[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

hmm I would be all for this but my big issue would have to be that you still deleted my list of hentai in the favorites and now I have no idea where how I am suppose to get it back. There is now no way for me to go hunt it down and buy it. When you guys first did it it was still on my favorite list so I was able to just go and buy it here or else were but now I cannot do that. I subscribed to you guys but now I will just let it expire and I hope your site dies. I hope the other piracy sites take over and completely ruin you. 2nd time I have ever posted something on this site and defiantly the last. SLIPSHINE FOREVER!!!!!!!!
inthebrilliantblue wrote...
I for one would like to see one month option instead of an automatic subscription. Reason is Id rather let it expire if I forget about it instead of constantly pulling without me knowing. This way it makes me remember I have a subscription and actually use it. Works for me on the other things I have like this. That and the credit card only payment? Get paypal to do it based on a "Support Us!" account for recurring / one time(s) payment.

They're working on more options like 1 month/3months/6months subs but paypal said no to any digital content. Sub or books.
thanks for all the years of happiness that you guys gave me,but i cant eford to lose almost 10 % of my month income in a web page so, adues e boa sorte
You know, I just want to say that I'm behind your efforts to make this a site with licensed content. I remember Napster and Audio Galaxy back in the day and people made the same argument about downloading music for free. I think people forget sometimes that artists need to be paid for the work that they do and if this gets us in their good graces, then we'll see more and more artists work. There are a few artists that I buy in book form when they put something out like Napata and Homonculous, but on average --I don't download a lot. Go legit and bring us more Fap material!
I'm a pretty infrequent user, so the price is more than my cost:value ratio at present. I was also primarily an unlicensed doujin reader, and as that service is no longer a part of FAKKU I'll move along for it elsewhere. I've enjoyed my time here and look forward to my even more infrequent visits in the future, and a potential subscription or individual purchase of things.

Good Luck, so long, and thanks for all the faps.
I have been with fakku for years now, it always had really nice content with nice quality. The change that it has taken saddens me, but i understand where its coming from. I understand completely, however i get the feeling fakku is gonna sink.

People crave legitimacy, it gives a sense of satisfaction when you support the things you love, and their creators, i paid for crunchyroll for a long time, until i could no longer afford it. I could have watched that concentent elsewhere but i paid cause i wanted to support the industry and get high quality content. However, people arent stupid, $12 a month is way too much...and if people can find similar content elsewhere for free, they will. I will.

And one last thing, dont look down on the scanslators, sure it might be piracy, but at teh end of the day we dont really have have widely available, legitimate way to support the things we like cause japan doesnt bother with the west.
Explain to me how "Telling an American company your third world problems is pointless. They set prices to make ends meet in their country of business." is bad-mouthing foriegners? lol
It's just honesty. Plain and simple. Just because 5% of their userbase is from say Jamaica, it would be bad business to set your prices so that the 5% can pay it. Doesn't mean that your country is bad or is undeserving, it's just impossible for them to operate on a price that fits you. In Jamaica $5 CAD covers an entire days pay for them. I can't even buy lunch with that.

Let me tell you, just because I make over 2k/mo, doesn't mean I'm a rich white man, either. My rent is $1280/mo and that's before hydro($150+), internet($150+), subscriptions($50+), food($250+/mo), gas($100/mo), water($40/mo), etc. $18.42/mo(conversion) for me is a modest amount for the service offered.
OtakuSenpai wrote...
Explain to me how "Telling an American company your third world problems is pointless. They set prices to make ends meet in their country of business." is bad-mouthing foriegners? lol
It's just honesty. Plain and simple. Just because 5% of their userbase is from say Jamaica, it would be bad business to set your prices so that the 5% can pay it. Doesn't mean that your country is bad or is undeserving, it's just impossible for them to operate on a price that fits you. In Jamaica $5 CAD covers an entire days pay for them. I can't even buy lunch with that.

Let me tell you, just because I make over 2k/mo, doesn't mean I'm a rich white man, either. My rent is $1280/mo and that's before hydro($150+), internet($150+), subscriptions($50+), food($250+/mo), gas($100/mo), water($40/mo), etc. $18.42/mo(conversion) for me is a modest amount for the service offered.

Agreed. I do sympathize with those born in areas with a poor economy (more so for more important reasons like affording food and shelter, not cheap porn), but you're right that that doesn't change how Fakku needs to operate as a business. If they can't afford a subscription, then there's probably a lot more pressing things that they can't afford as well.
YQII FAKKU Translator
inthebrilliantblue wrote...
I for one would like to see one month option instead of an automatic subscription.

You cancel the renewal right after you've subscribed. That way you'll have access to the service for a month, and only pay once.

Some general things that have been brought up repeatedly in this topic:

The subscription is too expensive
After the added fees we have to pay for working with adult content, the price is almost identical to what it would cost you to buy these two magazines in Japan on a monthly basis. While there are cons to what we offer (mainly that you don't own the content like you would have if you bought a physical copy), I believe there are far more benefits (main ones being you get it translated, uncensored, and you get access to all back issues), so I think the price is fair.

Netflix/Crunchyroll/Etc. is cheaper and offer more content
These are all services that have been around for years and they've had time to build up massive user bases and libraries. FAKKU's subscription service has been around for 3-4 months, and it's only been a few days since we really made the big change. By comparison, Crunchyroll did this back in 2009. It's the same reason we can't compete with Amazon when it comes to the price of shipping. It would be ideal, but it's impossible to have everything from day one.

There needs to be more payment methods
This is something we're constantly looking into, but with the risk of sounding like a broken record, this takes time. For some context, we've been in talks with PayPal since before the subscription service launched in September, and we finally came to a conclusion a few weeks ago. I wish it was just a matter of approaching a company and getting a quick yes or no, but that's sadly not the case. Once again, the us working with adult content and our commitment to not censor any content complicates things.

I want an alternative to subscribing for the magazine content
The first thing we will look into is allowing users to buy individual issues of a magazine. Nothing is decided right now, but if we can do this, it would most likely be very similar to buying a book from us. Right now, it seems unlikely we would offer users to subscribe to certain artists, tags, or buy individual chapters.
ever since it became subscription based. I only use fakku to look for some good artist/title, then search it on diff site to read. Well can't do any rants about what happened here. its been great but yea, things just gotta end at some point^^
Its been a fun run Fakku. I shall bid you a bitter goodbye, for although you were the best, there are still many a free Hentai site online.

(Context) I would never pay for a Fakku subscription. I mean, its expensive and kind of pointless. I would usually lurk on this site and if i found an interesting hentai (which was often) Id go out and buy it to support the author. Understandable that most dont do this but to basically cut off a vast majority of your users I think is crazy!

Either way, this is not done out of hate... just, If i cant access the content the site is basically useless to me. I wish you luck in the future! No need to reply, as this will be the last time I log on~ Its been fun.
hub0083 Carthago delenda est
I keep noticing a misconception popping up - Fakku didn't remove all the "free" content b/c they wanted to, they did it b/c they had to! As Jacob has has written about before, they had a choice of either being shut down or trying to go legit - they bet on the latter and fortunately it's worked out for them.

But in order to survive and grow the business, they have to try and secure more publishing deals, which is really hard to do when you're pirating said publisher's content (shows how much of a hail mary the Wani deal was).

I know I sound like an apologist (and hell, maybe I am), but I think if they wanted to try and keep the pirated stuff, Fakku had 2 choices - either wait to get sued and shutdown, or curate themselves into obscurity via DMCA take down notices.
YQII wrote...
inthebrilliantblue wrote...
I for one would like to see one month option instead of an automatic subscription.

You cancel the renewal right after you've subscribed. That way you'll have access to the service for a month, and only pay once.

Some general things that have been brought up repeatedly in this topic:

The subscription is too expensive
After the added fees we have to pay for working with adult content, the price is almost identical to what it would cost you to buy these two magazines in Japan on a monthly basis. While there are cons to what we offer (mainly that you don't own the content like you would have if you bought a physical copy), I believe there are far more benefits (main ones being you get it translated, uncensored, and you get access to all back issues), so I think the price is fair.

Netflix/Crunchyroll/Etc. is cheaper and offer more content
These are all services that have been around for years and they've had time to build up massive user bases and libraries. FAKKU's subscription service has been around for 3-4 months, and it's only been a few days since we really made the big change. By comparison, Crunchyroll did this back in 2009. It's the same reason we can't compete with Amazon when it comes to the price of shipping. It would be ideal, but it's impossible to have everything from day one.

There needs to be more payment methods
This is something we're constantly looking into, but with the risk of sounding like a broken record, this takes time. For some context, we've been in talks with PayPal since before the subscription service launched in September, and we finally came to a conclusion a few weeks ago. I wish it was just a matter of approaching a company and getting a quick yes or no, but that's sadly not the case. Once again, the us working with adult content and our commitment to not censor any content complicates things.

I want an alternative to subscribing for the magazine content
The first thing we will look into is allowing users to buy individual issues of a magazine. Nothing is decided right now, but if we can do this, it would most likely be very similar to buying a book from us. Right now, it seems unlikely we would offer users to subscribe to certain artists, tags, or buy individual chapters.

1. I get all of those things for free. (We can discuss the legitimacy of piracy but I'll leave it to another day) The question is; what does this susbscription offer me than a free website can't. No ads, adblock. More content? (don't make me laugh). Better translations? (I think scanlations do quite a good job in translations). Uncernsored? (I can forgive not watching drawn penises and vaginas) So what's for me?
2. Netflix, crunchyroll and other services are cheaper and that has been their base price for a while. Sure it was slightly more expensive than now, but never as expensive as this subscription
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Themasterof42 wrote...

1. I get all of those things for free. (We can discuss the legitimacy of piracy but I'll leave it to another day)
2. Netflix, crunchyroll and other services are cheaper and that has been their base price for a while. Sure it was slightly more expensive than now, but never as expensive as this subscription

Netflix actually had a very high price when they started their streaming service. It was something like $20 $17.99 for 18 hours of streaming.
So many defensive fanboys here vomiting all over this thread.

A good decision made in a bad moment. you don't have enough content.
I give you two months to bring back stuff like ShindoL, Yamatogawa, Shiwasu no okina licenced. After that time, i'll bid you farewell and you will lose yet another customer (I was a subscriber).
I also want to tell you i am VERY disappointed with you guys. I used to read the free mangas and that made my love for Fakku! grow. in fact, that is the reason why i became a subscriber. This decision feels like a spit on my face.
Themasterof42 wrote...
YQII wrote...
inthebrilliantblue wrote...
I for one would like to see one month option instead of an automatic subscription.

You cancel the renewal right after you've subscribed. That way you'll have access to the service for a month, and only pay once.

Some general things that have been brought up repeatedly in this topic:

The subscription is too expensive
After the added fees we have to pay for working with adult content, the price is almost identical to what it would cost you to buy these two magazines in Japan on a monthly basis. While there are cons to what we offer (mainly that you don't own the content like you would have if you bought a physical copy), I believe there are far more benefits (main ones being you get it translated, uncensored, and you get access to all back issues), so I think the price is fair.

Netflix/Crunchyroll/Etc. is cheaper and offer more content
These are all services that have been around for years and they've had time to build up massive user bases and libraries. FAKKU's subscription service has been around for 3-4 months, and it's only been a few days since we really made the big change. By comparison, Crunchyroll did this back in 2009. It's the same reason we can't compete with Amazon when it comes to the price of shipping. It would be ideal, but it's impossible to have everything from day one.

There needs to be more payment methods
This is something we're constantly looking into, but with the risk of sounding like a broken record, this takes time. For some context, we've been in talks with PayPal since before the subscription service launched in September, and we finally came to a conclusion a few weeks ago. I wish it was just a matter of approaching a company and getting a quick yes or no, but that's sadly not the case. Once again, the us working with adult content and our commitment to not censor any content complicates things.

I want an alternative to subscribing for the magazine content
The first thing we will look into is allowing users to buy individual issues of a magazine. Nothing is decided right now, but if we can do this, it would most likely be very similar to buying a book from us. Right now, it seems unlikely we would offer users to subscribe to certain artists, tags, or buy individual chapters.

1. I get all of those things for free. (We can discuss the legitimacy of piracy but I'll leave it to another day) The question is; what does this susbscription offer me than a free website can't. No ads, adblock. More content? (don't make me laugh). Better translations? (I think scanlations do quite a good job in translations). Uncernsored? (I can forgive not watching drawn penises and vaginas) So what's for me?
2. Netflix, crunchyroll and other services are cheaper and that has been their base price for a while. Sure it was slightly more expensive than now, but never as expensive as this subscription

1) the fact that you're not a pirate is one. unless you're proud to be one then there's no helping it. too bad some people, like me, look down on those things. don't worry though, pity doesn't kill. the content will come, but that's a matter of time. pretty much Netflix and crunchyroll never had their current content from the start already shows you want to argue with unfair methods, but that's fine. I never expected pirates to make neutral arguments.

edit: if Fakku joins forces with authorities, they can shut down your favorite free sites too. they would have that right. dunno if Jacob will go that far though... in which I'll think of him a little less if he doesnt. or more like take down things that exist here from other sites. hence you're "i can find it somewhere else" can become a fallacy. don't worry tho, that's probably not gonna happen to parody doujins... I think... I sure would love tho.

2) again, the assumption that Netflix/Crunchyroll should be the basis price is stupid mainly because those subs aren't adult in nature. go look for a legitimate adult site to compare sub prices. goes to show again you never paid for porn.
hub0083 wrote...
I keep noticing a misconception popping up - Fakku didn't remove all the "free" content b/c they wanted to, they did it b/c they had to! As Jacob has has written about before, they had a choice of either being shut down or trying to go legit - they bet on the latter and fortunately it's worked out for them.

But in order to survive and grow the business, they have to try and secure more publishing deals, which is really hard to do when you're pirating said publisher's content (shows how much of a hail mary the Wani deal was).

I know I sound like an apologist (and hell, maybe I am), but I think if they wanted to try and keep the pirated stuff, Fakku had 2 choices - either wait to get sued and shutdown, or curate themselves into obscurity via DMCA take down notices.

The misconception keeps popping up because most of those complaining don't bother to read what's actually going on, ie 'Jacob is selling out!!!!'.
Romana FAKKU Letterer
Ricochet wrote...
A good decision made in a bad moment. you don't have enough content.
I give you two months to bring back stuff like ShindoL, Yamatogawa, Shiwasu no okina licenced.

We have yet to make any deals with other publishers outside of Wani, so unless Yamatogawa and Shiwasu no okina are Wani artists, it's unlikely they will appear on our site in the time-frame you have demanded.

ShindoL we however are trying to work a deal with. But even if we don't get him back, we encourage you to go directly to him if you want to read his work. He's actually from Queens, New York, and is very much aware of the piracy of his work in the West.
I was thinking about subscribing, but then the tags I liked went away. So no thank you. I will be leaving this site for good unfortunately.
Monster Girl
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