Why would a Mom beat her own 8 month old child?

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The horrible video you will see and rage out of your seat.

I saw a random video in Youtube just now and found a link regarding a Malaysian Mother beating her own 8 month old baby, it was all just people making videos of commenting it.

However I was curious to see if it was true, and decided to search, I found the web and what I saw was the most horrible video I have seen between a mom and her baby yet.


Words cannot describe what I just felt, tears came out, goosebumps outta control, and I just wanted to kill the damn bitch.

Is this really a frequent thing?
Can this really be true?

I hoped it was a mechanical toy or something but it wasn't, it was a creature made of flesh and blood who was crying, and the mom beat it senseless.

I can't tell you how much this upsets me.

But since this is a thread I should ask you this:

How should the bond between a mother and a baby should look like?

What are your ways of raising a child? ( If you had one )
Saw the first minute, and clicked out and felt rage within me. Words can't describe what I am feeling now, really I can't say anything about this case.

A bond between a child and a mother should be that equal to the universe and everything positive inside it. My mother treated me very well in my young age, and she kindly punished me and taught me the values of a behaved child and also the value of a women in life, because of her I am now a decent lady with proper manners.

If I had a child I would raise it the same way my mother raised me, good knowledge and love should be passed on to the next mother to take care of her child, personally for me that is the law of the universe within a woman's universe.

You have my answer to this matter, but still, I know there are women who slap them from time to time so they can shut up. ( Not in a harsh matter )
But to actually beat them senseless and act as if there is no care in the world, I thought there were limits in us, but apparently there is no such as limits, or even love within her.

I am gonna show this to my mother, she will be displeased and probably hold me tight in her arms.
I dont even want to watch the video.
A mother should raise a child, how a mother should. Caring for him/her and wanting the best.
Ways for raising a child, I dont have one but maybe in the future.
ShadowXan wrote...
If I had a child I would raise it the same way my mother raised me, good knowledge and love should be passed on to the next mother to take care of her child, personally for me that is the law of the universe within a woman's universe.

Some laws don't apply to people who are not "spiritually" human. I believe you get the idea now of what I mean by that.

My Mom whupped my butt when I was young and it was painful, but it was nonetheless her way of teaching me the ways of a proper young boy. Without my Mom I would have become a drug addict under the world we live in today.
Unfortunately my brother and I were subject to this 'method'.
I consider it most ineffective.

A parent should never touch their child in anger. Whether you like it or not, you are responsible for every aspect of their development. They're depending on you, as a parent to shape their reality. Their expectations. Their responses to positive and negative stimuli. Abuse hardwires a child for that pain. You're not effectively fixing any defect or inappropriate behavior, you're destroying a person..

That being said, I'm not the type of person that would be a lenient parent, either. I feel, as a person... that if I were to be responsible for another human being, that I would have to apply logic and objectivity to as many areas of child-rearing as is appropriate. Obviously there are some situations where my own moral views may affect my actions... I've talked to a lot of people, and it seems best that in matters of parenting.. It's important to be as rational as possible -- to become as emotionally detached from your own inclinations/expectations of the child and simply try to show them how to be a healthy adult.

Nurturing your child into a healthy, productive adult is your top priority. And, I'm sorry but.. abuse has never made for any healthy adults. Neither has coddling or lipservice.

You set a gold standard. A child will automatically be programmed to believe that the behaviors you teach them are 'normal'. They will develop around this basis.

That being said, it's your job as a parent to make sure that the 'normal' you show them is as close to their best possible interest as you can manage. There's a lot they need to learn, and it's your job to make sure it'll serve them optimally in their adult life.

That being said.. Parents should consider the world their children is growing up in as well. Traditional/conservative views are simply not going to serve as much of a purpose in our changing world as a more enlightened, worldly, possibly even secular approach would.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
A fine example of a mother rejecting her child. Happens all the time in nature. It's the result of the mother not properly bonding with the child.

Bitch shouldn't regain custody of her kid. Not mentally mature enough
Gravity cat wrote...
Bitch shouldn't regain custody of her kid. Not mentally mature enough.

Exactly, why would the judge even consider that.

I cannot believe, she only got 18 months in jail and that is still not enough, I would give her 5 years of jail, then 2 years in mother therapy where she can learn the proper basics, and then 3 years of hard labor on a farm taking care of pigs and cows. That would sum up to 10 years of suffering.

I know it doesn't sound enough, but I have to hold myself back too, because I am a girl after all.
They should hang her. We have the death penalty here in Malaysia. Let her be hanged for it. Abuse of a baby is one of the most atrocious acts you can carry out as a person. How can you even think of hitting and abusing such a young and defenseless little thing? What is the world coming to? *shudders*

A bond between a parents and child might not have to be the most beautiful thing in the universe but I do know that parents should care for their child. If the child is misbehaving, then it is the responsibility of the parent to correct that and right the wrong of the child. I mention parents because this is not only concerning mothers. Parents have a joint responsibility for the upbringing and welfare of a child.
I will not endorse this by watching it. Ugh...

That said, lightly spanking one's child is okay, though by no means ideal... BEATING and lashing/whipping/smacking/etc. a child, or anyone, is NOT.
I just don't understand how a mother can do such cruel things. You carry around this child for 9 months, you go threw the pains of birth, care of it, pay for the child, and then turn around and beat it?

It's one thing to spank a toddler or an older kid, but to hit a little baby? What exactly is that going to do? "Teach them a lesson?"

People like this are just horrible. Your suppose to love and care for your baby. I mean really...
Tegumi "im always cute"
Boy, I hate mothets. Why do moths need special phrases to describe them, anyway? They're just insects.
Legendary_Dollci wrote...

But since this is a thread I should ask you this:

How should the bond between a mother and a baby should look like?

What are your ways of raising a child? ( If you had one )

I wanna kill that bitch..

I live in the country just next to Malaysia, and yeah it's true that some parents who are living in poverty, distressful daily lives as it was, tend to be rough on their own child. You wouldn't believe it but it happens, News says that a Mother killed her own child and vice versa is damn highly frequented, mutilated babies, throw outs, babies sold for money, ect. ect.

The bond between a mother and a child should append to their goals, loving each other and pure openness, period

If I had a child? I don't know yet, but I'll try my best and NEVER EVER hit my own child without motherfucking taut reason.
This was some of the most fucked up shit I've ever seen in my damn life. Seriously, would you beat your child lake that...and for no fucking reason? What the hell did the baby do to deserve abuse like that? Two words: not shit.

Dumb fucks like her shouldn't even be allowed to have kids if they're just going to do that.
I managed to sit through the whole video but every ounce of strength went in to not click out. Honestly, This person is an odious cur of the highest god damn order right now. I mean for fuck sake, the baby STILL tried to crawl to the comfort of her aggressor for some form of protection. Having watched that, only to see it get pushed away and beaten some more, I just about fucking had it. It is a shame to see such an act only get 18 months in prison, because if this were America, god help her. She probably would have already been killed by mobs of adults doing the very thing to her except with bats and other blunt objects.

I agree with the rest of the users, a mothers bond, hell, a bond with any human being that is raised from birth should be done with the utmost respect for him or her as a person. I am having chills right now trying to finish this, god damn, Darwin's Natural Selection would be wise in kicking in right now.
I should punch that mothet in the abdomen. Fucking mothets with their stupid names and beating kids 'n' shit.
But in seriousness, when she 'pinched' the babies arms and legs, I thought she was breaking them, which made me feel a lot of hatred, but found out it was pinching... so not as bad, but still pretty surprised.

Somebody smack that bitch up.
You dont have a clue what people to children behind closed doors.
WE LOVE wincest but hate stuff like this to kids but is it all the same.
No parent should attack their child but you CANT pick your parents.
Tegumi wrote...
Boy, I hate mothets. Why do moths need special phrases to describe them, anyway? They're just insects.

They are lovely insects, that's why.
Sadly this is a frequent thing, and sadly only a few cases are found out by the child abuse associations.

Only in the US there is an average of ten thousand beaten children, that no one knows about.

We be a sick, violent race.
Like some of you said, that mother deserves much much worse than prison. I've experienced that pinching myself(when i was 7 to 10) and it is really painful. Well if that baby will have any memory of this when he grows up, he'll turn into a broken human being - psychopath or a killer or just depressed with a psychological trauma ... but as far as i know babies fortunately can't remember anything.
Regarding how mothers should behave : they should protect their children with their own life even if they have done bad things but that unfortunately is how they "SHOULD" behave and in many cases it's not how they do.
Damn reading all these comments on the article and thread made me scared to watch the video.
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