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Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
BagMan wrote...
Perhaps consider Europe if money is an issue - Germany and Norway have free university for international students and the fees for international students tend to be considerably lower than some of the extortionate fees that good American Unis charge. Germany in particular has some of the best universities in the world - just behind the US and the UK, and access to them is readily available and inexpensive.

I'm more worried about the eligibility about Europe though. Do they just want TOEFL or look for 'A' levels too?
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
BagMan wrote...
Perhaps consider Europe if money is an issue - Germany and Norway have free university for international students and the fees for international students tend to be considerably lower than some of the extortionate fees that good American Unis charge. Germany in particular has some of the best universities in the world - just behind the US and the UK, and access to them is readily available and inexpensive.

I'm more worried about the eligibility about Europe though. Do they just want TOEFL or look for 'A' levels too?

A level is a UK qualification. The uni work of a point system, A level, btec, nvq, a-e grades equate to points, different courses in need different point and a specific qualification.

you also be able to apply for student loans or funding from the government, plus if you do come to the UK try to get visa that allows you to work, study visa with work permit allow you to work upto 16 hours a week, plus most indian take out/restaurants are owned by us Bangladeshis, most of will give you a job. They can also give you more than 16 hours of work per week and tell the government you are only working 16 hours.
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
BagMan wrote...
Perhaps consider Europe if money is an issue - Germany and Norway have free university for international students and the fees for international students tend to be considerably lower than some of the extortionate fees that good American Unis charge. Germany in particular has some of the best universities in the world - just behind the US and the UK, and access to them is readily available and inexpensive.

I'm more worried about the eligibility about Europe though. Do they just want TOEFL or look for 'A' levels too?

As far as I know, they only require some kind of certificate of secondary/pre-uni education. I haven't looked much into it, but I'm pretty sure that A levels aren't a pre-requisite for international students at all, not that they wouldn't help.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Taz_9000 wrote...
A level is a UK qualification. The uni work of a point system, A level, btec, nvq, a-e grades equate to points, different courses in need different point and a specific qualification.

you also be able to apply for student loans or funding from the government, plus if you do come to the UK try to get visa that allows you to work, study visa with work permit allow you to work upto 16 hours a week, plus most indian take out/restaurants are owned by us Bangladeshis, most of will give you a job. They can also give you more than 16 hours of work per week and tell the government you are only working 16 hours.

Well shit. So far the US works out for me because I got TOEFL and SAT and that's all they ever want from me, aside from the school records.

I think government funding is kinda out of my league, though. Most of these appear to be for US residents last I checked. The scholarships in Bangladesh all require top grades.

Also, avi sauce pls.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Taz_9000 wrote...
A level is a UK qualification. The uni work of a point system, A level, btec, nvq, a-e grades equate to points, different courses in need different point and a specific qualification.

you also be able to apply for student loans or funding from the government, plus if you do come to the UK try to get visa that allows you to work, study visa with work permit allow you to work upto 16 hours a week, plus most indian take out/restaurants are owned by us Bangladeshis, most of will give you a job. They can also give you more than 16 hours of work per week and tell the government you are only working 16 hours.

Well shit. So far the US works out for me because I got TOEFL and SAT and that's all they ever want from me, aside from the school records.

I think government funding is kinda out of my league, though. Most of these appear to be for US residents last I checked. The scholarships in Bangladesh all require top grades.

Also, avi sauce pls.

don't know who my avi is, got her from a image set from ge/ex
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Taz_9000 wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Taz_9000 wrote...
A level is a UK qualification. The uni work of a point system, A level, btec, nvq, a-e grades equate to points, different courses in need different point and a specific qualification.

you also be able to apply for student loans or funding from the government, plus if you do come to the UK try to get visa that allows you to work, study visa with work permit allow you to work upto 16 hours a week, plus most indian take out/restaurants are owned by us Bangladeshis, most of will give you a job. They can also give you more than 16 hours of work per week and tell the government you are only working 16 hours.

Well shit. So far the US works out for me because I got TOEFL and SAT and that's all they ever want from me, aside from the school records.

I think government funding is kinda out of my league, though. Most of these appear to be for US residents last I checked. The scholarships in Bangladesh all require top grades.

Also, avi sauce pls.

don't know who my avi is, got her from a image set from ge/ex

I was looking for the pic itself not the character.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Taz_9000 wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Taz_9000 wrote...
A level is a UK qualification. The uni work of a point system, A level, btec, nvq, a-e grades equate to points, different courses in need different point and a specific qualification.

you also be able to apply for student loans or funding from the government, plus if you do come to the UK try to get visa that allows you to work, study visa with work permit allow you to work upto 16 hours a week, plus most indian take out/restaurants are owned by us Bangladeshis, most of will give you a job. They can also give you more than 16 hours of work per week and tell the government you are only working 16 hours.

Well shit. So far the US works out for me because I got TOEFL and SAT and that's all they ever want from me, aside from the school records.

I think government funding is kinda out of my league, though. Most of these appear to be for US residents last I checked. The scholarships in Bangladesh all require top grades.

Also, avi sauce pls.

don't know who my avi is, got her from a image set from ge/ex

I was looking for the pic itself not the character.

here is the full image i used.
Forum Image: https://a.pomf.cat/acekax.jpg
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