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Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Seems like I might go to Arizona for a while. Looking forward to meeting Fakkuza in the US, hopefully.
Better have your papers. They might think you're some kind of Mexican. Also you probably like the heat. It's same as Bangladesh. Hot as hell no water, but ugly women.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Why Arizona?
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Going to study in UA.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Just imagine Fallout: New Vegas minus the dystopia and radiation.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion

UA is a notorious party school. Have fun.
CronaBaka wrote...
Just imagine Fallout: New Vegas minus the dystopia and radiation.

That's Arizona outside of Phoenix and Tucson. Also Barstow.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Holy shit, you're actually getting out of here? Godspeed you crazy bastard.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
cruz737 wrote...

UA is a notorious party school. Have fun.

Had no idea.

Oh well, as long as I'm outta here, whatever works.
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
cruz737 wrote...

UA is a notorious party school. Have fun.

Had no idea.

Oh well, as long as I'm outta here, whatever works.

Damn straight. (Aka American ghetto talk I'am agreeing with you to get the hell outta bangy!)


So..are you returning home like Art once your times up or something? Is this scholarship money?
Wait if you're going to Arizona then we should hang out if you ever in Phoenix.

Be nice to actually meet people from the forums lol...

But you'll probably be too busy with your studies, or having fun at parties to hang out with a weeb from here lol

I should probably get my life together too and get a full-time job instead of wasting away doing part-time to barely pay rent with roommates
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Spikedpikes wrote...
Wait if you're going to Arizona then we should hang out if you ever in Phoenix.

Be nice to actually meet people from the forums lol...

But you'll probably be too busy with your studies, or having fun at parties to hang out with a weeb from here lol

I should probably get my life together too and get a full-time job instead of wasting away doing part-time to barely pay rent with roommates

nah, would make some time.

and i really need someone to show me around the goddamn town

Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...

Damn straight. (Aka American ghetto talk I'am agreeing with you to get the hell outta bangy!)


So..are you returning home like Art once your times up or something? Is this scholarship money?

not planning to return permanently.

my aim is to settle and shit, get a career or something (aiming to be a writer). sounds crazy and might take a lot of complicated work, but yeah, whatever works.

not scholarship money. my uncle is financing my costs and prolly do have to do part-time jobs. i only got uni's acceptance so far, getting visa is a totally different story.
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
nah, would make some time.

and i really need someone to show me around the goddamn town

Alright sure thing. If the times line up I can probably help out.

Oh, but watch out buddy - in Phoenix (specifically) lots of places have a mad black widow infestation. I've tried releasing praying mantises, taratulas, and various lizards, but most of them want nothing to do with black widows...

don't burn ur house down bro. I find that using aerosols to blind them and something long to smash them works, like a baseball bat or umbrella (i dont need an umbrella here much, but keep it to kill spiders mostly.

If you can nail them with a good concentrated spray of glade or febreeze works too. Initially it won't slow them down much but keep spraying them head-on and their movements will become sluggish.

This also makes them lose their grip if on walls or ceiling, so make sure you're not directly next to or under them. Had one fall on my head once, though luckily i shook it off and didnt get bitten

...or just get a really nice apartment / hotel and not have too many creepy crawlies bro, whatever works better.

See you later. I'll help a brother out as much as possible, the spider info is to make your life easier. Dollar store aerosols work too. Don't worry about the black widows bothering you in your sleep - they don't spend the nights looking for warmth, most of them are hunting insects and spinning webs (the ones they make in your doorways can be annoying though).

Movies tend to exaggerate too much how black widows are - they're not terrible to manage as long as you keep their numbers small. If you let a large nest get out of control though you may want to call an exterminator.

(I know it seems like I was obsessing with the black widows things, and it's because I really, really fucking hate them. All spiders, but tarantulas are okay because most species from pet shops are pretty docile)
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
>Black Widows.


But yeah, I would love to have a nice apartment. Not a fan of dorm and shit.
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
>Black Widows.


But yeah, I would love to have a nice apartment. Not a fan of dorm and shit.

snakes, lizards, Mexicans and these things
Forum Image: http://www.arizona-leisure.com/gfx/arizona-tarantula.jpg
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
animefreak_usa wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
>Black Widows.


But yeah, I would love to have a nice apartment. Not a fan of dorm and shit.

snakes, lizards, Mexicans and these things
[/spoil]Forum Image: http://www.arizona-leisure.com/gfx/arizona-tarantula.jpg[/spoil]


you're scaring me uncle freaky
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
>Black Widows.


But yeah, I would love to have a nice apartment. Not a fan of dorm and shit.

snakes, lizards, Mexicans and these things
Forum Image: http://www.arizona-leisure.com/gfx/arizona-tarantula.jpg


you're scaring me uncle freaky

That actually resembles the tarantula I let loose in my house a few weeks ago to eat the black widows - they didn't bother the black widows, so I let them out into my neighbor's patio.

yes I hate my neighbors.

p.s. actually thinking about it, this is a lot closer to what my tarantula looked like:

Forum Image: http://sdakotabirds.com/non_birds/photos/arizona_blonde_tarantula_1.jpg
Was based outta AZ, I had enough after a week. Also found a scorpion in my combat boot. And it wasn't even my birthday.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Fucking shit, dad decides at last minute that he can't afford it. And that's after I was accepted. So now I'm back to square one.
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Fucking shit, dad decides at last minute that he can't afford it. And that's after I was accepted. So now I'm back to square one.

Welp that sucks man. Hopefully, you can find a way. The US is one option, but Canada isn't a bad place either if you mean to get out of Bangladesh.

Canada has decent colleges, and if you become a citizen, free health care. Also, depending on where you live, I hear people are really polite.

Honestly, as an American, I recommend Canada to people more than us, because we have some internal political bullshit and a lot of racial tensions and also police / citizen conflict right now. These problems are rooted deep in our culture and I don't see anything changing for the better anytime soon... recently it's been getting worse instead.

People are super on edge and it's not a really safe place to live - probably better than bangladesh, but it'll be more of the same with police corruption and assholes all around. The US isn't an ideal place for foreigners to move to, but it's still better than a lot of other places.
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