[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

( Wonder why I haven't seen this for a long time and not noticed the large amounts of un-free stuffs till now...)

So i see theres a lot of good mangas here, hentai or not. And we should pay for them a little.The makers needs money to lived and they don't have time to do free stuffs, well, for free. We should support them as much as possible. Recently, if you guys are an Community-searchers, you guys will noticed that there are some videos/facts about the fallen of the whole Anime/Manga Industry. To prevent these from happening, start from a small steps like: paying for your hentais you read. It will contribute little, but surely to this Industry and re-improved it alot.

-"One coin for hentai = one point for Japanese largest Industry"-

P/s: My region hard stricts, messed up and hard methods to loading money online.Sorry about the good talk but can't do much thing.....
SenatorSmash wrote...
It's almost as if you didn't bother to read the reasons why all these changes had to be made in the first place.

I won't re-list everything that has pretty much already been explained and emphasized throughout this thread, but I will tell you that if you put enough effort into researching about the reasons why people make certain decisions before you make a post like this, people will take you more seriously.

When I read the original post all I really saw was "We want to roll legit." "Artist are starving!" "We wanna be friends with the artist."

Now I'm not gonna go back through 6 months of Forum post to piece together a mystery.

I dont buy the excuse that Hentai artist are starving for money. Japan is half the size of California and they produce double the high quality adult comic content than the US. Thats a huge trend for a career that is garbage.

The closet thing to the full story I've seen is a post on page 44 just above mine about threats of legal action. If that is true then this decision makes more sense. However its still bad.

Fakku can still be free and legal. You guys embraced advertising long ago. There must be a legal avenue to be free with ads.

Whether my facts are right or not, the price you are asking is too high for the amount of content you have and payment options are too restricted. 50% of the post here state that.
Can there be a process for artists to upload some home made content? An indie page if you will?
Gressnor wrote...
SenatorSmash wrote...
It's almost as if you didn't bother to read the reasons why all these changes had to be made in the first place.

I won't re-list everything that has pretty much already been explained and emphasized throughout this thread, but I will tell you that if you put enough effort into researching about the reasons why people make certain decisions before you make a post like this, people will take you more seriously.

When I read the original post all I really saw was "We want to roll legit." "Artist are starving!" "We wanna be friends with the artist."

Now I'm not gonna go back through 6 months of Forum post to piece together a mystery.

I dont buy the excuse that Hentai artist are starving for money. Japan is half the size of California and they produce double the high quality adult comic content than the US. Thats a huge trend for a career that is garbage.

The closet thing to the full story I've seen is a post on page 44 just above mine about threats of legal action. If that is true then this decision makes more sense. However its still bad.

Fakku can still be free and legal. You guys embraced advertising long ago. There must be a legal avenue to be free with ads.

Whether my facts are right or not, the price you are asking is too high for the amount of content you have and payment options are too restricted. 50% of the post here state that.

Because that percentage of the population never paid for official adult subsciption. You didnt bother checking other official adult sites since youve been going to free sites. Did you see their price tag? Or did you just compare the prices of fakku with general audience content like hulu or crunchyroll?

So what if the artists arent starving, you still have no right to grab and use their stuff without permission. Thats what the takedowns was about 6 months ago.

The only justification to get/see these free is only and only if the artist consents, which is not the case before.

Their product, their price.

Akimoto1337 wrote...
Can there be a process for artists to upload some home made content? An indie page if you will?

Should be. Some of doxy's doujins and original work are free to see here.
Would of personally waited until you had a larger selection before purging. But I guess you guys had a deadlines.
Thrust vectoring wrote...
Would of personally waited until you had a larger selection before purging. But I guess you guys had a deadlines.

Its still a mystery that wani gave them time to remove all other non-wani published content. But they were still told to let go.
I would really like to support Fakku further by becoming a subscriber, but hey, I don't even have the possibility to do so. It's not like I can't afford it, it's just the payment options.. erm.. I mean, the payment OPTION issue. I don't have a credit card, you see.

Free content was removed in one single moment. Additional payment options are to be implemented somewhere in the future. Nobody knows when exactly. Until then, this all has rendered the whole website useless for me. That's a pity.
Shuush, shuush! leave out of here already, you poor people. Only VIPS allowed from now.
evernight77 wrote...
Shuush, shuush! leave out of here already, you poor people. Only VIPS allowed from now.

Nope. There will be a free reader when the compainies/artist and jacob hammer out the details.

Akimoto1337 wrote...
Can there be a process for artists to upload some home made content? An indie page if you will?

I believe if you have your own work, just pm jacob or his email and he will see if it uploadable.
hgatedc wrote...
Thrust vectoring wrote...
Would of personally waited until you had a larger selection before purging. But I guess you guys had a deadlines.

Its still a mystery that wani gave them time to remove all other non-wani published content. But they were still told to let go.

Agreed. Again, I'm shocked that they had it as long as they did.
SenatorSmash Lord Knows I'd Smash
Gressnor wrote...
SenatorSmash wrote...
It's almost as if you didn't bother to read the reasons why all these changes had to be made in the first place.

I won't re-list everything that has pretty much already been explained and emphasized throughout this thread, but I will tell you that if you put enough effort into researching about the reasons why people make certain decisions before you make a post like this, people will take you more seriously.

When I read the original post all I really saw was "We want to roll legit." "Artist are starving!" "We wanna be friends with the artist."

Now I'm not gonna go back through 6 months of Forum post to piece together a mystery.

I dont buy the excuse that Hentai artist are starving for money. Japan is half the size of California and they produce double the high quality adult comic content than the US. Thats a huge trend for a career that is garbage.

The closet thing to the full story I've seen is a post on page 44 just above mine about threats of legal action. If that is true then this decision makes more sense. However its still bad.

Fakku can still be free and legal. You guys embraced advertising long ago. There must be a legal avenue to be free with ads.

Whether my facts are right or not, the price you are asking is too high for the amount of content you have and payment options are too restricted. 50% of the post here state that.

Whether Hentai artists are starving for money or not is a completely different matter. The point is is that these artists should be paid for the work they put in. Just because someone has a lot of money doesn't mean they don't deserve to earn money from their labor anymore just because they have a lot of it. It's a matter of getting paid your dues for the work you put in. You wouldn't really like it all that much if you put hours and hours into your job only to not get paid at the end, would you?

Subscription guarantees that as long as FAKKU is providing the content that they promised to supply customers with, (which it seems they've been on point, so far) customers who have subscribed will pay a monthly fee to read them. With a move as big as FAKKU has made on New Years, ad revenue would be unreliable at best. Cutting all of their old content out of the picture means they've lost a large portion of their audience that usually came here for the old content. You'd also have to hope that FAKKU's remaining audience would also want to constantly come back for new content daily, which as most people who have posted (and are against the subscription policy) on this thread expressed that they visit the website anywhere from weekly to monthly at most. That's not good enough for a website were they to depend strictly on ad revenue and book sales. Ad revenue was okay to rely on when FAKKU didn't have large business costs to worry about. Now that they do, they have to find a stable source of income, which subscriptions became the answer to.

As for the price to content ratio, well what do you expect? They can't keep any of their old content since that would severely hamper or outright destroy FAKKU's reputation as a legal business, making it near impossible to obtain deals from other Japanese artists, and FAKKU's subscription-only content started 6 months ago. They aren't going to have thousands of H-mangas available already. Prices also can't be negotiated at this point because credit card companies charge adult businesses much more than other businesses. Although, I do hear that there may be changes in the future in terms of prices and payment options.... don't quote me on that though since I ain't no FAKKU employee or anything. Hahaha!

Basically, lots of choices FAKKU has made were based on circumstances that forced them to do so.

- Take down notice from Wani requires FAKKU to either shut down their site completely or do what they're doing now, making a business relationship with Wani, which allows them to still exist.

- Both the new business relationship and the take down notice also requires FAKKU to delete any unlicensed content that they have on their website. Keeping any unlicensed content on the website can spell disastrous consequences.

- New business costs forces FAKKU to find a more stable/reliable form of income to ensure website's ability to stay afloat. Subscription method comes on board.

- Subscription prices must meet the business costs of the new relationship with Wani, being able to pay FAKKU employees, and tackle on the extra cost that credit card companies give to adult businesses.

All I'm glad about is that FAKKU actually has a chance to thrive this way. The other choice would have spelled the end of FAKKU immediately, and we wouldn't even have a forum to have this kind of debate with.... or maybe we would, I dunno. The point is is that FAKKU still exists! Whether you're glad about that and the choices that FAKKU had to made, or were made for them, is up to you.
What I am most upset about this decision is that all my "favorites" are gone and I have no way of remembering all the names of the books or authors for ones I liked.

So thanks a lot. The least you could have done was kept the user favorites around, even if they arent viewable.

It's a damn shame, this site is pretty much dead to me now. There are plenty of other sites to use, and I wish it didnt have to come down to this.
boltsandguns Electroshock TheRapist
BlackMan215 wrote...
What I am most upset about this decision is that all my "favorites" are gone and I have no way of remembering all the names of the books or authors for ones I liked.

So thanks a lot. The least you could have done was kept the user favorites around, even if they arent viewable.

On the favorites page in the upper right hand corner is an export button to get your favorites list as a JSON file.
BlackMan215 wrote...
What I am most upset about this decision is that all my "favorites" are gone and I have no way of remembering all the names of the books or authors for ones I liked.

So thanks a lot. The least you could have done was kept the user favorites around, even if they arent viewable.

Except you can export the list.
Forum Image: https://jii.moe/4yAEajsvl.png

Json files can be read by any word app.
A sad day. I came back to this site at the behest of my raging hardon for sexy manga, only to be literally cockblocked by a paywall. There are a plethora of other ways you could manage the legality of such content, but you chose, instead, to try milking your loyal members for money. I refuse to believe that, with the lackluster and barren catalog I've found here after your purge, $13/month ONLY covers paying for licensed content. It's the same shit that happened to a bunch of other sites before; say that they're trying to stay legal, but instead turn out to be greedy cunts with no respect for their communities.

I'll be the first one laughing when your dumbasses get DDoS'd or some shit. Your stated reasons are just, but your implementation is retarded.

Couldn't remember my password, so I made another account on here just to say that.
BlackMan215 wrote...
What I am most upset about this decision is that all my "favorites" are gone and I have no way of remembering all the names of the books or authors for ones I liked.

So thanks a lot. The least you could have done was kept the user favorites around, even if they arent viewable.

It's a damn shame, this site is pretty much dead to me now. There are plenty of other sites to use, and I wish it didnt have to come down to this.

100% didnt read anything.
YQII FAKKU Translator
I just want to clarify something: stopping piracy has never been a factor in any of our decisions. Our books have been DRM-free since the start because we knew that's what our customers would want, even if that made them easier to pirate. If we had gone for a more tradition subscription service, where you only get the current month's magazine, then I'm sure downloads would have been an option, because you would essentially be buying the individual issues. The current service gives you access to the entire library as long as you have an active subscription, and downloads don't fit into that model. Once you're able to purchase magazines, it'll be a different story.

Finally, I'll elaborate on the price some more. I might have missed a post somewhere, but I have yet to see anyone motivate why they think the price is unreasonable without either comparing it to Netflix—a service which at launch limited your streaming to 17 hours for $17/month—or by comparing us to scanlation sites—many of which have no expenses besides server costs and mainly rely on their users to contribute content. After the fees that come with working on adult content, we're right now asking for the same price as buying these two magazines in Japan, while providing them translated, uncensored, and offering access to all older issues. Once we add a third magazine to the service (something we're already looking into), buying a subscription will be a better deal even when you include the fees in the calculation.

I fully understand that not everyone can/want to spend this kind of money, but the pricing is far from absurd.
The other issue is the conversion rate from US to other countries may not be worth it. I live in Canada and 1 USD is .70 CAD so $12.50 USD is $17.85 CAD then you add the tax that will be applied and I'm sitting at $20.00 CAD. Which is insane considering once upon a time USD equaled CAD. There are endless sites that provide similar services that Fakku has and have remained free. I understand the view of where Fakku is going, but I'm not sure if it will be successful. "The Pricing Is Absurd, to non americans"

In addition, now that people will be paying for the content, Fakku can't afford to deliver sub par content and most always have alot of content being pushed through that appeases to everyone. When it was free, no one would complain because you would be called "Ungrateful", since people would be doing it out of their spare time, but now that it's paying customer's there might be a lot more toxicity if a certain customer likes a specific tag for example vanilla, but all that's being pushed out is tentacles and NTR.

Overall, I'll give it a year and if Fakku user/guest activity base hasn't decreased by 70%, then it's worth it I guess.
So I have been a Member of the Fakku community for longer than i care to remember. I have no Problem with you wanting everything on here to be licensed and I have always been able to find the most random of things... (Ranma 1/2 , Blue Gender, FLCL,Basket Fruit, etc. even a great amount of Funta) but with the " Great Purge of 2016 most of that is now by the wayside, hopefully some of the things loved can return while i begin to enjoy the new content from Japan and from our own community artist.

My next Major dilemma is online payments. while I know online payments is the way a lot gets done now I am a big sticker about who gets any of my private info and as such keep online payments to the bare minimal. but since i love this site I guess i'll give it a try.... though i wonder what Security Rating your severs are
Jman1987 wrote...
So I have been a Member of the Fakku community for longer than i care to remember. I have no Problem with you wanting everything on here to be licensed and I have always been able to find the most random of things... (Ranma 1/2 , Blue Gender, FLCL,Basket Fruit, etc. even a great amount of Funta) but with the " Great Purge of 2016 most of that is now by the wayside, hopefully some of the things loved can return while i begin to enjoy the new content from Japan and from our own community artist.

My next Major dilemma is online payments. while I know online payments is the way a lot gets done now I am a big sticker about who gets any of my private info and as such keep online payments to the bare minimal. but since i love this site I guess i'll give it a try.... though i wonder what Security Rating your severs are

They don't store your info and the payment is on the credit processor's system. CCbill i think.
Monster Girl
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