[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

Burningbigbang wrote...
Nawoi wrote...
This thread...

My main focus has been eroge. Visual novels with pornographic content. I've been paying for these titles for years now, at one time even if my computer (64 bit) didn't allow me to even run them.

Guess what I did? I bought the game then hacked the DRM. (silly anti-piracy program)
I am grateful for the people that wrote those hacks for the same reason I am grateful towards the fan-subbing community. I would very much like to see them get a proper job out of their work instead of relying on donations.

I hate DRM but I love the content, however it should be clear that by buying their games I have helped a company and creators, and it has become a fast growing market. As a matter of fact a lot of professionally released eroge come without DRM, and I love these companies for that. (jast and mangagamer) I fully intend to lend out my hard copies to friends that are interested and I see this as promotion for a branch of fiction that has been my niche for years. There was never any money to be made off of people who were unaware of the existence of this product. I've since come out of the closet and got 2 of my friends to enjoy this content. This is a good thing in my opinion, because one of them has since bought a nukige title.

The same thing holds true for scanlations. I do hope this never goes away, but I'm given an opportunity to reach out to the makers of these manga and pay for them. Scanlation works have brought a whole new medium (hentai) to the attention of westerners, but I don't think it's wrong for those publishers to start cashing on the fanbase abroad.

A lot of this thread has been an utter disgrace that I've been reading up on. I'm just venting.

If you are personally in any way prohibited to support this site; I would never hold it against you.

If you however are one of those self-entitled egoists who think that they deserve free entertainment just because.... Well you might just be shooting everyone in the foot.

Fakku now brings Wani content legally. Top notch, uncensored. Take a minute to think about the Japanese fans who support these works that get to read them with mosaics... I almost feel guilty as a subscriber.

I hope Fakku will be successful, because I, too, have a lot of admiration for the people that produce these stories for me to read. I'll cancel most of my other subscriptions before I quit spending money here.

TL:DR You can export your favorites and are free to look them up to re-read them. It's been clear that most of you posting here are unaware of this even though it gets mentioned on nearly every page of the thread. If this sounds like you, please just go elsewhere already.

I think I deserve free entertainment because no one has found a way to stop me from getting it yet.

Until the day comes when I simply CAN'T find a way to get shit for free anymore I will continue to steal, pirate and pilfer whatever I want to because fuck you unless you can stop me.

Most self entitled comment I have ever read in this whole topic of discussion. I cant believe this person just said that lmfao.
Jacob wrote...
At this point whether we succeed or fail is entirely up to you

Is it really? I choose failure then.

Fakku would be nothing if their business model started off this way. This is textbook bait and switch.

I don't think I need to tell anyone that porn on the internet is free. Only idiots pay for porn.
lolbifrons wrote...
Jacob wrote...
At this point whether we succeed or fail is entirely up to you

Is it really? I choose failure then.

Fakku would be nothing if their business model started off this way. This is textbook bait and switch.

I don't think I need to tell anyone that porn on the internet is free. Only idiots pay for porn.
Go ahead and choose failure. I will take pleasure in being the idiot that makes up for your worthlessness
As an artist, I can appreciate the reasons behind why this has come about, and I toast you for having that respect for the community and the artists that put out these great works.
As a broke user with 0 way of paying for a sub, I'm saddened by the development, and I look forward to whatever free content you manage to put up.
Jacob, and other staff members still out there reading this thread, I just want to share my own thoughts.

I've been an anonymous lurker of Fakku for almost 7-8 years now. I've never had the need to register because everything (or, at least, most things) were agreeably accessible. Do you guys still host hentai videos?

I am registering now because I think that, regardless of how strict you must be with your new found publishing policies, you must consider those who have been visiting Fakku to just get a quick wank without paying a sing dime (except the minimal exposure to popup ads).

Fakku has been running on advertisement revenue for all these years. Am I wrong? Are you guys still using ads to support the site? Assuming Fakku still does this, if the subscription usability is 1/50 of regular viewers of Fakku, how will the ad-revenue for the new hentai material support the site?

Here is my solution.
Start calling out artists who are okay with their content being free for people to view to have it accessible on Fakku to read for free.

Palcomix has a shit ton of free doujin and original content that they create them selves for viewers to read for free. Contact them to see if they will be interested in having their free content hosted on Fakku for free viewage. Shadman also posts a few free hentai doujins on his site that he created himself. Get in touch with him. I am sure he will be interested in getting name more known. Sunsetriders, DTiberius, Sharpie, and a few others I forget to name. Some artists from WWOEC post interesting comics. Get in touch with them at their forums. I think you had a few of their works on here before by Pandora's Box.

These are just examples (there are more), but I know you can get this done because I see Doxy's works on here. My point is to try to easily get free content on Fakku that will not have any issue with Japanese artists.

Now, it's cool that you want to focus on Japanese hentai. But it would be cool if you look at Korean hentai as well. Get in contact with Korean adult webcomic sites. Lezhin, Zzamtoon, etc. Maybe they'd be interested in doing some deals with Fakku.

Also, try to get in contact with RHB ...They have a very few selection of free material. They are already published with Deep Star Books but they may still agree to have some of their content (or future content) to be easily accessible at Fakku when users pay subscription.

All these people/groups/publishers I mentioned have a huge fanbase on their own. This will translate to more subscriptions and success. I will also subscribe when there is a large variety.

You must strive for not just being Japanese-to-English Hentai publishers, but also publishers for all things English Hentai! If you don't have this mentality, Fakku will be experimentally limited, and may lose face as just another Crunchyroll (maybe I'm being generous in saying Crunchyroll, but you get my point).
O well guess we have to go another journey to find the treasure again

Meanwhile , won't it be better to just put at the main page , Subscribe to see the hentai
instead of making us wait?
Any chance of seeing some of Kisaragi Gunma's works return as Fakku! Books or launch as new Fakku! Books? I really hope "A Straight Line To Love" in particular would be among the releases.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
skylerxt wrote...
Any chance of seeing some of Kisaragi Gunma's works return as Fakku! Books or launch as new Fakku! Books? I really hope "A Straight Line To Love" in particular would be among the releases.

Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
skylerxt wrote...
Any chance of seeing some of Kisaragi Gunma's works return as Fakku! Books or launch as new Fakku! Books? I really hope "A Straight Line To Love" in particular would be among the releases.


Praise your lord and savior Jacob, for he provides what you hope for before you even ask.
Likhos01 wrote...
skylerxt wrote...
Any chance of seeing some of Kisaragi Gunma's works return as Fakku! Books or launch as new Fakku! Books? I really hope "A Straight Line To Love" in particular would be among the releases.


Praise your lord and savior Jacob, for he provides what you hope for before you even ask.

Thanks for that. Already have Welcome To Tokoharu Apartments and Love Selection. So I guess Straight Line To Love is still in the pipeline....oh well...looking forward to that and Pandemonium by NaPaTa and many more.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Please do not promote pirating the works we release.
This was a bad decision. You decided to basically remove the core of your content all at once, without considering the immediate consequences of doing so.
Do you seriously think your previously loyal traffic is going to stick around and wait for you to add enough content to make up for it? No, they aren't. Not when that stuff can be immediately provided for on other sites.
You should have waited until you had enough content that was guaranteed to be there after the removal, but just removing everything and adding that stuff in slowly? That will end you as a business.
You're relying on good will from a crowd you openly admit always considered this content free. Good will that just doesn't exist in high enough quantity especially after such a brute force removal.
You're going to need to work your ass off to get that free content here as fast as possible. None of this "sticky legal business" nonsense. It's the only way you'll recover.
Until then, I'm going to go somewhere that gives me that content. Hopefully you'll still be here in a year.
Goodbye, FAKKU. You went from decent, to shitty, to shit, to garbage.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
MisterGunpowder wrote...
You should have waited until you had enough content that was guaranteed to be there after the removal [...]

That was actually exactly what they did. The amount of content clearly isn't what you would consider "enough", but they did wait quite a while while adding subscription content and still having the old unlicensed content around (and even adding more of that until Christmas as well). There's only so long the Japanese partners could let them keep doing this, though.
Could we get actual stats on how many members left or visited far less frequently after they decided, then carried out, the deletion of free material? I'd like to know if the alienation of all the many longtime members was even worth it.
OneNyanArmy wrote...
Goodbye, FAKKU. You went from decent, to shitty, to shit, to garbage.

Its fine, not like you who is total garbage from the start who just leeches of others.

Kasaix wrote...
Could we get actual stats on how many members left or visited far less frequently after they decided, then carried out, the deletion of free material? I'd like to know if the alienation of all the many longtime members was even worth it.

Even if they only get 10% of the previous population, its worth it.

Mainly because they arent theives to begin with in the first place
lolbifrons wrote...
Jacob wrote...
At this point whether we succeed or fail is entirely up to you

Is it really? I choose failure then.

Fakku would be nothing if their business model started off this way. This is textbook bait and switch.

I don't think I need to tell anyone that porn on the internet is free. Only idiots pay for porn.

Lol, so if you were working on porn industry, you do it for free? Unfortunately assholes like you really need to disappear. Such a disease.

Go fap to your mom's tits if you want free porn
Kasaix wrote...
Could we get actual stats on how many members left or visited far less frequently after they decided, then carried out, the deletion of free material? I'd like to know if the alienation of all the many longtime members was even worth it.

Please see this in regards to your question.
Guilt is a way of life for me. I can't afford a subscription but I need "release" just like everyone else. Best of luck to Fakku, subscribers, non-subscribers, & hentai artists everywhere.
Lemonian wrote...
I don't have a problem with what happened, but still 2 problems.

1. I have been looking into becoming a subscriber, but as I saw on the forum at some point that they will add other ways of payments after months you guys still haven't done. I would like a paypal way of paying, since I have no creditcard.

2. I think the price is too high for some people, if there were like tiers of subscriber. What I would like to pay for it for 1 month would be around. 8-9 dollar.

Anyway, those are my thoughts and I hope for the love of god a paypal method comes.
jersonk wrote...
Lemonian wrote...
I don't have a problem with what happened, but still 2 problems.

1. I have been looking into becoming a subscriber, but as I saw on the forum at some point that they will add other ways of payments after months you guys still haven't done. I would like a paypal way of paying, since I have no creditcard.

2. I think the price is too high for some people, if there were like tiers of subscriber. What I would like to pay for it for 1 month would be around. 8-9 dollar.

Anyway, those are my thoughts and I hope for the love of god a paypal method comes.

Sadly my fellow fapper paypal doesn't do digital adult goods i.e adult subscribing services so that is out of the question and yes. I'm sad too cause I can't buy my digital fap books through paypal anymore but I don't mind it showing on my bank history since well...it's my own bank history so idgaf.