FAKKU Writers' Lounge

leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Ahh... The power of laughter. This video demonstrates this very well!

OMG dat laugh is priceless xD


And here's another nice article to boot =)

leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Being a specialist is extremely scary actually. It relegates me to a easily replaced cog serving for some kind of slave driver known as an employer.
Indeed, that's why I think balance is the key =D

I'm not saying you should totally be a generalist, but having a mastery of a few kinds of expertise would be a pretty neat thing to have ain't it? Well at least it's much better than mastering just only one of these~
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
I think being a generalist means mastering or at least being familiar with a few professions or a few job skill sets. Specialists on the other hand, get paid well, (that I agree) but the nature of their job is so specific, it is most likely a job that is hard to find in the job market and it must be very depressing doing the same thing over and over and over again for an eternity, eternity meaning the time till your retirement.
Ah I see, thanks for clearing it up =)

Yeah I hate being on boring jobs, so I'd rather master quite a number of things in order to spice up the life ^__^
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Oh no! That is just my opinion on the topic. I would really like people who are employed to clear that up for us.
Nah don't worry, I originally want to master several stuffs rather than just sticking on specialization too =)

Though it's always a good thing to have specialists in each and every field of course
Since I blame you high_time for it, I'll share it here. Somewhat old but related to the grand theft auto fictional world.

I had a dream last night where for some reason I was on the first(ish) mission of the 3rd game, where you have to go and pick up the guy from in front of the hospital. I grab a car pick him up, drive about a block, to find some 20 something police cars flying everywhere in pursuit of me. (I've barley played the game but I have confidence in my memory of maps) drove around, trying to shake them off, to the paint shop near the red light district.

This is where it got weird. For some reason it merged with Darker than Black "super powered assassins", breaking into the building while me and the guy were hiding on some bars above them. We slip out to the roof when I turn to face the guy to find that he turned into a random bi-shoujo while I wasn't looking. The assassins follow us onto the roof resulting into parkour roof jumping. At some point before I realized it I had special powers and we were playing some sort of deadly hide and seek, tag on the roof. Then I woke up. (I think it ended with the town being nuked/bombarded by some random military group)

What I derived, if I live in a gta world of my imagination, I'm sticking with my pc >_>. I love the idea of powers and action but that was too random.
Yeah that was random indeed, it's quite an interesting dream though =D


On a side note I already made my NaNoWriMo account along with planning out my Novel for this peculiar event, wish me luck so I could finish my 1 Month Challenge on time guys~
Good luck High~~
Thanks mang~

As I heard from one of my peeps that notifying about my progress on this peculiar event is not allowed, I will report my accomplishments by the start of this December =)


And yet another article


Taking Life (and Yourself) Too Seriously

Most of us were raised to believe that the key to success is hard work. Recently, that belief has been revised to include very long hours. I would like to challenge that belief with another old adage: "All work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dull person."

To keep our lives flowing we need to intersperse fun, laughter, and creativity with our work. We need to be able to take time to enjoy and reenergize ourselves without feeling guilty or irresponsible. It is during these times of rest and fun that our minds are free to dream and imagine. This is when we very often come up with solutions to our problems, new ways to hit life's curveballs, and new strategies to enliven and enrich ourselves.

It's kind of coincidental that I came up to this article after typing these words

best way to get ahead is about not take yourself too seriously

Engrish ftw xD
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
The key to success is to work smart it seems, and that somehow includes working hard and smart at the same time. I look forward to reading your completed work, that aside.

And to go completely off topic, have you tried Omegle? You will lose your sanity and gain ideas for writing just by going there!


My mother told me never to speak with strangers for very good reason!
I tried it and didn't really like it, people in here go ASL and such all the time and I say 'WTF is this shit'~

Yeah I basically hate talking with random people for the sake of talking to random people~


I could say that your mother is completely right in that regard~
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
high_time wrote...
I tried it and didn't really like it, people in here go ASL and such all the time and I say 'WTF is this shit'~

Yeah I basically hate talking with random people for the sake of talking to random people~


I could say that your mother is completely right in that regard~

I have tried using Omegle and one person apparently dumped me saying that I was too boring because I did not engage in cybersex.

By the way High, ASL? (Please don't answer this question) While you try to answer this question, I am going to give you a metaphorical shovel to hit me with. I am trying to think what funny acronym for ASL other than age, sex and location.

Perhaps American Sign Language or this shipping company I have found.
Hey High! Here is a career prospect for you!

Long story short, I'd agree with you High. If I were to speak with strangers, I'd better be able to choose the strangers I want to speak to.
Nowadays I refer to ASL as American Sign Language lol~

The best thing about talking to strangers is when you try to ask for directions, I guess =D
Yeah, omegle gets kind of bland when you try to have an indepth discussion on how to rule the world and all they ever ask is 'asl?'

In other news, I'm wondering if I should enter that novel writing challenge. Looks amusing.
xninebreaker wrote...
In other news, I'm wondering if I should enter that novel writing challenge. Looks amusing.

Fallan Kamen Rider Cheeki
Any person going to do NaNoWriMo this year?

Also Cynthia~~~~~~~~
Hai Fallan.
Monster Girl
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