What if Einstein was wrong?

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So the fella's at CERN finally made a physical object move faster than light, they think. If this proves to be true, then they'll proven Einsteins theory wrong, and with that nullified basically all theories that has spawned from it.

Eh... so what?
Well, it would bring around a major change in the way we'll have to think about natural laws.

I guess I hoped for too much when I thought people on a hentai forum would realize how huge this actually is.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Everything is gonna be divided by zero...

@Chlor Bring it into the SD section.

and honestly how many people here actually understands Einsten's theory of relativity. and this news is basically not "highschool" Level anymore.

So, it's not because of it's a hentai site.
I even bet that both my mother and father who both graduated university won't even understand it.
There's a difference in understanding the actual implications it might have, and understand what a huge step in science, and the magnitude of the discovery. I don't understand the finer points either, I'm no scientist.

I didn't put it in the SD forum because it really doesn't opens up for a proper discussion, and neither does it feel like SD material really, not until we have more data to go by.
Sooo, does it mean time travel, gundam creation and gn drive is actually possible?

"It's important to make clear is that nobody is claiming a discovery, or any contradiction with relativity," explained Gillies. "The OPERA experiment has a measurement they can't account for, so they're opening it up for further scrutiny, and hopefully an independent measurement from another lab."

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/NnDXn.gif
time to throw away our old physics books. well maybes
Wait ... if that happens, Relativity is basically wiped out. An object can't go faster than light, as light is the speed limit of the universe. Now, logically it makes sense, so, I'm not sure how they could make one. But if they did, time travel is actually possible ( Not that it wasn't before, since they could make minute particles close to the speed of light, so that their erosion rate actually slows down, say, a particle exists for 2 seconds. Bu, after putting it in an particle accelarator, it existed for 4 seconds, in a way, traveled to the future in 2 sec.), where you can go in the past ... till the period where the 'time machine' existed. Hopefully, this news is true ... though, I don't think it is.
mibuchiha Fakku Elder
Let's just wait until others confirm it independently. Also, since it is neutrino, I'd say all the fishier. We can't even accurately measure its mass yet.
Then Dr. Wernstrom was correct!
Anesthetize wrote...
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/NnDXn.gif

They released a response to this news:

Forum Image: http://zs1.smbc-comics.com/comics/20110922.gif

And here's another related comic:

Forum Image: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/neutrinos.png

^Take note of the part where it points out that even if this is true, relativity won't be thrown out of the window.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I'm still a little skeptic on this.....But I will admit that does seem pretty cool.
They ruined science forever.

Nice job, Einstein.

This is why I like Schrondinger, lots of room for interpretation.
So what, science formulas are meant to be disproved and updated, if that didn't happen we would all still think that the sun revolved around the earth.
Well, for the moment, my mind is blown. We'll see what they have to say at the press conference tomorrow. I'm so psyched.
Kind of Important A ray of Tsunlight.
Welcome to science. Even one of the smartest guys ever can be wrong. Simply update the theory, and move on. (Hence the word theory.)
Then the Star Trek universe is one step closer to being a reality.
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