Do you prefer reading fiction or non-fiction?

Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

Total Votes : 3,235
Fiction...................since it makes me wish reality was the fictional world instead of the fictional world being fictional....
I prefer Non Fiction so that I can relate with the characters (Slice-of-Life) But does those with a few hints of supernatural phenomenon considered as Fiction already if its just a few flashy flashy?
Fiction, for sure! Time Traveling paradox anime series <3 I prove my point :P
Xil Norse God of Sawdust
I'm with the majority on this one... which is quite an oddity o.o

Fictional writings ftw!
Fiction, for without fiction I would not have FAKKU!
All these people counting "slice-of-life" or "partially fiction" as non-fiction are pretty funny.

Same with those who are 'surprised' that the majority of Fakku voters submitted 'fiction'.

If anyone needs a reminder, the actual definition for "Non-fiction" is on the first post of this thread, i.e. pretty much everything on this site would be classified as fiction.


wtf? How do I have "151" posts?
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
going to go with fiction with book's like Harry potter' Star war' gears of war and Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.
Personally I enjoy fiction that is in the realm of reality . . .
Fiction is better because we can i imagine many things which don't happen in our lifes, and it give pleasure
Fiction is great cuz ppl can use their imaginations , have fun with it, and come up with some crazy stuff :P
I gotta go with fiction, just for the books of the Black Company. They are just down to the mercs who do what they are told what to do, and they aren't princes or heros, they're just trying to live to see tomorrow.
I think that's all I have to say..... Maybe?
Almost every thing contains elements of fiction if you think about it...because even when someone writes something to be factual they almost inevitably incorporate bias or errors based on their view point or understanding of the subject.

That said, fiction with a good story line that pulls elements of reality into it in a believable way (ie setting, time of setting, maybe some historical scenario that plays a part in the story, laws of physics) can be really awesome, but so can something that seems to have no sane connections to reality like FLCL.
Non-Fiction is the world we live in.
Fiction is the world I want to live in.
Gotta go with fiction on this
I chose fiction, well I dont really need to explain it do I?
Non fiction is better Imo.
if i liked non fiction do you think i would be reading manga?
I prefer fiction most of the times...
I am huge fan of both Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I also enjoy reading Horror novels, or ones that blow my mind.
Fiction: That's why I'm here.