[Locked] WHAT DOES I DO!?

Azure Flash wrote...
I saw your structure on a site of acquaintances. I liked your structure [...]

Oh man, I totally dig your structure too, Jacob. So much so that I've decided to make an account here just to tell you. Your structure turns me on.

I am the serious girl [..­.]

Probably the owner of serious cat:

Forum Image: http://cesarsequeira.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/serious-cat.jpg

I have correct [...] character.

Good, because I HATE incorrect characters!

I like to dream of the beautiful future

Funny, I thought everyone liked to dream of the ugly, post-apocalyptic future.

Anyway, just tell her that her structure is no match for yours. Her structure is not worthy of docking into your structure. Your structure is all in adamantium, orihalcon, technetium, nintendium, gundanium, mythril, aggregated diamond nano-rods and stuff. Her structure? Pfft. Not even carbon fiber.

That cat looks totally bored ^^
Will you wear a bunny girl outfit?

That's how I'd respond... but I'm weird like that.
Ask "...how much?"

i think you need to be careful. shes in Russia something doesnt sound right :).
Kuri Lover of Dark and Tan
I think you need to get more info.[size=10]Srry if I sound like...um...idk something you would say to a demanding person like me. [/h]
You fuckin' don't. If she's that good looking then ask yourself "Why isn't she able to get a guy outside of the internet?" there are no images of you, i won't say it's impossible, but the sheerlikelyhood of a beautiful woman looking for a relationship online regardless of your appearence brings out more bad omens than anyone could imagine. If it's legit, consider that she has STDs.
Well dude if you still reading all this posts let me tell you something (i don't Know where you get her from but i am not going to get into it ok) some of those girls are not real, i think you should get some information from her directly (i think the Photo would be good to begin with), and then when you really get to know her try to advance a little farther; ask for her phone or keep sending msg to her e-mail and as HaKyouzu said you might want to keep this thing (Fakku) very low ok because she is going to think that you are a pervert :twisted: or something for real and then if you really like her (after you get to know her) why not to try man take a shoot, ok, but remember she lives in Russia (i don't now where you live and i don't want to get into it ok) and if you live in US, well that's a pretty long distance, but do what you think is best for you ok this is just my advise alright and man keep it coll cya!!! and good luck!!!

Your Friend
Sulvir wrote...

do a barrel roll


This sounds like one helluva plan to me, boss.

KLoWn wrote...
Lol@the amount of broken sarcasm detectors ni here.

The first couple pages were kind of amusing. Now it's just gently raping my faith in humanity.

I see why so many people get scammed in teh realworld now..
if you want to meet a girl

met her in real life

not from wires and internet cloud

it's too fishy

oh yeah jacob by the way


I wouldn't do that if i were you. The Russian bride thing is a scam. They get you to fall for some russian chic then send her money. My boy Ola over in sweeden fell for it twice. Then again I never met a bright sweed.
lol, I typed anastasiya in google and the first link was a website telling about that scam
mtar666 wrote...

KLoWn wrote...
Lol@the amount of broken sarcasm detectors ni here.

The first couple pages were kind of amusing. Now it's just gently raping my faith in humanity.


I just looked back in on this thread and...just...fucking...
Forum Image: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oTTEygsGrkE/SHJXVuI5YlI/AAAAAAAAARo/8IMb3DBQ8rQ/s320/riker-facepalm.jpg

I didn't think I had any more faith in humanity to lose.
But I was... so wrong.
take it dude.....this might be your lucky day....
She's probly a russian spy looking for someone to fool so she can come to your country and collect data... eiter that or she's a FBI agent that found out you are breaking the law and is now trying to get evidense so they can put you in prision... or maybe a alien who came here to earth to have some fun? now seriusly... don't trust anyone that you ain't known for less then a year or two and don't trust anyone that don't let you borrow money from them without payback responsibility

yes.. you probly guessed it, i have a hard time trusting other people. I don't trust anyone i ain't known for ower a year and have met then eye to eye at lest a couple of times, but even then i have hard to trust anyone as there is so many people out there trying to scam you or do other stuff to you...
but try to get more intel on her, she just might to actualy be real AND serius you know. and if so is, you should not tell her about this site in a while... sh may get some impresions about you that you dont want her to :) (there is the small chans that she actualy allready knows of this site and reads what have been posted here you know...)
lmao, this is why i dont read spams or weird messages. :P
You should ask her if you can have her babies... for dinner. :twisted:
3d pig disgusting...
Dante1214 wrote...
mtar666 wrote...

KLoWn wrote...
Lol@the amount of broken sarcasm detectors ni here.

The first couple pages were kind of amusing. Now it's just gently raping my faith in humanity.


I just looked back in on this thread and...just...fucking...
Forum Image: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oTTEygsGrkE/SHJXVuI5YlI/AAAAAAAAARo/8IMb3DBQ8rQ/s320/riker-facepalm.jpg

I didn't think I had any more faith in humanity to lose.
But I was... so wrong.

yep i so agree with u dude.. humanity is doomed
Monster Girl
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