What if you walked in on sex?

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What would you do if you walked in on sex?

Total Votes : 92
Whether it's your friends or parents having non cheating sex with each other, what would you do if you opened that door and saw them doing the dirty deed?

Personally, I wouldn't know as my mind would blank out and I'd only figure out my reaction afterwards. Oh, well... at least I got a glimpse at how I got concieved...

But it's not something you want to see at fifteen years of age.

Yep... inspired by another topic this one.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
This really depends on who I walk in on.
Immediately shut my eyes, walk out and close the door behind me. Then proceed to leave and act natural the next time I see them. Shit happens, I don't need to add to the trauma by losing my shit.
I leave as if nothing happened. If I really don't give a fuck I'll just get whatever I need and then leave as if I saw nothing.
My scenarios...
1 Girl, 1 Guy - Tell him "Is it my turn yet?" (Awkwardly walk away)
2 Girls - Ask them "Room for 1 more?" (Then slowly lock the door behind me)
2 Guys - Yell "How DAFUQ you get here?" (Then awkwardly walk away)
To be honest I would just stare and walk out.
if i walked in on parents then i would turn around, run to the kitchen and find a utensil to gouge my eyes out.

if anybody else i will just stand there watching and enjoy myself maybe give some pointers.
It would really depend on who it is. But it would mostly just be walk in ,stare like 1 second. Walk out.
I'd joke about the whole thing honestly, if it was one of my friends.

If it was my parents...I'd get the hell out and bleach my brain.
Stylish-End wrote...
It would really depend on who it is. But it would mostly just be walk in ,stare like 1 second. Walk out.
I would probably walk in and then stand there like a idiot and leave the room.
If friends, room for one more?

If parents, I would say there aren't any pelicans.
My dad is a bunch of ashes, so yeah. And even if he wasn't, i would just walk away and act normally next time i see them.

If it were some friends, walk out, and next time i see them probably make fun of them for not locking the door or something.
If they were my parents i would walk backwards open a phonebook and call a hypnotherapist.
Step back and close the door.
Then continue on with life.
Hmmm....I've walked in on parents before and all I could think of was...Yes!!! not because I wasn't traumatized but because my you know *wink*, was far bigger than my dads and it changed the status of "Man" of the house....but I also didn't sleep for two days...o_O
Clearly, I unzip my pants and start beating like mad until they stop, cause that's just how I roll.

Or they would throw things at me until I left, which I would likely just do
If it was my parents run away...seriously, just the thought of it is ewwww.

If its friends then it depends. I might walk away, or just make witty comments until they make me leave
Doesn't matter who so much as where, for me. If it were in my room I'd be like "Get the fuck out."; if I walked in to someone elses room I'd just walk out, or if it was a public place I'd act as if nothing was happening.
Probably for anyone, realise what's happening... go 'Oh shit, sorry.' and walk out again.
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