Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Rewatched The Shawshank Redemption recently - 10/10. Though it was better the first time around.
re watched all Rambo movies.
9 / 10
senseless VIOLENCE FTW!!!
Scott Pilgrim vs the World - 8/10

Having read the books, I couldn't help comparing them. The faithfulness of some parts stunned me, with exact quotes from the books, while the differences tended to irk me.

Some parts were stretched out more than necessary, while others were rushed. Still, the action was good, and the acting was nice, though it took some time to get used to and, I have to admit, wasn't perfect.
Predator Movies Marathon

Forum Image: http://mediafireworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/predator_1987.jpg
Predator(1987) 10/10
the first is the best with Arnold at his best and gun blazing everywhere...favorite movie...plus the themes are awesome and memorable

Forum Image: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HHKeo53au3I/Tg2iy6PPKiI/AAAAAAAABD4/_au-_wWPcBk/s320/predator_two_ver1.jpg
Predator 2(1990) 8/10
many people said is a bad movie, bad acting though...but what the hell, at least it's better than 'cough'AVP'cough' and 'cough'AVP2'cough'

Forum Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/12/Predators_54632_glg.jpg/220px-Predators_54632_glg.jpg
Predators(2010) 7/10
more like a recycle of the first movie, but they did it well and i like it
2012 - 7.0/10

A Few Good Men - 10/10

Hobo With A Shotgun - 6.0/10
The last two films I have watched:

Captain America, 6/10.
Harry Potter 7 part 2, 7/10.
Cowboys Vs. Aliens- 8.5/10...a really enjoyable movie, both Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig peformed very well in this movie.
Cowboys and Aliens - 8.0/10
Harry potter part 2 8.5/10

Transformers 3 8.5/10
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/589112-B5ZPIF8.jpg

Captain America 9/10

look like what it takes to be a hero as the 1st avenger
enjoyable and entertaining action hero movie you dont wanna miss before the avengers initiative coming out next year 2012 cant wait with all star cast XD
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/589187-QR1FZ50.jpg

Insanely funny and crazy superhero movie
8/10 A must see you like hero movies like Scott Pigrim & Kickass
re-watched tremors - 9.0
Catcher wrote...
Fucking Michael Bay - 2/10

It would seem that you do not enjoy big fighting robots.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Captain America 9/10

He had a date :(
Captain America 7/10
ImperialX wrote...
Catcher wrote...
Fucking Michael Bay - 2/10

It would seem that you do not enjoy big fighting robots.

I like them just fine. I just don't like giant fighting robots put up against a horribly written script, mediocre acting, and bad direction overall.
Cowboys and Aliens.

Dumb, nonsensical and fun. The best kind of summer movie where you can turn off your brain and enjoy explosions and manly things.
Limitless: 7/10
Total crap science, otherwise not a bad movie at all (not like it was supposed to be taken seriously or anything). Drugs are the answer to unlock higher brain function!?! So every PSA announcement ever is wrong...
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon - 8.5/10
I enjoyed it, but I want more story!
AMAZING. I love it. I love the vibe of it. My friend and I were going to watch Daywatch too, but he had annoying subs with it.
I ordered both movies just a couple days ago off Amazon.