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Oh hey, that's the same mechanical pencil I use. I have a couple of them, 0,5mm and 0,35 mm. You should try to find yourself a 0,35mm one. They're pretty rare, but so worth it. I only managed to find one this past year, and it's made me so happy ever since. You can stuff a ton of detail into your drawings without making them look like a smudge of grey. Also, using your drawing pencil for writing, why would you do that? :C

Also, it seems because of your post we've found a bug regarding spoilers. I'll notify jacob about it.

Anyways, I look forward to seeing improvements from you.
Hmm, just an advice though .... instead of directly tracing you can just draw the subject you want to copy without tracing and re-draw it many times to remember the pose/clothes/folds/features ... it works wonders, later on you can adjust by changing the dress or even changing the character with the same pose without needing to copy from a picture anymore XD ( it will be stored in your head ).

Sketching using circles/ovals works wonders =D ( true but repetitive )
i had a little trouble editing the my posts because i forgot to close a [ / spoil] or forgot to delete a spoil insert-er and i had spoil bar within spoil bars and you couldn't see a thing. Well anyway i managed to repair that messy part.

@Kuroneko1/2 a 3 and half millimeter mechanical pencil? gosh that must be sharp @w@ Well if i don't get the chance to get one of those I'll be satisfied thinning lines out in cs ^ ^

Oh i write with it too because it often looks better then with a pen and i can also erase it and it's better than using classic pencil (that needs sharpening a lot when writing [-.-'| )

I have this drawing i made here, after this reference
It's not really much, it's a doodle with emphasis on the eyes is all. It doesn't resemble the original much. And it's pretty bland I was thinking of doing more on it ...later

[edit] i made a second post insetad of editing so i deleted it, oopsy
Juggle wrote...
Hmm, just an advice though .... instead of directly tracing you can just draw the subject you want to copy without tracing and re-draw it many times to remember the pose/clothes/folds/features ... it works wonders, later on you can adjust by changing the dress or even changing the character with the same pose without needing to copy from a picture anymore XD ( it will be stored in your head ).
Sketching using circles/ovals works wonders =D ( true but repetitive )

well i do that too, i did that especially with rose flowers, if i could just find them on photobucket (i forgot my account xD)

mmm: the pencil one in this drawing was made after a real one, it's about...2 years ago in April i think
and this one here has no reference. It was last year in September when i was on my first day of school while waiting for the courses to start.

I tried a lot of different ways to make drawings. To simply try out how it's more comfortable
Xil Norse God of Sawdust
So much negative feedback on something so unnecessarily focused upon... In a world where everyone passively demands perfection, and the amount of publicly deemed 'original' art is already bursting at the seems, I think tracing is a perfectly fine hobby.

Sure, it would be nice if the original work was cited... but really now. How often is that a possibility? A great picture is made, set free into the internets, and spreads like the plague. If there was no legible signature to begin with, then it's limited to being just that: a great picture.
To go as far as claiming it as untalented and not something one should be proud of is uncalled for and untrue.

I, personally, am unable to drawn, color, paint, or trace. I've always wanted to, like pretty much anyone else would agree, however to date I'm unable. And as far as claiming I've any idea the difficulties in drawing/tracing this art, I'm also unable.
However, seeing someone else's work in one of the many aspects I'm not talented does impresses me. Even as simple as following a path already laid out, there are multiple ways to following the same path.

Long story short: I think you are quite good at what you've made, nadepsine. And I believe you should be proud of it.
The original art is represented wonderfully in the traces, and your own original work is refined, has depth, and is well proportioned. I really don't see a problem here.
Very much looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
welcome to the internet/real world...
i've been busy with school but guess what! School break! And how about i start with something i made today, yesterday and 2 days ago:

~ 80 Camelia

~ 76 Nauja

~ 30 Adante

~ 24 Csjeska
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