Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs or dubs?

Total Votes : 5,213
Subs are much better for my opinion and i respect the original language of it too because some dub change the word or meaning in subs and somehow there voice in dub are kinda a little awkward or just plain retarded(sorry for the insult there) so im happy with subs ^^

I feel that keeping with the original Japanese audio maintains the feeling the series was meant to have. after watching a series completely with subs, and then watching it again in dubs just doesn't have the same impact as the original audio.

Of course, you have to take the good with the bad when it comes to subs, and subs that are just plain terrible ruin an otherwise potentially enjoyable series.
Subs over dubs all the way. Anything dubbed destroys my frame of mind.
Subs, just easier. Hear it how it was meant to be, not some crap dubs/same voice actors for every anime.
I choose subs.
To me it always feels like something is lost when something is changed from it's original language. Also with dubs you can get monstrosities like the Clannad English dub...
Sadly, I'm probably one of the people that likes Dubs because Reading subs can detract from the film being watched (like the artistic detail that goes into each frame)... but Subs are nice for TV anime and such.
if their is a dub of it I'll watch it first. I find it easier to enjoy the actual video and sometimes with minor characters or ones with similiar voices in subs i don't know who's talking, and depending on the group who subbed it, the sub can be really strange.
I usually look for dubs first, unless the dub is terrible in which case I don't mind subs. With subs, I just find it difficult to read and keep up with the action, and I find myself moreso paying attention to what's being said as opposed to how it's being said. I don't put too much stock into the idea that just because a series isn't in its original language, it automatically loses all of its original feeling it intended to impress upon the viewer; I have more faith in English VAs than that. I also guess I'm just not that picky.
I prefer subs. Not all but most dubs are really poor. Lacks emotion IMO.
Raised on Subs, will always be my #1.
Subs. one way a around we can learn other language ha ha.. original dubs are more ecchi i guest.. or better, a dual language option >:-D ho ho ho
U know i always keep on hearing how people who prefer Subs and hate Dubs are known as Japanophiles...but to me it like so wat!! i liked both subs and dubs.
Subtitled only for me, no English voice actor could ever be as perfect for the role a Japanese voice actor fills.
Why was there no raw option
[size=10] I'm surprise there were even 4% of people who liked dubs. They're just awful. Basically the same dozen or so english speaking voice actors just used over and over again. Especially when Funimation get's their grubby hands on an anime and proceed to absolutely ruin it with a romanization. [/h]
Hands down and no competition, subs will always be better. Having the original voice go along with the words is always a better and satisfying feeling.
I like both, there are certainly a number of very well done dubs out there, I honestly don't understand how people are so ideologically opposed to dubs, when there are quite a few good ones out there. I'll be there first to admit that some are terrible and take away tremendously from certain shows (Elfen Lied, Clannad, etc.) But shows like Mushi-shi, FMA: Brotherhood, Spice and Wolf, they're incredibly well done. And quite frankly I like to multi-task, which is damn near impossible with subs, I can't just put on a show while I'm doing other things, I have to set aside hours to watch anime and I'll do it, but if I can watch a dub with the same quality then I'll always opt for it.
I watch dubs when there aren't spanish sub versions of it because the video was deleted or something (Just happened to me with some cap of Angel Beats)So i prefer subs
Subs are more true to the original intent of the artist, dubs often change the dialog to fit the movements or timing, other times its to change a Japanese reference or joke or sometimes censoring what might be profane in our culture. Another problem is often when its dubbed, its also shorten to fit American broadcasts which have a couple minutes shorter time for a show.
I saw Ran once and I was not yet used to the idea of Subtitles, and could tolerate even the worst dubs, such as the ones that used to air on Saturday in the late 70's early 80's. I watched Ran with subtitles and enjoyed it greatly, it got me on a kick of other foreign films. Then I saw it again and was ready to enjoy it dubbed....It took so much away, it made me sad. I couldn't believe how much it ruined the film, how it was so far from the richness that I remembered....
Dubbing has gotten better over the years, but its still suffers its inherent problems. I can tolerate dubbing, but when I see something dubbed that I like, I am inspired to find it subtitled.
Vote for subs. Japanese audio sounds better for me.
Monster Girl
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