There's no content in it, so it's hidden for now. Once we have content with that tag, it'll come back.

Actually you have that original story by Hse but it's not tagged with the tentacle tag.

It'll be back once the removal is done. It's missing the tag because of the way we're removing things.
ksiyas Kanadefanboy
YQII wrote...
darkest wrote...
It seems to me that the creators of fakku are trying to turn the site in a milk cow, with all their payed content bullshit. I get that servers to store all the content need to get paid, but right now they are screwing their user over. It just doesn't seem worth it to destroy so much content, just to become 'legal'.

I don't think you understand what has happened in the last year. We're printing physical books and ship them all over the world. We work with the actual content creators and compensate them for their work. We have a dozen full-time employees. The money goes to so much more than keeping the website online.

Edit: Also Tsujoi is right about the tags.

As happy as I am to have the books Ive bought, Im not liking the only licensed content idea that im reading about. If some authors wont offer up their works because you have unlicensed content, move to the next guy. Keep the free stuff here.

I'll pay a subscription (Making it not really free.-. but better than having only licensed content) to make up the cost needed to pay employees. There is just too much content that we will be missing out on if you try to make it licensed content only.

Now if you guys are even 80% certain that we will get the same amount of works posted up on a daily basis as this site was getting maybe 2-3 months ago (currently site seems to be getting less and less updates per day) or more by moving forward with this idea, then cool beans (Im all for uncensored content). Im down. But it sounds like a presidential candidate promising change for the better, then nothing happens >.>

I may have misunderstood the post, so enlighten me where necessary. I'll still come here to buy things every now and then though so, the new model may work out anyways. lol