[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

Welp I guess I'll have to move elsewhere. I have nothing against subscriptions and such, but when you don't have money, you don't have the money, especially at this price point. It's insane.No subscription service I've ever had asked for this much per month. It's just too much, for a now, meager amount of content. Yes you will grow, but you aren't going to grow fast enough for me to wait around and save up for a sub. Just not worth it. Ciao
Fekk Icelandic Viking
I was upset at first hearing about this. But I have come around to realize that this decision makes sense. While I am a strong advocate for freeing things such as this, it would have been ideal for some sort of donation based way. But if the authors and artists agree with letting this site continue with a subscription base, I say that it's a steal. The amount for a subscription is hardly what I would call a backbreaking amount of money that people claim it is.
$13 a month? no thanks, I'd rather go to other sites than pay more than a dollar everytime I fap
I really hope we soon can get an annual payment system and a way to actually buy to own the magazines. I have never been comfortable with subscriptions since content can be removed at any time for a lot of arbitrary reasons.

I also hope Kairakuten BEAST and Shitsurakuten are added to the available magazines, since a lot of my favorite artists are actually published there. It would also add a lot of value to the subscription.

Finally, you should really be open about which artists won't actually be uploaded to the site. Is it true that ShindoL won't be published here and his works will only be available on his Patreon? I really hope it's just a rumor, because that means to get a complete copy of X-Eros you need to give 13 dollars for the chapter + 10 dollars to his Patreon. I get that he wants to push his Patreon, but if I have to choose between spending 10 dollars on his chapter or 13 on the rest of X-Eros, I think the decision is pretty obvious, even if I am a fan of his works.
Just something I want to add about the 'people should not compare Fakku subscription with Netflix, etc' argument. While it is true that it is not really fair to compare them with these kind of services, it is what people will do. It's not like we can change how the average person thinks. The only thing we can do is explain why it is as expensive as it is now.

It's a disadvantage that Fakku has to deal with as long as the subscriptions will remain in this price range.
I'm really torn on whether or not I want to support this, but best wishes to the future of fakku! If anything, if the scans continue to be of the highest quality they certainly deserve someone's money :p
Sorry, but to flatly put it out the site is going to slowly die or at the very least become way less profitable or visited.

You should've somehow built a YouTube-like system around this. Tell the writers they'll get a cut of ad revenue on any ads displayed near their work.

A subscription based system for porn never ever works. Sorry. You've got to think of something else, otherwise Pururin will be the new Fakku.
I want to support this site but there are several reasons why I can't and I'll try and be conscise without offending because I do agree with the overall decision.

1) Pricing. I have three streaming services which are way more data intensive and have a higher overhead yet a lower price than a 2d medium? 12.95 per month is way more than I'm willing to spend and I'll elaborate more on this in my next section. To me it feels like this is a punishment levied on subscribers for the loss of traffic this decision will inevitably create.

2) Ads. This is why I hate Hulu. If I'm not going to pay for their subscription which is less than this I'm not going to pay to see ads to more services wanting more of my money. If I'm dumping in near thirteen dollars to support this site every month only to get the same ads I was getting before then I feel I've lost value. I understand from early legitimization you need the extra income but it hurts the value of a subscription.

3) Vastly reduced content with no plans to save favorite lists. I for one didn't use this I fortunately had a bookmark folder so I have the names of many of my favorites but again this is a costly service with a lack of material with some tags even containing only a single manga. With the price already high it only creates apprehension as the library grows will my subscription grow as well? With little concern for the people you depend on keeping your site alive by saving the names of the manga it doesn't inspire confidence in us that you wont make another business move that harms the community whether that's another blanket removal of content or a price increase.

These are my major concerns and I'm not sure if anyone feels the same. Again I think going legit is the right move, but as the current state the site is in I can't take on another subscription service.
so to sum it all up. I can't read anything unless I pay?
to be honest i think this will kill fakku
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
noye wrote...
2) Ads. This is why I hate Hulu. If I'm not going to pay for their subscription which is less than this I'm not going to pay to see ads to more services wanting more of my money. If I'm dumping in near thirteen dollars to support this site every month only to get the same ads I was getting before then I feel I've lost value. I understand from early legitimization you need the extra income but it hurts the value of a subscription.

Subscribing disables the ads.

noye wrote...
3) Vastly reduced content with no plans to save favorite lists. I for one didn't use this I fortunately had a bookmark folder so I have the names of many of my favorites but again this is a costly service with a lack of material with some tags even containing only a single manga. With the price already high it only creates apprehension as the library grows will my subscription grow as well? With little concern for the people you depend on keeping your site alive by saving the names of the manga it doesn't inspire confidence in us that you wont make another business move that harms the community whether that's another blanket removal of content or a price increase.

Favorites and collections exports include also the removed manga, so it is still possible to recover the names for now.

hgatedc wrote...
its an issue I am against with. DLing is nice when we're offline, but also goes to the same issue as ease of pirating.

I, as a person who work hard for my stuff, wouldn't want people to leech of it. some people might want the ease of use with download, but I rather not give it the chance.

but hey, it's Jacobs call if he wants to promote it. he said he wants to support the authors... it's kinda backwards if he makes the content he publish easy for the piraters

This is less of a problem than you make it out to be. Fakku subscription content is already being saved and offered on pirate sites anyway, this would just make it possible for legitimate customers to get this option as well. It's pretty much impossible to stop this kind of piracy, so it should not stop Fakku from offering a much-requested service to those who actually pay for this content.
luinthoron wrote...

hgatedc wrote...
its an issue I am against with. DLing is nice when we're offline, but also goes to the same issue as ease of pirating.

I, as a person who work hard for my stuff, wouldn't want people to leech of it. some people might want the ease of use with download, but I rather not give it the chance.

but hey, it's Jacobs call if he wants to promote it. he said he wants to support the authors... it's kinda backwards if he makes the content he publish easy for the piraters

This is less of a problem than you make it out to be. Fakku subscription content is already being saved and offered on pirate sites anyway, this would just make it possible for legitimate customers to get this option as well. It's pretty much impossible to stop this kind of piracy, so it should not stop Fakku from offering a much-requested service to those who actually pay for this content.

I agree. Downloads or not, it will not stop people from uploading content to other sites. Downloads will make it easier for them, but using this as a reason to not offer downloads is basically punishing your paying customers that prefer downloads. A really bad argument to not offer downloads if you ask me.
Seeing the feedback in this topic, a lot of people prefer downloads to get a sense of ownership of the things they pay for and to be able to read offline as well. Right now pirates are offering downloads which Fakku does not provide and are pulling away potentially paying customers because they can get for free what Fakku does not provide right now. So I think it is important to get downloads for the subscription content as well.
As a sub since you've started subscriptions I have to say I'm fairly disappointed in the mass removal. Over all its understandable why you did it, but frankly I see even less a reason to come to fakku. I'll miss out on so many good releases, and its just plain easier to go to another site where everything is. On top of that I can also download everything which I can't do here its a massive disappointment in that regard. I joined the subscription because this was the first place I came for hentai in general, but lately I feel like the genres I enjoy are extremely lackluster here. Which will become even greater with the removal of more content. On top of not being able to download anything, but books is a bit much so it ends up just me paying $12 to remove ads which honestly I always ran adblock so I never saw any. As scummy as it is I'd rather not risk some infected ads spreading something to my pc. It was just nice for mobile I guess?

I doubt my opinion matters, but even though I want to support some of my favorite artists it's not like they actively have content released here so I'm not sure if I will continue supporting fakku. I'd rather honestly show my support over twitter, and buy the Japanese releases. At the end of the day I might get a reply that makes my day for being noticed. Perhaps its just me, but I feel more like a supporter in that way. I don't think fakku comments/subscription could ever replicate that.
Although I do support this decision, as it makes FAKKU a fully legal site, it pains me to see that a work dedicated to the community has been removed.

luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Andy29485 wrote...
Although I do support this decision, as it makes FAKKU a fully legal site, it pains me to see that a work dedicated to the community has been removed.


That one has sadly been gone for quite a bit longer than these recent removals. Definitely sad not to see it here anymore, though.
luinthoron wrote...

This is less of a problem than you make it out to be. Fakku subscription content is already being saved and offered on pirate sites anyway, this would just make it possible for legitimate customers to get this option as well. It's pretty much impossible to stop this kind of piracy, so it should not stop Fakku from offering a much-requested service to those who actually pay for this content.

This is true! In fact, when I checked if the contents were truly exclusive, I managed to find that some sites are already sniping some of the newer releases. There were already 'placeholders' for the titles FAKKU have and they're merely waiting to have them posted. So I believe that by having it unavailable for legitimately paying customers to download only helps to make these other websites become more in demand, and surely other websites will pick up on that website's ways.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
noye wrote...

1) Pricing. I have three streaming services which are way more data intensive and have a higher overhead yet a lower price than a 2d medium? 12.95 per month is way more than I'm willing to spend and I'll elaborate more on this in my next section. To me it feels like this is a punishment levied on subscribers for the loss of traffic this decision will inevitably create.

So which service do you mean because all I can see is Fakku being one of cheapest.
Pornhub 9,99/mo
Brazzers 29,99/mo
Redtube 20/mo
Faketaxi 24,95/mo
Realitykings 29,95/mo
X-art 19,95/mo
Torridart 29,95/mo

Welp I could go on but it's pretty damn consistent between 20-30 bucks with pornhub being exception.
So where is the removed ones? not coming back? can you sub to see them again?
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
Danneirl wrote...
So where is the removed ones? not coming back? can you sub to see them again?

gone. yes. no.
it sucks coz I can't even afford it. I have no credit card,since I'm legal of age to read these kinds of manga. I think it is for the best but then again you might lose a lot of readers since it isn't for free anymore.:(
Kazehana wrote...
As a sub since you've started subscriptions I have to say I'm fairly disappointed in the mass removal. Over all its understandable why you did it, but frankly I see even less a reason to come to fakku. I'll miss out on so many good releases, and its just plain easier to go to another site where everything is. On top of that I can also download everything which I can't do here its a massive disappointment in that regard. I joined the subscription because this was the first place I came for hentai in general, but lately I feel like the genres I enjoy are extremely lackluster here. Which will become even greater with the removal of more content. On top of not being able to download anything, but books is a bit much so it ends up just me paying $12 to remove ads which honestly I always ran adblock so I never saw any. As scummy as it is I'd rather not risk some infected ads spreading something to my pc. It was just nice for mobile I guess?

I doubt my opinion matters, but even though I want to support some of my favorite artists it's not like they actively have content released here so I'm not sure if I will continue supporting fakku. I'd rather honestly show my support over twitter, and buy the Japanese releases. At the end of the day I might get a reply that makes my day for being noticed. Perhaps its just me, but I feel more like a supporter in that way. I don't think fakku comments/subscription could ever replicate that.

The better option i believe. I would buy the magazines from japan if my country's customs wasnt so corrupt. Im gonna have problems getting the DOAX3 Saikyou set later because of this.

Just because it wont stop people from pirating doesnt meat it shouldnt be done. Just because people wont stop killing other people with guns doeant mean we should ignore it. Tolerating something wrong is wrong in itself. I myself know the pain of not being able to download the fap material, but im more willing to lose that option if its for the benefit of the author, and screws the fuck out of the leechers.
Monster Girl
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