Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs or dubs?

Total Votes : 5,213
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Both man, here. Some shows have terrible dubs and I'll prefer the subs, but sometimes it's just the other way around. I know some hardcore sub fans and others who are typically more casual and prefer only to watch dubs.

Which do you prefer and why?
in hentai i for one cant stand dubs i mean damn do we ever suck at voice overs leave it to the professionals and let it be spoken the way it was ment to be

but anime i kinda flip flop from time to time like DBZ is way better in english cuz of that epic KA MAY HA MAY HA just sounds so beast but then you get some shit like naruto where they just ruin it and you go back to jap
Why would you even want dubs? Because you are too lazy to read? I don't really see the reason why, even if somebody would say "personal preference".
i go for both because to me some of the anime sound a lot better when there dubbed
I love how Dub has votes at all XD
I stick with subs because after a wile of watching dubs you start to notice its the same group of voice actors doing all the anime dubs.
I watch both.
I'm going to have to go with subs because some dubs are just unbearable to hear.
In hentai, definitely subs. In anime, I used to like dubs just because it was more easy to relax to. Now I question how I liked it at all.
Hentai = Subs
Anime = Depends, but usually dubs. The only anime so far where I actually had to watch subbed was Love Hina because the English VA's were so awful. DBZ I watched dubbed, I couldn't stand Goku's high pitched voice.
I usually do subs, just because I've heard more bad dubs than good ones, and I like to see how much Japanese I can pick up on.
But I don't mind dubs on Cowboy Bebop, I've never done subs on Studio Ghibli films. Yeah, Studio Ghibli. Even Kiki's Delivery Service. Problem?
it does depend. some dubs i absolutely CANNOT STAND, but there are a lot of really good ones.
SUBTITLE! i enjoy more reading it, than listening to a crappy dub,im not from japan but i enjoy there voices and how they act through anime

Only on very rare occasions do I like dubs, and even then I typically run multiple audios with soft-subs so I can listen to whichever version I want at the time.
I have to go with subs sounds better but DBZ dub is way better
Subs. Mainly for the chance to look for any spelling or translation errors during the show.
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
There are times where dubs are clearly superior in my eyes. Like when you hear the original audio of a character that's just so annoying, sometimes it might sound better in English.
i vote for subs...

the only anime for me that had good dubs are Rurouni Kenshin, Gundam Seed, and Gudam Wing...
other anime that i have watched with dubs so far sucked...

so, my vote is for subs...
Subs. Because I just really see no point in dubs. :I
Almost always subs for me, except for the few which are better dubbed