How far will you go to get your hentai?

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Renovartio wrote...
Valkee wrote...
aziziahnaf wrote...
When my laptop broke i had to borrow my sister's laptop.
After i'm done, delete history...
Cause she absolutely hate hentai.

Your sister sucks.

not as creepy as your sister likeing it XD

She's NOT liking it like I do. But she does not absolutely hate hentai either.
I modded my nintendo DS to hold video files, so there was hentai on it
I will tard emy sister for hentai

she is hottt :D
Double click firefox -> wait -> click FAKKU! shortcut -> User uploads -> downloading things.

Normally its far enough to say I have this and that.
one word... Comiket
I use my ipod touch to read and fap to h-manga and stuff.

I was going to school when I didn't have internet and had no classes. 45 minutes away. Just to mass dl hentai.
I've sunk pretty low occasionally. Looping fellatio gif ftw.
If the internet is down and what not, not like I'll excessively go out of my way one to get it, I'll just make something up :D. But my Iphone and collection are yet to fail!
I used to lay on my back for hours with my PSP in the air stealing our neighbors wifi to download doujins one page at a time
Well if my internet goes shitty I have my many hentai dvds to keep me entertained until my connection is good again.

Edit: If my laptop fucks up on me there is still the dvds lol so I am good plus I know where to get more if I am without a computer for a longer period of time.
My phone. My beautiful phone lets me on this site. I went Hentai-less for awhile. So, I just hopped on there and started enjoying myself. My PSP as well has some loaded on there as a back-up to my phone. Gaah~ I feel like such the Hentai nerd now, haha.
From my laptop to the bootleg DVD shops 100 meters from my dorm.
Room101 Waifu Collector
Exactly one opening browser page.

Unless I'm surfing on something else and suddenly desire hentai. Than it's the distance it takes my mouse to hit the Google page in my Bookmarks.
I usually bookmark some nice threads/sites/blogspots with the download links to great doujins, regularly checking if there's an update, once in a while, about 2-3 times per week.
high_time wrote...
I usually bookmark some nice threads/sites/blogspots with the download links to great doujins, regularly checking if there's an update, once in a while, about 2-3 times per week.

This ^
But I do it daily

Sakura avi BTW is nice
If my computer fails, I'll more than likely use a friends.
Half full external Terabite Hard drive >.> after all "the internet is for porn" well that and Piracy
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Before I started a scanlation team, I didn't go very far. In fact before I knew Fakku was even around I didn't even have a good source for doujinshi or h-manga. I only stumbled across Fakku on accident and struck gold. After that I started learning other sites as well.

With the scanlation team... hmm. I have 4 bookmarks on my toolbar for hentai alone. Then in my bookmarks I have various circles and other forums of h-manga and doujinshi.

I haven't actually used Winny or Share yet, but I did attempt at it last night (didn't get too far).

The farthest I've gone is transferring money via paypal to some people in Japan that I knew, or a friend knew and had them mail it to my house to scan.

I end up looking a lot at a different sources to keep my eyes out for potential projects, but before then I really never looked too much.
Some of my fetishes, or at least my obsession with them, necessitate some serious searching. I'll often find my way onto a random Japanese BBS or image site, guess my way through registration, and then click through links onto other sites and translate tags to find what I'm looking for. Goldmines maybe 20% of the time, massive wastes of time the other 80. :p
always got have the hentai on a backup drive or my ipods but if for some reson it all got deleted id go extreme lengths for hentai because there's nothing else like it in the world
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