Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today.

Man, watching all these old users I use to lurk around because I loved their conversations rise from the dead at Gambler's call is making me all teary eyed. Has the sight really come this far? Has it been around this long? It makes me so nostalgic.
Totally forgot to join in on this back when I first received the memo. Oop!

Anyway, ello ello! Joined this place way back when in 2008 when I was underaged (kinda goes without saying at this point) and the site was riddled with bugs and we liked it that way! Went by mrprince04 or something like that at the time. Had some fun, made some friends, drew some doodles, fucked my way to the top, etc. I actually made most of my friends around IM chat sites and the like however, namely Chatbox, ChatRoll, and MSN (and eventually Skype, which is the only one now). So many cringeworthy moments; but I've made some pretty rad friends over the almost-seven years spent here, so it's all pretty worth it in a way. I'm not exactly what you'd call a regular around here anymore though.

As for my personal life, there's not much to tell. College classes, following my interests in arts (aw yeah, looking forward to getting all the money in my future)--thinking about looking into animation as of late though, for what it's worth--but otherwise, I'm still watching anime, playing games, and being a big ol' nerd doing art shet. _b

Forum Image: http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly9a9kxXWP1ro0naso1_500.gif
Prince Hamlet wrote...
Totally forgot to join in on this back when I first received the memo. Oop!

Anyway, ello ello! Joined this place way back when in 2008 when I was underaged (kinda goes without saying at this point) and the site was riddled with bugs and we liked it that way! Went by mrprince04 or something like that at the time. Had some fun, made some friends, drew some doodles, fucked my way to the top, etc. I actually made most of my friends around IM chat sites and the like however, namely Chatbox, ChatRoll, and MSN (and eventually Skype, which is the only one now). So many cringeworthy moments; but I've made some pretty rad friends over the almost-seven years spent here, so it's all pretty worth it in a way. I'm not exactly what you'd call a regular around here anymore though.

As for my personal life, there's not much to tell. College classes, following my interests in arts (aw yeah, looking forward to getting all the money in my future)--thinking about looking into animation as of late though, for what it's worth--but otherwise, I'm still watching anime, playing games, and being a big ol' nerd doing art shet. _b

Forum Image: http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly9a9kxXWP1ro0naso1_500.gif

Oh man I remember chatroll, I had a Flonne avatar
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
doswillrule wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
doswillrule wrote...
If it tells you how long ago that project was, the front cover was about the big new anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica - I think Slayer Nexus might have written the review.

Haha. No.

That was my contribution.

Derpy as fuck writing though.

Ah balls, sorry man! I'd like to say your name changes confused me but I think my memory is just shot. Am I right in thinking you were going to interview Jake at one point or am I making that up too? I was talking BS about Gambler as well - it was Kaimax I asked to review a couple of VNs. Both upstanding mods, easy mistake. :) I still have all the files somewhere if you want to test that last statement...

I did interviewed him. I remember sending the results to you lol.
Like most of you I was asked to post here, and because Gambler is awesome I will do so gladly :)

I joined back in 2009 while I lived in Japan. I mostly liked to talk about anime and Japanese culture that I was experiencing while I was living in the magical and wacky land of the rising sun. After I moved back to the states, I gradually became less active and pretty much keep in contact with only a handful of people now.

I remember doing the first(?) writing contest where someone actually won a title for winning, and helping out tagging new and older uploads until that task washed over me and others like a tsunami. Until recently I worked as a creative writing teacher at a university, but now I'm devoting myself to writing full time.

Looking back there are so many cringe worthy and awkward things about spending time on Fakku, but mostly a lot of great moments that make me smile. Remembering certain people and hilarious things that transpired is certainly a nice bit of nostalgia.

Obligatory image:
Forum Image: http://i57.tinypic.com/5oxtsk.png
Neoro~n 友人A
A bit late to the party, been busy like usual, sorry Gambini, but here's a post for the bear friend kuma! Glad to see you managed to gather a lot of old users here.

Been here since I don't know when, discovered the website in it's beginning and started posting some years later haha.

To keep it short and simple, my time here has brought a lot of positive and negative experience, but rest assured, most of them were positive and my meeting with the users here have changed me for the better and brought me many relationships that I didn't possible. And for that, I am grateful. Even though I don't often visit here anymore, I have a lot of fond memories of this place and it's users.

Aside from that, been a lot busier with IRL stuff and future life projects (who knows, if I'm able to make it come true, it'll be easier for me to come by and visit you and some other Fakkuzas at the other end of the world, we'll "practically" be neighbors~ Somewhat.), hence why the lack of communication lately and visits here.

And here's my Kuma contribution to our favorite bear mod!
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/iAFpV/c228a9963f.png

Lol, now that I've taken the time to actually go through each page, so many many old users that I didn't think of ever seeing posting again appeared. Gambini, you have one heck of a power and charisma!
Sneakyone wrote...
Prince Hamlet wrote...
Totally forgot to join in on this back when I first received the memo. Oop!

Anyway, ello ello! Joined this place way back when in 2008 when I was underaged (kinda goes without saying at this point) and the site was riddled with bugs and we liked it that way! Went by mrprince04 or something like that at the time. Had some fun, made some friends, drew some doodles, fucked my way to the top, etc. I actually made most of my friends around IM chat sites and the like however, namely Chatbox, ChatRoll, and MSN (and eventually Skype, which is the only one now). So many cringeworthy moments; but I've made some pretty rad friends over the almost-seven years spent here, so it's all pretty worth it in a way. I'm not exactly what you'd call a regular around here anymore though.

As for my personal life, there's not much to tell. College classes, following my interests in arts (aw yeah, looking forward to getting all the money in my future)--thinking about looking into animation as of late though, for what it's worth--but otherwise, I'm still watching anime, playing games, and being a big ol' nerd doing art shet. _b

Forum Image: http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly9a9kxXWP1ro0naso1_500.gif

Oh man I remember chatroll, I had a Flonne avatar

I don't even remember my avatar, but I know that was back during the times of my constant tildes and all that. Just one of the aforementioned cringeworthy moments. Still, it was fun, checking out different chat groups and hanging with people like Gugu, Shia, Catfish, you, Solva, Aspho, and the many other old amigos.
Zandorf wrote...
Wow, the nostalgia of everyone that's in this thread is just too great. I never considered myself an Elder Perv. Especially considering that this is probably my first post in IB that wasn't directly in the CTFG.

But considering everything, I have been a user here for 4.5 years now. I started lurking back in mid 2008. Made my user profile late 2010 as Zandorf. Lurked around for another year and a half before actually posting anything. Became the disciple of another Elder Perv, Kuro vi Lolitania, changed my name to ObsidianLoli, and then changed it back to Zandorf after I lost contact with him. I used to have a great passion for reading lots of the hentai here, but that's dissolved over the course of the years. I've learned refined tastes thanks to those here, and I've enjoyed my time as well. I've felt the trappings of love, and gave an emotional helping hand to some of those that I've known here.

I've decided to just lurk behind again, as most of my refined tastes have disappeared from this site due to some reasons that I don't understand. I come out only for the bi-annual events that are held in CTFG. The Waifu Game and the Adopt a Loli game, the latter of which I run.

I was introduced to this site by my brother who is 2 years younger than me. Considering that I was 18 when I first came to this site, that's a bit of a problem. I graduated high school, went to college, got sent to the hospital twice, got dropped from college, went to a different college, got a degree, and now I work for an insurance company. Yay, great things have been planned for me... Not really.

Not much else to talk about, other than that I feel like I've finally found the perfect Waifu for me... Not telling because the game is almost upon us. :3

For Gambler!:
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/qmv1A1f.jpg

Oh hey, long time no see my child.
Hey! Pervy Fatman here!

I've been a member here since late 2010 and I've been through some ups and downs as I've been through all my years

I originally joined back in late 2010 due to a friend of mine so I could read all the awesome doujins! shortly there after I started posting on the forums to talk to all the people who are the same as me.

Back when I first joined I was unemployed because I was a year out from graduating high school so I had all the time in the world to sit around and do nothing. Unfortunately after awhile things went a bit south from there, for the longest time I searched for a job so I would still have a place to live. Fortunately enough I did find a job but it wasn't the best job in the world, I started in carts for a grocery store and since then I've jumped around in the store doing various things. Now I work as a Cashier in said store after being there for three years.

And as that was going on

I still went to many local anime conventions, at the beginning of 2014 I met a new friend at a local convention and along with the rest of my friends we formed our own panel group known as the Mahou Shoujo Defense Force. We currently run panels at all of our local anime conventions(we're on good terms with the people who run the conventions)and just recently we ran panels at our first out of state convention at Sabaku Con 2015. Our main goal is to hopefully get recognized enough to run panels at some of the bigger out of state conventions one day. We actually also have started up our own "podcast" as well to chronicle our journey's of our con shenanigans(MahouShoujoDenfenseForce on youtube) and I also have started getting video of our trips to conventions earlier this year and post it on my youtube channel (PervyFatman on youtube)

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/0dCNS1C.jpg This is us at Akon this year Left To Right: our friend Derrick, Amos(HunglikeaZombie), Shayne(kgods00), Greg(Sneakyone), Me(PervyFatman) and our friend Lane.

And speaking of Conventions!

As I said we went to Sabaku Con in Albuquerque, New Mexico but we also traveled to Dallas, Texas recently to go to AKon 2015! It was a lot of fun minus the terrible weather but getting to travel to new places is something I really really enjoy. We're hoping to pull off both Sakura Con and hopefully Anime Expo next year as our two out of state cons. This is something I really enjoy doing because I enjoy seeing all the reactions/meeting people who are into the same thing as I am!

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/T17bw1H.jpg This is us at Sabaku con. Left from Right: Our Friend Jaime, Me, Lane, Amos and the awesome panelists Vitamin H!

I've also become a collector of sorts

Thanks to a friend of mine, I got really into collecting figures of anime characters! I currently own 59 figures in total and I still have two more conventions to go this year. I have kinda a mish mosh of figures, most of which include Love Live Figures, Kill La Kill Figures, Super Sonico Figures and many more! Currently my most expensive figure is a $100 Rias Gremory Cast Off figure which I enjoy often.

I actually also got my first tattoo!

I did it as a tribute to the late Monty Oum, after his passing I realized how off kilted my life had been up to that point and I saw the one phrase that he had always used in his life. "Keep Moving Forward" and every day I keep pushing myself to be better than what I have been. I've also pushed to be a true member of the Rooster Teeth community recently, when ever I get the chance I always talk to the Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter fans in Arizona when I go to conventions. I remember specifically one panel that I went to at a local convention called Connichiwa called the RWBY Ask A Character panel, I went to that panel and had the most fun I've ever had at a panel. The Panelists where really good at staying in character as the RWBY characters when we asked some really funny questions and then started quoting Achievement Hunter, it was in that same panel that I felt really at home almost like a family of sorts. They had a great stirring tribute at the end for Monty that left me in tears but it brought us together more so than ever.

nowadays though I work quite a bit but I also try to relax a bit to keep myself from being stressed from work, my main source of relaxation is either watching anime or catching up on tv show I've been meaing to watch or watching one of my favorite let's players(i.e. Markiplier, Jack Septic Eye, ThaRadBrad). While I do pop in on here from time to time, I'm more available on twitter(PervyFatman on twitter). I mostly post/retweet things about anime(and sometimes a bit of ecchi things), but I'm usually welcome to chat with any one that will listen or has the time.
Oh! I should also mention that I'm a huge liver(i.e. Love Live Fan), I fell absolutely in love with Love Live after watching the anime and listening to the music. I've got so many figures/keychains of my favorite u's girls!

and that's my story!(thank you to Gambler for letting me know this existed!)
Tegumi "im always cute"
Per Gambler's request, I'm making a post.

I don't feel like writing a story though, so uh...
I showed up when I was in college, and spent most of my stint on Fakku pointing out people being dumb. Turns out, people don't like that. Got made a mod because I'm super awesome, and here we are.

Were we posting pictures we like or nostalgic ones? Anyway:
Forum Image: http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo7/Tegumi/hikari_av_1v2_zpsi5cg2qid.gif

I miss Hibia =(
Prince Hamlet wrote...
fucked my way to the top
So many cringeworthy moments

Oh, man, I remember you. Doctor octopus, a thigh molester who one day made the beast with three backs and 12 arms. Can foreplay for an hour but only fuck for a minute. This post is for those who might have read the cybering logs. Happy nostalgia to you.

devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Well, well, well, it has been a while since I last posted. As per request by The Holy Bear, I shall participate.

Joined Fakku in 2011 (not that long ago), I was still in high school back then. Decided to join because I wanted to get the Fakku Elder title (I know, I was silly, shush). I am still silly most of the time though.

Frequent IB most of the time, while going to CTFG every now and again, and to be honest, I enjoy both sections.

These days I have been a lot busier due to being a president of a club, work, and final year. Found out that I hate Accounting, so I decided to drop it as a major and do Commercial Law instead.

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/iAVZA/850575fbb3.jpg

A picture of me trying to quit smoking. Vaping isn't much better I know, but smoking nicotine alone is better than nicotine + other toxic shit that can cause cancer I guess, plus I like caramel flavoured "cigarettes".

Anyway, I ran out of things to say, I guess it was nice posting after months of being busy with the real world.
Kuro vi Lolitannia wrote...
Oh hey, long time no see my child.

Quite the long time no see, lol. How have you been, great Emperor?
Sneakyone wrote...
Prince Hamlet wrote...
Totally forgot to join in on this back when I first received the memo. Oop!

Anyway, ello ello! Joined this place way back when in 2008 when I was underaged (kinda goes without saying at this point) and the site was riddled with bugs and we liked it that way! Went by mrprince04 or something like that at the time. Had some fun, made some friends, drew some doodles, fucked my way to the top, etc. I actually made most of my friends around IM chat sites and the like however, namely Chatbox, ChatRoll, and MSN (and eventually Skype, which is the only one now). So many cringeworthy moments; but I've made some pretty rad friends over the almost-seven years spent here, so it's all pretty worth it in a way. I'm not exactly what you'd call a regular around here anymore though.

As for my personal life, there's not much to tell. College classes, following my interests in arts (aw yeah, looking forward to getting all the money in my future)--thinking about looking into animation as of late though, for what it's worth--but otherwise, I'm still watching anime, playing games, and being a big ol' nerd doing art shet. _b

Forum Image: http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly9a9kxXWP1ro0naso1_500.gif

Oh man I remember chatroll, I had a Flonne avatar

The Omniverse is still there, although dead.
Since I was messaged I shall post.
Nothing going on in irl just working. I joined fakku oct 1st 2010 and was active on forums. That was until I started going deep into Visual novels and playing league of legends. Thats what you'll find me doing, playing league or minecraft. And if not on my laptop playing kingdom hearts.
ps: still on fakku daily.
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
I did interviewed him. I remember sending the results to you lol.

Haven't developed Alzheimer's yet then. Weirdly I can find every file except that interview, but I'll take your word for it. Looking forward to reading the fruits of this summer's competition :)

neko-chan wrote...

I remember doing the first(?) writing contest where someone actually won a title for winning, and helping out tagging new and older uploads until that task washed over me and others like a tsunami. Until recently I worked as a creative writing teacher at a university, but now I'm devoting myself to writing full time.

From conception to contest in a few posts and a hundred PMs. I don't think I ever gave you the props you deserved on that, both for the hard work across timezones and with a job, and for putting up with my rampant abuse of emoticons. Good to see you about @neko-chan; I wish you every success in your writing career.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
doswillrule wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
I did interviewed him. I remember sending the results to you lol.

Haven't developed Alzheimer's yet then. Weirdly I can find every file except that interview, but I'll take your word for it. Looking forward to reading the fruits of this summer's competition :)

Pretty sure I sent it over through Skype in the past.

Oh well.
Srsly guys, holy shit!!
I thought most of you were dead; like me, butt in my case it's because of school and Jacob fucking the servers.
Good toseeyouguysstillcare
fakkuboy69 wrote...
Srsly guys, holy shit!!
I thought most of you were dead; like me, butt in my case it's because of school and me fucking the severed heads of my victims.
Good toseeyouguysstillcare

Gambler wrote...

Yuuki wrote...

Thanks! Bullet Paragraphs (lol)

Don't contemplate, BLAZE. GET. ACQUIRE.

Should I decide to purchase both titles of Senran Kagura for the Vita, would you recommend the limited edition bundle, assuming they are still available on the market?

I only have the Normal JP Version, I'd suggest get the Limited Edition Bundle. I really wanted the soundtrack CD it included.