Meaning of your name

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Well, after some research, I learned that my last names mean "the wealthy and vigilant" and "of high nobility"

So, my full name means, "the powerful leather worker leader of wealth, vigilance and nobility"

So, for conversation, if you know what your name means, let's hear it.
My first name means strength/noble in Irish gaelic.
Not sure about the last name.
my first name means "dweller near the brushwood hill."
Last name: "the one who lives at the curve in the road"

...This makes me sound like a bum.
First name: He will enlarge
Last name: ill-favored or asshole.
Okay then. my first name is "Mochure" after translating it the meaning would be "Famous" or "well-known".
Last name: I am not sure myself.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
First name derives from the hebrew saying "One who is like God".

Surname I had to do some research on. It derives from either Boxhill, a place between Surrey and Wiltshire, or from Boxwell in Gloucester. Both in England. The origin of the name Boxwell originates the Olde English pre 7th Century meaning for "box" meaning "box tree", plus "wella" a spring or stream, or in the case of Boxhill, "box" plus "hyll".

Fun fact: Locational surnames like mine were first used by the more important people but were later used by people who moved to another area in search of work, and they were identified by these surnames because of their birthplace.

So, by this logic, my entire name means "One who is like God, who was born in Boxhill/Boxwell"
My immediate family are the only people in the ENTIRE USA who share that name.

Then, my relatives(I use that word loosely) in Germany have a totally different style of spelling it. It was an uphill battle trying to figure it out.

On my father's side, there are about a dozen different ways it's been used over the last few hundred years. I just used the definition of the most recent.
Mine is "Protector" or "Protector of the weak". Its origin is English.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
VotableDrWhat wrote...
My immediate family are the only people in the ENTIRE USA who share that name.

Mine, or were you talking to someone else?
Gravity cat wrote...
VotableDrWhat wrote...
My immediate family are the only people in the ENTIRE USA who share that name.

Mine, or were you talking to someone else?

Bah! I thought I worded that weirdly. I meant my last name.

I think over the course of my life, I've heard it pronounced two dozen different ways.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
VotableDrWhat wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
VotableDrWhat wrote...
My immediate family are the only people in the ENTIRE USA who share that name.

Mine, or were you talking to someone else?

Bah! I thought I worded that weirdly. I meant my last name.

I think over the course of my life, I've heard it pronounced two dozen different ways.

Oh! I get ya. I know how that feels, my surname gets both pronounced wrong, and SPELT wrong. Fucking annoying...
My first name translates to "Defender of Man", so that one is somewhat easy to figure out.
My last name translates to "Son of Wolves", and is not as of obvious to figure out.

Forum Image:
"God's promise". Yep.
Hanasaku i should just die
[ My first name ]meaning magic dignity, or venerable.

My last name; 唐 in Chinese, is the one of the dynasties of China (most often stated the most successful)
[color=red]My First name means Wind or Breeze.
I'm not sure with the meaning of my last name.
my first name means- God Will Increase
origin is Biblical/Hebrew

there is no meaning for my last name.
[color=#006FFF]First name: Warlike (Latin origin)
Last name: Cheerful (English origin)
First name = Round, gentle,
Last name = at the ash tree
[font=comic sans ms] My first name origin Hebrew, Who is like god. (wait what so does that mean I'm like God?)

My last name is apparently of Northern German descent,topographic name for someone who lived by a small pool. ( I never lived by one at all...)
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