Do you like it when it rains?

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yes, I'm allergic to dust and when it rains the dust settles and I can breathe properly. So for me it's always sweet whit rain.
Neoro~n 友人A
「I love rain, it soothes me so much, perfect for drawing, music playing or reading in a relaxed atmosphere.」
Walk in it till it gets dark then drink some hot coffee.
Nope. For some reason, I get a headache when it rains.
I'm only happy when...

Only if I don't have to go out in it.
The sound of it hitting against me window is actually quite relaxing.
Rain is alright, but only for short periods of time or if it fits the mood
Kind of Important wrote...
Well, a side effect of being born in Washington state, is that you either learn to love the rain, or leave. Being that it will rain four days out of the week, every week.

So yeah, I sure do love when it rains.

Lucky lucky. I wish it'd rain 4 out of 7 days here. We're lucky to get it once a month. I'd settle for just some cloudy skies every now and then, the dreary grey is a real pick-me-up.
I always love the rain, even in the spring and fall when it seems dreary for days. Its just so refreshing. And I love falling asleep to the sound of it.
Sneakyone wrote...
Yes, I love it when it rains, its the best kind of weather.
I love the rain, but only when there's no lightning. Otherwise, I love taking walks in the rain. The feeling of getting completely soaked feels nice from time to time. If I have to stay inside, I always get really sleepy. My mind is normally calm when it rains heavily.
rain makes me sleepy so I can go to sleep easily

Giggity Giggity.
I don't mind the rain, sometimes it helps me to concentrate from time to time.

(Btw sorry I haven't been online for a few months all, had some family matters that I needed attending to)
I prefer chocolate rain...
I'm an indoors person so I like when it rains when I'm not working. I also love it when I'm sleeping.
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