[Locked] WHAT DOES I DO!?

kitsune_meimu wrote...
who the hell cares i dont come here to help with relationship issues i come here to read doujinshi/h-manga, watch hentai and download and talk about things in the forums which reminds me where the hell is the doujinshi and hentai updates instead over the last week or so u have given us a "sliders" link and some crap about some stupid 3-dimensional girl who gives a crap i say if ur not going to post something related to japanese visual culture dont post anything at all i dont care about ur personal life if u want to talk about relationship and american idol and crap like that go to myspace otherwise shut the hell up and post some doujinshi sorry if being harsh or whatever but c'mon this is a doujinshi site i think if ur going to post something concerning ur relationship do it in the forums so that ppl who dont care dont have to look

Can someone just ip-ban this fuckin gaylord?
His faggotry is disturbing the awesomness of the rest of the forum.
Total scam.....so you scam the scammer :twisted:
saikidgo wrote...
Send her the link to this thread


Talk about disgusted...even if she's real and stuff u'll never deserve to get her...GET LOST JACOB...

lol wut?

I thought we had already established...

A) ...that she's not real, or if she is, she only gives a fuck about getting money, a green card, and/or some royal Nigerian dick.

A.1) (For the sake of a seriously retarded argument on the internet) Consider the possibility of a reasonably attractive Russian girl in her late 20s named Анастасия who is in honest and serious need for Jacob's "structure." Consider now the manner in which she contacted Jacob. Now consider the fact that this same exact method (yes, down to the utterly horrid faux-translation into English) has been used over and over to obtain many much gp from many much n00bs IRL. Did you think about it? Good. If you have an IQ superior to that of a mentally-handicapped rock and/or absolutely any sense of common sense and self-preservation, then I shouldn't have to explain further.

B) ...that whoever truly and seriously thinks this is legit should really consider investing time and energy into finding and learning how to properly use the "Stop being retarded" button without managing to swallow their own tongue with the effort.

This is teh intarnetz, mmmkay? Not everything is serious, and certainly not everything is real or honest. Your mommies can't hold your hands everywhere you go and explain the truths of the universe to you. Sometimes you have to resort to practicing common sense and learning the fucking lessons life tries to teach you.

This thread was entertaining the first couple pages, but now I'm pretty sure we're done raping the humor out of it. Jacob decided to share with us as a joke (ie: not serious). Lighten the fuck up lest he declare us all fucking brain-dead and find a better way to spend his time.

btw...Sorry if I sound like a complete fucking douche in this post, but
+ thesis papers
+ stupid shit/people at work
+ less than 20 total hours of sleep in the past week
= me feeling really fucking pissed at the whole fucking world
my opion

a) Close Topick
A+) Close That
B+) NOO My brains Melting nooo.. [size=7]Close topick[/h]

Chose one
ask "her" where she is from, then plan to meet her somewhere near her place. Then email her saying that your short on plane ticket and want to borrow some money. Use the monies to buy more fapping material and post it here. :)
Kromolusis wrote...
ask "her" where she is from, then plan to meet her somewhere near her place. Then email her saying that your short on plane ticket and want to borrow some money. Use the monies to buy more fapping material and post it here. :)

:roll: hmm not BAD at all +1 ;)
But Whers JACOB anyway?
HUH JACOOB are u here :D ?
KLoWn wrote...
kitsune_meimu wrote...
who the hell cares i dont come here to help with relationship issues i come here to read doujinshi/h-manga, watch hentai and download and talk about things in the forums which reminds me where the hell is the doujinshi and hentai updates instead over the last week or so u have given us a "sliders" link and some crap about some stupid 3-dimensional girl who gives a crap i say if ur not going to post something related to japanese visual culture dont post anything at all i dont care about ur personal life if u want to talk about relationship and american idol and crap like that go to myspace otherwise shut the hell up and post some doujinshi sorry if being harsh or whatever but c'mon this is a doujinshi site i think if ur going to post something concerning ur relationship do it in the forums so that ppl who dont care dont have to look

Can someone just ip-ban this fuckin gaylord?
His faggotry is disturbing the awesomness of the rest of the forum.

I agree desu.

btw, I'm starting (yes, starting) to agree with the other people who are asking to lock this thread. Because of it, my faith in humanity as a species has been raped to death and I find it disturbing how often I'm reading these posts and praying to the powers that be that they get tentacle raped by a Kraken and meet fuckin Johny Depp and get molested by his effeminate ass, too.

Seriously, I need to find another thread to post in (that is, stop posting in this bitch) or else I'll actually have to start doing my goddamn paperwork.
yeah well no one seems to whant to lock it HUH?:shock:
but that gay FTW lol die in gay-hell i hope ur ass well hurt
Lol, just see how much it costs?
Congrats on this, seems legit to me. However it probably wasn't the best move putting a way to contact her up on the front page like that. One never knows what kind of scum bag might be lurking on this site. So just hope she doesn't get any anonymous emails from some guy claiming to know you.(wow that sounded ominous, sorry not a threat *crosses heart*)
......hasn't this topic reach far enough yet?
mtar666 wrote...
This is teh intarnetz, mmmkay? Not everything is serious, and certainly not everything is real or honest.

Forum Image: http://media.funlol.com/content/img/internet-is-serious-business.jpg

Had to do that. :lol:

On another note, I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and say lock it. -_- I was pretty much enjoying it for the lulz (ex. Midgar's Nigerian Royalty idea), but lulz are not to be had anymore, since people seem to have difficulty grasping the fact that sarcasm exists on the internet.Forum Image: http://i42.tinypic.com/2eukj74.png

Forum Image: http://i42.tinypic.com/2w1v0pv.gif
It seems from her resume that she is a perfect woman, I haven't seen such a woman for ages (endangered species, my friend). It's obviously a fake, but whenever you are in Russia, I'll gladly introduce you to real ones).
first off klown f*ck off if u dont like what i had to say u shouldnt have read it just because i speak my mind doesnt mean u have to be a total f*cktard second yes i agree with 3/4 of everyone else lock this crappy thread and lets get back to do the regular uploads
kitsune_meimu wrote...
first off klown f*ck off if u dont like what i had to say u shouldnt have read it just because i speak my mind doesnt mean u have to be a total f*cktard second yes i agree with 3/4 of everyone else lock this crappy thread and lets get back to do the regular uploads

Man, you only care about the uploads, huh?

...I agree with KLoWn. This dim seems to deserve it.
kitsune_meimu wrote...
first off klown f*ck off if u dont like what i had to say u shouldnt have read it just because i speak my mind doesnt mean u have to be a total f*cktard second yes i agree with 3/4 of everyone else lock this crappy thread and lets get back to do the regular uploads

If your gonna behave like that then you don't deserve the uploads or any of the other goods.

Edit: you know your messing with KLoWn right? :roll: The one guy with the most user uploads and over 600 rep (double than what Jacob has) Not the best guy to pick a fight with...
kitsune_meimu wrote...
first off klown f*ck off if u dont like what i had to say u shouldnt have read it just because i speak my mind doesnt mean u have to be a total f*cktard second yes i agree with 3/4 of everyone else lock this crappy thread and lets get back to do the regular uploads

douchefag need understand natural order of things. douchefag no have enough testicles (or posts/uploads) make big talk to klown like that. douchefag need stop talk with dick in mouth. douchefag make mtar angry. you no like mtar when mtar angry. when mtar angry, mtar find douchefag, tie douchefag to dildo chair, have sex with douchefag mother, take pics and video, then refill douchefag mother's water dish and take for walk.
mtar666 wrote...
douchefag need understand natural order of things. douchefag no have enough testicles (or posts/uploads) make big talk to klown like that. douchefag need stop talk with dick in mouth. douchefag make mtar angry. you no like mtar when mtar angry. when mtar angry, mtar find douchefag, tie douchefag to dildo chair, have sex with douchefag mother, take pics and video, then refill douchefag mother's water dish and take for walk.

Dude, that's just wrong.

You have to fill the food bowl too.
@thread: Legit.

@flamez: lulzomgwtfbbq.
Aclafire wrote...
......hasn't this topic reach far enough yet?

not yet.

Monster Girl
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